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the woes of teenage death angel


Well…first off if your into happy ending this is no for you. People take things for advantage that are considered “normal things, well what if all those things disappear. This is not a tale of a teenage drama queen or prom queen, there may or may not be a happy ending to this story, this is a tale of a teenage death angel.

Beeping of an alarm clock, dogs barking, parents screaming, stereo blaring, and the phone ringing these are the sounds telling me to wake up it’s time to go to hell. As I open my eyes I am blinded by the light causing me to stumble out of bed tripping all over the stuff on my floor in my cluttered room. Getting ready in the morning is not hell it is the road to hell.

Walking into big glass and steal doors, looking in on the bustling , loud animals that we call teenagers. This may not be the hell you are thinking of with fire and molting pit of lava, cave like walls but this is indeed hell.

Ring of fire… and molting pit of lava

The first thing that happens is you are at mercy to the fire, yelling, loud animals that are running around like they are on fire with their heads cut off. There are only a few “people to talk to but I’d rather escape that madness and go to my first hour class with Ella She is one of my good friends and first off thinking you’ll say there would never go together. I mean… A 5’8”, gothic, dark, satanic looking, pale, black hair, dark thick eye and lip make up, metal head girl does not look like it would go with a 5’5”, colorful, preppyish girl. For us two there is more in common than what meets the eye. As for me my name is Ellie yes that is how I spell it and yes that is my name. It may not be the best name but it is a name. Lockers… a break from the heat, where friends gather to pick up a couple of things and leave. Walking to the Japanese room, an oasis in that god forsaken place.

Sensei is one of my favorite teachers. At the beginning of the day I would quickly talk to her then continue to talk to Ella. In that class are one of her good friends and just one of my friends Gina, but she doesn’t appear much in this tale so in other words she doesn’t matter.

Hearing the bell that signals a minute before class, always interrupting my conversations I walk to first hour, to the hell of a class.


Deathistry also known as Chemistry. Well what to say about that’s class. I HATE THAT CLASS!!!!!!!!!!! THE TEACHER IS TOO PREPPY, I HATE OVER HALF THE STUDENTS, I AM ALWAYS ASLEEP IN THERE, I DON’T KNOW HOW BUT I CAN SLEEP AND TAKE NOTES THAT’S HOW BORING IT IS!!!!!!!!! I HATE THAT CLASS I AM ALWAYS ASLEEP!! SO I REMEMBER NOTHING!!!!!!!!! Besides that there is nothing else to say besides it should blow up or something. Well this is the shortest chapter ever.


Getting out of that hell on Earth, waiting in the hallway for Ella, Gar damn she is so slow, we need to like set her on fire so she’ll RUN! AAAAAHHHHH I can hear random people screaming, yelling, shouting for no reason pushing, shoving just to get threw what the hell is this shut up you need to… ummm. Do this thing called shut up! Talking with Ella is always a joy though.

We walk around making fun of everything and everyone possible on our way to algebra II, we have 3 classes in a row together 3 passing periods, 18 minutes a lot can be said right there. Well were rushing to get to math but it is no big deal.

Algebra isn’t a bad class, it is actually really easy for me not Ella this is her second time in this class. Algebra is like the ashes underneath the fire, although it maybe literally on the second floor. Although I am good at math I do not like the teacher he treats us as if we are still in middle school. That class goes by fast! Talking to Ella during time in which me can writing notes, short stories , poems and drawing pictures are all ways fun. Then that god forsaken bell rings!

Walking out of the door waiting for Ella to catch up she is so slow still! Then our friend Alice is in the room next to us, she is slower than Ella what the hell is this SPEED UP ALREADY!!! Well once she is there we walk with her down the stairs into the history hall way all three of our next classes are in.

Finding this little cubby thing for doors that are leading out to the court yard. We stand there talking for the four minutes we have left before class. Then when the minute bell rings we head off in opposite directions for our classes.

Walking into world hell is hell, it is also known as world geo. I HATE THIS CLASS!!!!!!!!!!! Why do you need a wall big world map with four clocks on it with different times. OH MY GOD THE TICKING IS GOING TO DRIVE ME CRAZY!!!

All I hear is clocks ticking, people whispering and my pen gliding across the paper, OH MY GOD BELL RING ALREADY, the finally it did. THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Journalism, ceramics lunch, and Japanese a break from hell!

Well after that godforsaken hour, me and Ella walk down to journalism. Journalism is always fu, I am always laughing in that class. Ella is also in that class with me.
Next is lunch, yay break for the day!!! I have my friends Alice, Meg, Ree, Mat, and Pat in my lunch, so it is great talking to them all! But besides that not much to say
Next I have ceramics. I am good at art but it dries out my hands. Yes it is sad. It’d fun but I don’t have any friends in there.

JAPANESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS CLASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another one of my good friends Alex is in there! I LOVE HIM, not like that though hid girlfriend is Alice. My friends Leigh, Katie, and Reece is in there too. Reece is also known as Ree, I LOVE HER TO SHE IS LIKE A SISTER TO ME! Well I have already told you about sensei. There is not much more to say
Those are the parts of the day I love the most as you can tell.

English… fading away
Going to English with Alex… is pretty much run down the hall way as fast as you can, shoving people into the wall, and trying to get across the school. Well once I get to English can not feel my feet. I sit two seats in front of my friend Jon. I am barrowing his manga … I have to give that back sometime soon.
While sitting in that god forsaking class, I look up and around at the class. I can hear the teacher still talking but I can not see him , eventually his voice just fades away and so does everyone else till no one is there. The building is weathering away, as parts of the ceiling falls down I run out of the room down the hallway out of the school. The entire school was like that running outside, everything was like that. I fell on my knees as I watched everything turn to gray.

wings from above fall down on me

I did not know what was going on nor did I want to, I just wanted to leave it as I was in a bad dream. I didn’t just stay a bad dream at a moment I felt a sharp pain in my back, I fell on my hands as the pain grew, then I closed my eyes and after a couple minutes the pain was gone. I opened my eyes and there were the tips to big, black, beautiful, angel wings in my face and I could still feel the blood dripping down my back on my now torn clothing.

While I am down on hands and knees I can feel a couple of drops of blood creep around my clothing. In an instant my cloths started changing into a leather like knee high boots, a leather like black mini skirt, a black and gray corset, back fingerless gloves and a black choker. My eyes shadow and liner stayed the same and my hair grew from it’s original shoulder length to mid back it became super straight started to grow down to my lower back and pure white streaks started to grow in.
The dripping of blood went away and I stood up, unsteady at first then I was balanced. I jumped up and I was able to fly but as I was I noticed that my eyes where going dark, everything became black and I could see nothing. At that moment I quickly landed and laid down on the grown and as I laid thereon the ground I thought about everything that was happening. I wishes it was a bad dream but at this point I knew it was.

A hope a light in all darkness

In all darkness and silence, there was a voice, a nice soothing voice, the voice was that of a male.
He said, “Ellie…Ellie are you still there.”
“Yes, and who are you? How do you know me?”
“I am an angel of death just like you, but like me that is not only who you are.”
“That doesn’t tell me your name or who you are, it doesn’t tell me anything.”
“I’m sorry, I am the angel of death Eric.”
“Oh, why can’t I see?”

“You haven’t opened your angel eyes yet, they will become different from your regular eyes.”
As I slowly opened my eyes I saw him. He had long straight black hair, about mid back, black eye liner and eye shadow, a long black leather like trench coat, no shirt with a nice pack, black pants and black boots. Oh my god he is so hot! He was reaching his hand out for me to help me up on my feet.
“thank you” I shyly said
“No problem”
“Is this really life to put it as.”
“No, this is the world of dead souls.”
“Well do I ever get to go back?”
Yes, when ever you want.”
“How then?”
“Close your eyes wish and it will become your reality.”
I had to trust him why would he lie and plus he was my only hope. As I closed my eyes and opened them again, there was my class but Eric was still standing right there. Everything around me was frozen to the point that I left.
He walked up to me and whispered in my ear,” meet me tonight.”
“when where?”
“When ever after dark and any where privet I’ll find you.”
“Trust me I will.” he said as he disappeared and everything unfroze.
In quick panic that I was still wearing the skimpy cloths everything froze again. I went and looked in my bag, there my cloths were not knowing when time was going to unfreeze I threw my shirt over the corset and threw my semi baggy jeans over my skirt and sat down hoping no one would notice the gloves and my boots. Thank god my hair went back to normal and the wings disappeared. As I threw the cloths in my back pack time unfroze and no one noticed anything so that was fine with me!

A night of hope I can not see

After dark not knowing what I was into I walked to I near by, nearly abandoned park. When I got there he was there same outfit, make up, hair but no wings. I dared not to ask him how he found me
“Hi what happened to you”, I said
“nothing this is my human just as that is yours. Oh yeah and I forgot to tell you your hair will grow out to your angel hair but that will take a week, I can see it already started,”, he says as he moves closer to me practically on me. He put is hand under my chin and said, “aren’t you are pretty one, I’ll have fun teaching you.”
“I’d rather teach a pretty little thing like yourself, than and ugly hag or a prep.”
“ Sorry about that, I never thought you would be this cute thou.”
“As he smiles a sly smile ”I’ll especially like seeing you in that skimpy out fit, Oh ! And when the wings come the outfit comes too. Your original cloths will be in the place you’ll first look.”
“Do I have to change in to that outfit.”
“Yes, plus I like you in it. Don’t get me wrong out hot in what ever you wear.
As I backed away, a little creeped out, I was thinking. He thinks I am cute I mean I am a little but I cant believe he is that open with it.
“Hey! What did I do? I am just trying to be friendly.”
“ I am sorry I am not used to people being that friendly with me.”
He moves closer to me “ Okay, now you have to be a good little girl and change into your angel form for me, I have much to teach you tonight. Also I know it hurt the first time you changed it won’t hurt like that this time. All you do is close your eyes and imagine you wings, then open your angel eyes, which are beautiful and blue, but any ways you wings will be there.” He said as he put his arms around me” okay now”
I closed my eyes did everything he said and when I opened them there were my wings and I was make in the spirit world.
“So what did you want to teach me?”
“nothing for tonight, I was going to teach you that but you learned that pretty fast on your own now go home you’ll see me soon.”
I went back home still wondering well I has school tomorrow better get some sleep.

What the hell!!!!!!! Normal why cant anything be this

Same old same old, I would wake up in the morning and go to school in the morning. I went down to the science hallway, talking to Ellie and some other friends. Then out of no where I feel a tug on my shoulder, someone covering my eyes then a kiss.
“See Ellie .” I strange voice said.
Then I opened my eyes and saw Eric, waling down the hall way. As I was paused in shock , Ella was asking me who that was and saying he was cute. When I unfroze the minute bell rang I said good bye and ran down the hallway. I walked into the class and there he was sitting in the empty desk next to me. I walked over…
“what are you doing here?!”
“I told you that you’d see me soon.”
“I didn’t think you meant here!” At that moment my friends Allie and Sam walked in, by the way Sam is a guy.
“hey “ they both said
“Who is this?” Allie said
“I don’t know who are you?” I said quickly
“Hi am Eric, I’m 17 just moved here.” he said.
“oh that’s cool where do you live.” Sam said
“ Over in the Hollow.”
“So you live by Ellie.” Allie said.
“Yeah I guess so.”
The bell rang and we all sat down. That class was boring I quickly ran out the door afterward, I didn’t notices Eric was fallowing me and I met up with Ella.
“Hey that cute guy is behind us.” she said.
“I know, he is in my chem. class, here read this note, you may think I am crazy but it the total truth, I’ll show you later ok?’’
Skipping a few periods he was in every one and in a desk to me. Finally Ella said something about it, I also can’t believe she believed that entire note well I was tired and sleep threw my next periods until lunch.
“Eric what the deal, and you do know I have a boyfriends right?”
“Yes, I choose to ignore that fact and keep doing what ever I want.” he smiled at me,” and plus I know you like it.”
I sat next to Alice as I always do and Eric sat on the other side of me we all talked and Eric became really good friends with my friends they all liked him. After lunch Meg and Alice told me how CUUUUTTTEEEE!!!!!! Eric was and said Eric liked me I should dump Matt for him. I just ignored it and walked off to my next class.
Eric was in all my classes all day but funny thing was I couldn’t take my eyes off him.
In Japanese he sat up a seat and over a seat , I was surprised he knew a lot of Japanese, all I could stand to do is sit there like a love struck teen and look at him. He was so cute. I couldn’t see his nice abs but is face was so hot! Every once in a while he would catch me looking at him and all my other friends did to when they told me, I turned bright red after class.
He was in my English class but the only open desk was far so I wasn’t as tempted to look at him.
After school everyone asked me about it, I quickly ran to the bus and there he was! I sat next to him….
“so you really do live in the hollow?’’
“Yes the house right next to yours. I got my parents to move here.”
I was so tired I accidentally fell asleep on his shoulder. Everyone was saying how cute it was. How the goth finally got another goth. I got off the bus and so did he. He walked me all the way to my door then he kissed me. I was in so much shock.
“Go to bed I can see your tired.” he whispered in my ear.
I didn’t argue I went to sleep right away and woke up to my alarm the next day. GGOD DAMN IT THAT WAS LONG!!! But at least I am not tired

Saturday… why the ******** am I up
Oh my god why am I up, I didn’t set my alarm…
“No I did “Eric said.
“Do you know the meaning of personal space!”
“No… well not with a beautiful girl like yourself, your parents know don’t worry now get up.”
“I’m in a sports bra and shorts.”
“HOT! And I get to see it now get up.”
I quickly pull the covers over my head ok I will get up at noon not 8 am ok.”
“Ok but I am sleeping here with you.” he said as he laid next to me on top of the covers though.
As I fell asleep with him next, he put his arm around me and it looked so cute!!!!!!! I wish he was under the covers with me as that was happening I was thinking maybe I should break up with Matt. I started crying at that time too. Matt just doesn’t understand me and he wouldn’t ever. As I sat there crying Eric saw me.
“sweetie, what is wrong? Did I do something?”
“No, Matt did something I am going to break up with him no matter how much that pains me.”
“Not because of me right?”
“No, because he doesn’t understand me that’s why. He is a jerk and I have come to hate him yet I love him.”
At that moment Eric got under that covers with me cuddling, stroking my hair behind my ear, kissing my head and looking into my eyes at that moment I realized he had beautiful blue eyes, they were like ice blue so pretty.
“you have really pretty eyes.” I said
“No I don’t you are just saying that.”
“No really you do, I love them!”
“Thank you” he said as he kissed my lips passionately and for once I kissed him back> He pulled away and I did the m=same feeling the cold air rather than his warm , soft lips. As I Start blushing he says…
“Awwwwwwwww how cute, you are cute, but by the way Matt…. Doesn’t deserve you.”
“I know more than ever”
“Truth is I love you, I loved you when I first looked into those beautiful blue eyes of yours. You are so pretty I love you , I love your personality. My destiny was to find you. I have been dreaming about you ever since I became an angel two years ago. I want to be with you but I know you would never be with some one like me. I have nothing to give you but love and that’s all I would want in return. I would give up anything to have you and I would give my life for you to say I love you to me… Matt …Matt would never be that way and that’s all you want I know or I should by now Ellie I love you so much and I know you can see it. I am sorry as you can see I am kind of open with my feeling.”
I looked at him in shock god he was open but I think I have dreamt about him too. Also I was starting to like him, he was a lot sweeter than Matt and nicer. This was so wrong I had to break up with Matt.
“I’ll be right back ok Eric?”
I walked in to the front room called Matt and did it I broke up with him and hung up the phone before I could say anything, walked back into my room.
“You broke up with Matt didn’t you?”
“Yes” I said kind of sadly.”
“I know this is a bad time.” he go up stood next to me holding one of my hands then he kissed it, ”Will you go out with me Ellie?’’
I don’t know why but I quickly said “Yes, yes I will!”
“Really? that makes me so happy,” he said right before he kissed my lips for the third time this time sliding his tongue in my mouth playing with mine I did the same back loving every minute of it. He slowly pulled away,” You know you are a good kisser right? that’s why I keep kissing you
I should be crying but I shouldn’t all I could do is stand there and smile and laugh like I had no control over it! It was like he was a drug with no side effects I was always happy and I loved it. I was no longer a beautiful disaster. I was so happy I can not even describe it.
We laid back on the bed and slept till noon hit. Then Ella walked into the room,
“Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww you two are so cute!!!!!!!! KAWAIIII!!!!!!!!!”
“what” we both said in a tired voice
“Wanna hang out or are you two going on a date together, you two are so cute and Ellie your hair is so cute I love the white streaks kind of surprised that doing that didn’t fry your hair.”
“Ella what are you doing here?” I asked her.
“It’s my day off silly.”
“Okay Ella Eric can you two go into the living room so I can get dressed?”
“sure “the both said.
I quickly got dresses in some tight black jeans and a lacy black tank top also my regular black with pink design van shoes. I walked out in the living room and the first response I got from Eric was…
“you look so hot right now!”
“thank you I guess.”
Well that was like my entire Saturday morning I cant wait to see what Ella has planed for the rest of my great day.

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