well i just made a profile for little star she is cat metioned in sailor starrainbow's profile.
name:little star
age:0 she is kitten
bio:she is Stacey or know as princess starlady's kitten form there home planet. she is form planet mau at birth she was taken form mau. at the age of 6 week's old. by queen angle star she wanted her little girl to have a pet. so she would be kind to all liveing thing's at a yougen age. she ask sailor mau her self if it was all right to take the this kitten. to give her a new home and some one to love her. sailor mau said yes to the idea cause she knew. that queen angle star was a good person and there home planet did not have any sailor's scout liveing around there home. the only scout's she knew that even lived close to the planet was the now former sailor scout's at the time. but they did not know about them as of yet. little star was a happy kitten and loved to be by her princess side. that is untill they were sent to earth and she got lost not knowing were to find her princess at. she now wonder's the street's of Tokyo looking for her princess. she some time's change's in to her human former but only if she thinks she see's her princess. ((this is my first time doing a bio for her.))
cat app:

human app:

but with white hair and grey eye's. but still has the rainbow star on her fore head. oh and star earing's.((yes she does look like a five year old even if she is not in her kitten former. sorry i hope you don't mind i changed this to human cause she does not know how to fight.))
wepons:none does not know how to fight. ((please note that a friend of mine that own's. the rp i am in right now edit that pic of chibi chibi in photo shop for me.))