I'm almost done!! Well, if ou haven't realized it yet, my avi changed and it's because I was struck with inspiraion from my imagination. xp That rhymes. Anyways, now that I see it, I don't know if I should keep the glamrock shirt I have on or use the complex one...

Total Value: 75,289 Gold
After Exclusions: 6,131 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
#0000FF Complex Shirt
G-LOL Blood Mistress Skirt
Black Goth Boots
Black Tie
Shadow Spirit
Spirit Falcon
The good thing about the complex one is it covers my arms instead of leaving them looking so white... and I'm not even that white! *pokes mule account*

Total Value: 75,289 Gold
After Exclusions: 6,131 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
#0000FF Complex Shirt
G-LOL Blood Mistress Skirt
Black Goth Boots
Black Tie
Shadow Spirit
Spirit Falcon
The good thing about the complex one is it covers my arms instead of leaving them looking so white... and I'm not even that white! *pokes mule account*