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My Journal! Hello everyboby! Welcome to my special Journal!
Accepting comments, request, suggestions for...
Edit: Revised with the help of my new editor. I've been able to make it better! Thank you Star Daze for being a wonderful critic biggrin
Edit: Updated now with some personal revisions pls comment and once again, yes I accept suggestions for anything if i like it i'll use it unless it won't work in the story and i'll have to revise the whole thing. Also there'll be no italics or anything 'cuz i copy-pasted it from Microsoft word. K later. 3nodding 9/12/07'
Silverwings of Dreams

IT’S RAINING…AGAIN,” sighed a boy. He was tall, and lanky for his age of 16, at 6 foot 7. With piercing blue eyes that, seemed icy enough to freeze you. That by it self was odd enough, but still more was his hair…for it was silver. A silver that shone like snow reflecting sunshine—almost as if it were made from starlight.
Although I don’t believe that was his…oddest aspect…for he had an ability, a very unique one. From time to time, he could be seen conversing with animals. Yes, animals. His rare “ability” was being able to “communicate” with animals. So they could understand each other as well as…well us I suppose.
But even so, he seemed not to have any human friends. So in a way he was alone…and yet he would always seem happy-to others. But right now, he was sad, as much as the sky seemed. And as it continued to rain, he sighed, and the sky with him, as it started pouring even harder. And for the 37th time since it had begun to rain-3 days ago-he wished the rain would stop.
* * * * *
WHY? Why was I born so different? Why am I so different from everyone? Why? And…how is it, that I am the only being in this world-perhaps even the universe-that is like me in any way?—and was probably born that way? How is it that I can commune with all living things? How…WHY is it that I’m like this? –sigh-I’m always asking myself these questions, and yet…I never get an answer or…come up with one…-sigh-I wish it’d stop raining…
* * * * *
As the rain continued to fall, he prepared for bed. And as he started to drifted off, the last thing he remembered was hearing the rain pounding and faintly, the sound of a strange purring.

[Chapter 1:Meetings and Realization]
“WAKE UP! COME ON! WAKE UP!” a voice yelled. “Wake up or we’ll be late!” now awake and yawning as he rubbed his eyes, the boy asked, “Wuz' goin' on? …What’s the hurry!? …Saru?” And was answered by a discreet, “Don’t tell me you forgot!? We have a field trip today!” With that the boy was at once completely awake. “A field trip? Oh! That’s right we have a field trip today! .…Eh?” only then noticing what time it was, as he quickly dressed and threw his things together.
On their way down to the bus stop he asked his sister if she remembered when it’d stopped raining? And was answered with an, “Uhm…I think it was around 5 or 6…the day before, lucky wasn’t it? Otherwise they’d’ve canceled the trip!” the boy replied, “thanks Saru, for waking me up too.”
And was brushed off with a plain, “no prob. After all we’d’ve missed the trip, if I hadn’t’ve awaken you Kyo! I mean seriously what kind of person would sleep ‘til…Hey! It’s Ari!” and she waved to the girl already standing at the stop. And the girl waved back too, as the two siblings approached the stop.
“Hi Saru, Hi Kyousuke. I see you see managed to get here on time!” smiled Ari.
“Yeah, no thanks to somebody here,” laughed Saru.
“Hey! That’s not fair Saru! You know I was… uh…urk,” was the weak defense of an embarrassed Kyo, as the two girls laughed.
And as the bus had arrived they quickly got on and into the usual seats. As the bus started moving he saw Ari take out her ipod and give an ear’ to Saru. As soon as she put it on her ear Ari pressed the play button. And they listened as Kyo’s mind began wandering…
* * * * *
He was awake and yet he wasn’t…he was conscious and yet…not. What’s goin’ on!? Wasn’t I just sitting next to Ari and Saru just now!? How’d I end up here! …Did I…black out? …? Huh? W-what’s this light!? It’s…it’s hot!…but…I-I don’t feel uncomfortable! In fact…In fact it’s kinda nice actually…huh? Who…who’s there!
Prrrrrr…I though you’d neverrr notice me, said an oddly cat-like voice.
Who…who are you!?
I, am Nekomizukihime, the cat-like voice purred. In a voice that was quite dramatic.
Ne-Nekomi-mi-mi whatzit?
Prrrr, laughed the voice…at least he thought it was a laugh…
Nekomizukihime, but…you can call me Nekomi Uh...th-thank you…Nekomi…
Prrr, you are an interesting kit…I believe I WILL watch you…
Eh? Wh-what? Wait…wait! What do mean you’ll…
* * * * *
It was gone, as quickly as the cat-voiced person had come he or she was gone. And he realized he had been staring blankly out the window. As he pondered what had just happened, when he heard Saru exclaim, “Oh! I LOVE this song!” And with that she began to sing along with-what he realized to be-the song “Break Away” by the newest singer that he was sure was a girl called Kally or Kelly …something along the lines, and he listened to the two girls next to him sing as he began to relax and for got about the odd …Dream or vision if he could call it that…
He listened to them as they began to sing the song again,
“ladadadalada ladadadalada ladadadaladadala
ladadadaladaladadadalada ladadadaladadala

Grew-up in a small town,
And when the rain would fall down
I’d just stare out my window~
Dreamin’ of a could be,
And if I’d end-up happy,
I would pray…

Tryin’ hard to reach out,
But when I tried to speak out,
Felt like no one could he~ar me…

Wanted to belong here,
But something felt so wrong here,
So~ I pray~
I could break-away~

I’ll spread my wings,
And I’ll learn how to fly
I’ll do what it takes,
Til I touch the sky…

And I’ll, make a wish,
Take a chance,
Make a change
And break-away

Out of the darkness'
And into the sun
Well I wont forget all the ones that I love,
I’ll take a risk,
Take a chance,
Make a change.
And break-away…

Ladadadalada ladadadalada ladadadaladadala

Wanna feel the warm breeze,
Sleep under a palm tree,
Feel the rush of the o~cean.
Get on board a fast train,
Try a lotta dare play’n,
Far a~way.
And break away~

I’ll spread my wings,
and I’ll learn how to fly.
I’ll do what it takes,
‘Til I touch the sky…

And I’ll make a wish,
Take a chance,
Make a change,
And break- away

Out of the darkness,
And into the sun

Well I wont forget all the ones that I love,
I gotta,
Take a risk,
Take a chance,
Make a change.
And break-away…

Buildings with a hundred floors,
Swingin’ round revolving doors,
Maybe I don’t know where they’ll take~ me.
But, gotta keep movin on, movin’ long,
Fly a-way, break a-way,

I’ll spread my wings,
and I’ll learn how to fly.
Though it’s not easy to tell you good-bye,

I gotta,
Take a risk,
Take a chance,
Make a change
And break-away
Out of the darkness,
And into the sun
Well I wont forget the place I come from,
I gotta,
Take a risk,
Take a chance,
Make a change.
And break-a-way~
Break away,
Break, away.…”

Strangely he realized, he was gonna come ‘out of the darkness,’ and into a new light. Knowing that he was gonna take the chance and the risk to ‘make a change’ so that he could finally break away from the darkness of his past. Smiling, he was sure he heard someone groan in the back of the bus “Not that song again!”…

[Chapter Two: Trouble’s Awakening]
“…NAKAMURA, KYOUSUKE NAKAMURA”, droned the voice of a teacher who was taking attendance. Kyou answered as the teacher continued on the list. Meanwhile, in another place and time there was an ‘elders’ meeting in session…
* * * * *
“…We MUST watch him at all times!” snapped Diomenas. He was lean and well muscled, brown haired, with amber eyes not unlike a cat’s. With a short temper he was younger than 20 turns, one of the younger ones attending the meeting.
“Nekomizukihime is already watching him! And be mindful of your tongue Diomenas! Do NOT take us so lightly, or as fools! Many here are turns older than you!” snarled Ulquiora harshly.
He was as lean and muscled as Diomenas if not a tad more intelligent. With hair as dark as night, and eyes as light as molten gold. He was no less younger than Diomenas but he was not as ignorant. Or as disrespectful as Diomenas was now being. But as patient as he usually was he was very irate when Diomenas was around.
“Do not quarrel now Diomenas…Ulquiora, this meeting is not being held just so we can witness your hot tempers flash…” came the quiet response of Gurimjua. He was the eldest of the group by many, many turns. Even Diomenas was forced to listen to him with a bit of humiliation for not even he—as disrespectful as he was—would dare try enflame the elder.
He to was lean, but not very strong-looking, not that he wasn’t strong, but he was old, his beard had long since grayed, and where he once had much strength he was now wise. With silvery-gray hair, and eyes as blue and deep as the sea.
He was by far the most patient of patient people; he was very wise and intelligent. But now…Ah how his bones ached…to be young again. So much life and vigor…curse this old body if I had been younger I’d be able to move around MUCH easier…oh? Ah yes the boy, the boy…
He did not wish the boy any ill…but should something arise…no, no he would not use force…. he hoped that he would not have to…. he did not want the boy to think ill of them either…but…
“We do not want to quarrel amongst ourselves…”, continued the elder. And we do not want to make a bad impression on the boy should there be problems that suddenly bring him back… thought Gurimjua.
“…I apologize for my rude behaviorism…elder Gurimjua”, apologized Ulquiora. And after several nudges and finally a poke Diomenas too, apologized.
“Fine!”, hissed the unhappy male. “…I…apologized as well…”, was the choked out mumble from Diomenas.
“…*sigh* So long as you do not bicker again…”, came the worn-out reply. He was tired, so tired of this…*sigh* when would the constant quarrelling end?
* * * * * *
What was going on! It just suddenly started…snowing! It wasn’t anywhere close to freezing either! What the heck was going on!
“…ura…Kyousuke! Stop daydreaming and get on the bus! They’ll leave you behind!” came a familiar voice yelling to him.
“Ari? Wha-Holy sh- uh wait for me!” called Kyo as he just managed to board the last available bus with open seats.
“Geez! Ya doofball, at least learn not to daydream during such an important day!” scolded Saru.
“I’m sorry! I though I saw snow….” was Kyo’s cut-off reply as he thought he saw snow again.
“Uh, Kyo? Are you alright? And snow!?” retorted Saru as she waved her hands in front of her brother’s face for the attention that had seemed to’ve wavered.
“Huh? What? What where we saying?” came the baffled reply of her brother.
“…right…” answered a slightly confused Saruka. “You…seem ta be kinda… ‘off in your own world’… know what I mean?”
“Really? I…oh. Hi, Ari! Didn’t see you there!” called a cheerful Kyo.
“O…K!” He has definitely lost a few screws…thought Saru as she watched her brother converse with her best friend. Which, now that she though about it he almost NEVER conversed unless he had to…or she was around to force him…something was DEFINITELY wrong…very wrong.
* * * * *
He was dreaming he knew he was…. for what other explanation was there? He wasn’t dead, that he was sure…. so where was he? Suddenly thousands- maybe MILLIONS of images and sounds were flowing into his head. Blocking out almost all his senses. What were these? Visions? Dreams? Illusions? Why was he experiencing so many emotions? Suddenly he saw something that…peaked his interest and grabbed at it. And once again he was tossed into the world of dreams…
* * * * *
“KYOU! KYOU! Wake up! What’s wrong, come on!” hissed Saru as she shook her brother hoping to wake him up. He had suddenly fainted. She hoped nothing bad would happen…
_____________________________________________________________________ [Chapter Three: Enchantment and Illusion]
IT WAS WRONG…Completely and utterly wrong! He knew it was. It wasn’t his home…not that he had ever truly had one…but still WRONG… after all you don’t just suddenly find yourself alone in a forest when you were just on a bus…right? And especially not if you’re still awake… right? Or was he asleep? He pinched himself. Ow! That…HURT! Ok, now he knew he wasn’t dreaming. So then, where was he?
Shff…. What was that!? Though Kyo alarmed. –gasp-turning around he saw… a…a…a pegusus!? He watched the majestic creature awed.
But wait pegusus don’t really exist…do they?
‘Yes…we do. Elsewise why would I be here?’ The pegusus regarded the lone boy, interested. ‘You know it’s rude to stare right?’
“Huh? Oh sorry, but… where am I?”
Surprised the pegusus replied. ’You are not from around here?’
“Uhm… n-no I don’t think so…”
‘Hmmm… are you sure? You smell like you’re from around here’
“I-I don’t know where I’m from. You see I was adopted by a family in Silverrod so that their daughter would have a brother…”
‘…Silverrod? That is not a place of Dreamhaven…’
“Dreamhaven? Is that where I am?” came his puzzled reply he had never heard of a place called Dreamhaven.
‘…’ the pegusus stared at the boy intently ‘yes… this is Dreamhaven. I get the impression you’ve never heard of Dreamhaven…’
“N-no, never” he had this distinct feeling he’d heard it before but it was most likely not. “Where is Dreamhaven?”
‘… I see…’ the pegusus trotted closer to the boy. Inspecting him,said ‘Why don’t I take you to the ‘keeper?’
“The, keeper? Who’s that?”
‘He is the keeper of Dreamhaven’s history and our scribe’
“Oh…I see, I think”
‘So, shall we?’ asked the pegusus
“…Alright I’ll go….but, how do we get there?”
‘Easy, come here… now climb on, but be careful of my wings… yes like that. Are you sure you’re not from Dreamhaven? You mount very well almost as if you’ve mounted pegusi frequently.’
“No, I don’t think so” as he got on.
‘Right then hold on to my mane…. And up we go…’
Amazing! The wind feels so good! What a view! He thought as he looked down and saw endless fields of grass, forest, and a few lakes. The one that impressed him the most though was a large lake that they took a break at, as the pegusus stopped to rest and drink.
“Wow! What a clear lake! Almost like crystal!”
‘Of course, this is Rainbow lake. Named thus for its crystal clear waters that sometimes cast rainbows, said to be the most beautiful. But if you ask me it’s also famous for its water. Clear, crisp, cool, and deliciously sweet’
Kyo stared in awe, until he realized he didn’t even know the name of this pegusus, his benefactor. “I’ve just realized, I don’t even know your name sir, and I wanted to know…”
‘…Akiori of the BlueStar and SkyLight herd…’ he muttered then ‘You can call me Akiori’ the pegusus whinnied with a hint of nervousness, that, Kyo had failed to notice.
“…I see Akiori, huh, what a neat name…” I wonder if it means anything, he thought. While unbeknownst to them, was a mysterious stranger was watching.
‘…Yes a very neat name’ thought the stalker. ‘I will have to follow this interesting pairing.’ He though and chuckled maliciously to himself.

[Chapter Four: Strange Beginnings]

“OH MY GOD! …Kyo… He just…” squeaked Saru— Saruka—Nakamura, as she and Ari— otherwise known as Arianna— gaped, at where Kyo—Kyousuke— Nakamura had been just seconds ago. Saru gulped and shot a nervous glance at Ari who in turn had just done the same. Knowing what Saru was gonna say she nodded. They both knew what would happen if anyone found out about what had happened just a little while ago.
Silently the two girls made a pact to not tell anyone including their parents and teachers. Until then they could only hope that Kyo would come back safely, as they tried to make up excuses that would keep people from knowing that Kyo was missing. Or that would rouse any suspicions…
* * * * *
‘Hold on!’ whinnied Akiori the pegusus loudly, as he felt Kyo’s grip starting to slip. They had left the lake a while ago and were on their way to the keeper of Dreamhaven’s history and scribe, when suddenly a fierce windstorm started to blow.
“I’m trying!” yelled the boy over the sound of the storm. They had to find shelter and quick, thought the boy as the pegusus scanned the land below them. All he could find was plain grassland, when he spotted an area of forest that the two of them could hide in ‘til the windstorm stopped. He flew as fast as he could toward the small shelter. He knew the boy would be flung into the angry wind if he didn’t make it to the piece of forest soon.
[Chapter 5: Safety]
AKIORI knew that if he didn’t reach the trees in time the boy would be lost, and his efforts, reduced to nothing, nothing. He had to reach the trees in time, in his heart he knew he’d have to. Elsewise… He didn’t want to think about it, so he concentrated only on getting both of them to safety.
Careening to avoid being hit by a flying log, they escaped, just barely. As he dodged obstacles, the boy fought to keep his grip on the pegusus against the unrelenting wind. Akiori realizing the boy was near the very edge of being swept away flew as fast and as low as he dared.
Suddenly Kyo’s grip faltered and, taking the chance the windstorm pulled him away. Snorting the pegusus swerved toward the boy. Flying as fast as he could he slowly gained on the now unconscious boy. Pushing himself as much as he could he caught Kyo by the edge of his shirt. Holding tight and hoping the cloth would not rip as he turned back toward their destination. The sudden turn nearly brought both of them to a collision course with a windswept tree. With perfect timing the pegusus used this chance. With the tree now right behind him he used it as help to send them the last length of the rough journey.
Now in shelter of the trees, he snorted and lay the sleeping boy in a dry safe place. Then after much stomping and shaking the wet off his fur he too, decided to sleep. Checking the boy to make sure he was all right he lay down next to Kyo, and using his wings as extra shelter from the rain, knowing that it meant that the windstorm was retreating, he too –satisfied- fell promptly to sleep.
* * * * *
Kyo was now awake. At first he’d been scared, not knowing where he was. Cautiously he looked around, seeing the pegasus near him comforted Kyo. Understanding that it had been Akiori who’d saved him he sighed, relieved that he hadn’t been blown away by the storm. Slowly he got up as so not to disturb the pegasus, who was sleeping soundly.
Quickly he scanned the area around them. Seeing a tree that still had some fruit that hadn’t been blown away, he picked some, a few for himself and a few for the Akiori. Eating his share he looked for water. Seeing something blue, he headed toward the object cautiously. Nearing it he saw that it was the remains of what used to be a lake, the storm had taken much of the water, but luckily there was still some left. Kneeling by the remains of the lake, he filled his cupped hands with water and drank until his thirst had been quenched, then taking his hat he filled it with water and took it back to the pegasus.
* * * * *
He panicked, when he woke up the boy was not with him. Afraid he searched the small wooded shelter. Fear gripped him, what if the boy had been kidnapped or worse? Worried he paced, until hearing noise he turned and saw Kyo heading toward him. Upon reaching the pegasus, Kyo told him he’d found water and had brought some back for Akiori. Relieved that Kyo had been found, he allowed himself to be led from the woods –having realized how thirsty he was followed- without complaining.
Kyo had brought the fruit with him and sitting in the grass he watched the pegasus quench his own thirst. Then they ate the rest of the fruit and Akiori cropped some grass as a snack as the both of them waited for the food to digest and exercised until they were ready to go.
Mounting on Akiori’s back, once again, they headed for the keeper and scribe of Dreamhaven’s history.
* * * * *
As Akiori and Kyo made their way to the old scribe, the shadow that had been stalking them cursed. He had been separated from them because of the storm. Furious he swore that he would catch them, one way, or another.

~~ 白暎 紫莉 ~~
(Previously: 白いシャド)

Currently: Waffling About doing Nothing
Listening to: NightCores
Craving: Something
To Do List:
1. Fonts for SM (Multi-Series Chat RP)
2. Waiting on P:LCM,
3. Work on XOver/Alt!RP
4. Whatever Else I Forgot

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Community Member

Sun Sep 09, 2007 @ 06:25pm

Um... who a who?

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