ok my friends Hitashi, Natsu, Kishio and i were at our local library taking out graphic novels when we were talking and Kishio dared Hitashi to go in the guys b-room and yes Hitashi is a guy and then she asked if the boys b-room was better then the girls and he was like well we do have these fountains and we started to laugh and Kishio asked why there was one out here also and we all started to laugh and yes we do know what those"fountains" really are any way we told Natsu of our talk and we headed over to a wall of books and laugh about the titals like we cam across women, hormones and the menistration cycle and one called period. and a bunch more then we found a childrens book were this kid had a bunch of dinosaurs on him and we were like looks like those dinosaurs are naughty and things like that it was all very hilariouse and my friend Yoru and i were at the park with Kishio and we all wanted to stay later so Kishio and i said we were stay at Yoru's to eat and she said she was eating at my house and her mom called mine and then i called my mom and i was like ummmm hi and she was like hi Kahimi and i said hi and it all went pretty ok but i was scared she was gunna get mad sweatdrop blaugh sweatdrop but it was still funny bye
XxThe-Taste-Of-SinxX · Thu May 19, 2005 @ 03:35am · 2 Comments |