Green Rules!!!!!
Hello and welcome again to my "journal"! biggrin Today is a grand day.Know why?..Because green won the 66th annual track race!I'm probably confusing you right now(you:duh).Well you see my school held out two competition every year for two teams,blue and GREEN.And my homeroom's color is green.The two events are the Football carnival and the Track.So this year the green won both of them and the track was just held today.It did seem that the blue had the upper hand first but our team turned the tables around,that you can barely keep up to the guy that's running in the track.The race was pretty awsome,you should have seen the gap when where ahead and let me tell you it was pretty huge! xd Hah,We kick those pathetic blue butts of theirs! twisted Mwahahaha!!!!!Hahahahahaha..hack!*chokes*(cough-wait-cough-just-cough-a minute)(you: stare moron.....)Ahem!Where were we?Oh,yeah well that makes two wins from the football and the track.Hah!Well I guess that's all for the day tah-ta!.....umm...yeah bye. mrgreen