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For whom the bell tolls; the bell tolls for thee
The Darkness Within
[Name:] Khârn "The Betrayer"

[Age:] 10,547

[Gender:] Male

[Height:] 8'6"

[Weight:] 1,136

[Appearance:]User Image

Khârn is protected by layer after layer of adamantium plates and sheets of ceramite. The ancient and once Space Marine power armor he dons is nothing short of one hell of a defense. The blood red painted armor, and brass encrusted finishing’s that make up the more bedazzling of the armors eye candy is nothing compared to the actual armor itself. With it Khârn stands well over seven feet in height, perhaps even eight; his boots smack the ground loudly with each step, no matter the environment. He is definitely not one for stealth, but more of getting into the fray and not leaving until he is the last standing, no matter who surrounds him, be it friend or foe.

Faces or rather skulls of daemons are set into his armor, they inspire fear into the enemy and flaunt the Champion’s grandeur. They also serve another, somewhat indirect purpose, they mirror the hate Khârn’s veins are filled with. For Khârn is without a soul, he sold his long ago to the Blood God, Khorne, for strength, protection and above all… battles. In exchange of course, Khorne being the Blood God wanted blood and skulls for his throne, which is Khârn's single aspiration in life. The wear of battle never seems to show on his Chaos armor, no matter how great it is, a gift of sorts from Khorne, again. Khârn of course does keep memoirs from the battlefield, Steel-plated skulls hang from hooks that are connect to chains that dangle around the length of his body. They are marks of those who he has killed in combat that in his eyes had at one point or another, a fair amount of skill.

A large circular vent on his chest releases exhaust from his armor and fresh air in to cool the armor; however it acts more as a decoration then anything else now. Tassels of red dyed hair that are connected to small metal skulls of these hang from his body, at the knees and ears of his helmet are the most noticeable. Vicious spikes cover his armor at certain points, supposedly to pay homage to the three of the much lesser gods of Chaos, Mo'rcck, Phraz-Etar and An'sl. At his waist are grenades, two types of course for varying circumstances, but all the same they are seldom used. With his right hand he fires a plasma pistol which unlike some other plasma pistol wielders, this one has more storage. A long adamantium tube leads from the butt of the gun to his armor for more power.

On the very same arm that he shoots his ancient pistol with, is his massive, protective shoulder pad. A brass inlaid insignia of the Mark of Khorne is bolted to the protective metal, this tells of what heretic legion he is from and what god he follows. On the back of his power armor is the standard back pack, major exhaust ports are located here as well, but Khârn has made a few adjustments. A pair of skulls hang from either end of the backpack where exhaust is expelled. The helmet that he wears on his head pays tribute to his God, Khorne, in which the massive jutting ear like pieces of armor extend from either side, small metallic skulls hang from the bottoms like ear rings. The front of the helmet allows for his voice to be projected through a speaker, as well a respirator for breathing.

Khârn’s armor is not without flaws though. He is missing an entire arm of the Chaos power armor. Why this is so is not known; however it is speculated that because of the monstrous daemon weapon he wields, that has made his name so infamous Khârn is unable to wear the armor at that spot. The exposed flesh of his left arm is covered in chains, why this also is so is once more… unknown. But it is supposed that because of daemonic weapon’s tendencies to actually turn on their masters if their lust for blood and death is not satisfied. Khârn wears the chains to protect himself, from his own damned weapon, if the case was ever true for some strange reason. The chain-axe that Khârn has used for over ten-millennia is lovingly named "Gorechild".

Due to his reputation, as well as Gorechild’s the weapon is perhaps the most powerful daemonic weapon in existence. Once again, only proving how masterful of a killer Khârn is to have been able to wield the weapon without incident for so long. Perhaps, even with the lack of armor on his left arm, Gorechild more then makes up for that lack of defense with an even greater one: offense.


Frag Grenades

As the name suggests, Frag grenades, fragmentize upon detonation. Sending shrapnel in almost all directions within a good couple yards from the detonated area. Cylinder shaped with small stamped squares in the metal for better fragmentation. This sort of weapon is very potent against enemies who are wearing no armor or very light armor. Khârn carries three of these with him at his waist, at all times.

Krak Grenades

Unlike Frag grenades, which send shards in different directions after use. Krak grenades detonate with a much larger explosion, meant for breaking through harder materials. What exactly those materials are varies, the norm however is heavily armored units, vehicles and walls. Like the Frag grenades, Khârn carries three of these as well at his waist at all times, should their need arise.

Plasma Pistol

Plasma weapons are quite fearsome tools of battle, they send out short, controlled bursts of liquid hot plasma. The released plasma is incredibly hot and deadly, a small burst of the liquid plasma is hot enough to melt adamantium. Their effectiveness is lessened somewhat due to the weapons tendency to overheat after prolonged use. Thusly, shots must be spaced for best accuracy, and least risk of melting down on the user.

- Average tempature per bust: 9,944.33 (repeating) F.

Heavy Flamer
The Heavy Flamer is a Flamethrower, but bigger and a more of a weapon for assaulting and instilling massive amounts of fear into the enemy. Due to the nature of flame based weaponry it is normal for them to do much damage and spread their flame as time passes. A Heavy Flamer is based of the design of many normal flamethrowers, but it is much larger then normal and several of it's components are internal. All of it's three large tanks are stored inside of his backpack as well as the gun house (or gun depending on what you want to call it) the system is automated to the point where he can open it useing his suits sensors and pulling out the flamethrowers hose. Burn Promethium (a fictional gas, and has nothing to do with the real world element).

- Average temperature of flamethrower: 700 - 1000 degrees F.

Bolt Pistol
The Holy Bolter is the hammer of the Emperor when used against his foes; however when the perverse and wretch get their hands upon them. These weapons become the bane of their righteousness; since a weapon does not have a choice, no matter what it's machine spirit wants. Each of these types of weapons is to be completely and utterly feared, their lethal payloads can easily turn a body into bloody confetti. This is due to the delayed charge that each bolt carries. The very large .75 calibur(20 mm) bullets are capable of doing extreme amounts of trauma to whatever they hit, but when added with the MRC (Mass reactive core) at the but of the gun, it makes the weapon very capable of simply killing with single shots.

- Comes in several different ammunition types:

Standard Bolts; are comprised of the following components: Outer casing, propellant base, main charge, mass reactive detonator cap, depleted deuterium core, diamantine tip. Spin stabilised at .75 calibre.

Hellfire Rounds; have devastating results on organic matter, the rounds were developed to fight the Tyranids. The core and tip are replaced with a mutagenic acid vial contained in thousands of needles that chemically eats the target away.

Stalker Silenced Shells; are a low-signature round for covert fighting. A solidified Mercury Slug replaces the detonator cap for sub-sonic projectile speed; also a gas cartridge replaces the propellent base and main charge for silent firing.

Inferno Bolts; are designed to ignite their targets and destroy them with superheated chemical fire. The deuterium core is replaced with oxy-phosphur gel.

Metal Storm Frag Shells; are best against multiple lightly-armoured targets. They detonate before impact and spray shrapnel, shredding their victims. A proximity detonator replaces the mass reactive cap, and the diamantine tip and deuterium core are replaced with an increased charge and fragmentation casing.

Ulysess Bolts; are bolts which contain a tracking device. Fired into large targets, it will accurately report the target's relative position to the tracker.

Kraken Pattern Penetrator Rounds; are a high-powered armour-piercing round. The deuterium core is replaced by a solid adamantine core and uses a heavier main charge.

- 10 rounds per clip

- Muzzle Energy: 3528 joules


Gorechild is a daemonic weapon, if not the daemonic weapon. A chain-axe imbued with the spirit of a daemon prince, is what makes this normally very vicious weapon, much more virulent. The being/weapon known as Gorechild is older then it’s current master. Forged from adamantium and its jagged razor sharp teeth that make up its blades were teeth taken from the mouths of mica-dragons, from the planet Luther Mcintyre. The haft of the daemonic chain-axe is made from pure adamantium, and the head of the mighty blade is three spans long (27 inches) while the haft is easily a little over five feet in length from base to base. It takes a very powerful and harsh master to control a daemon weapon, hence why Khârn uses one. To give the teeth an even stronger base, they are plated in a mixture of tungsten and admantium.

Since, daemonic weapons have a history of killing their masters who are unable to slate their thirst for blood, few dare to try and wield one. It is almost a constant struggle between weapon and Master over who is killing what, but the weapon will almost be subservient when it is killing indiscriminately, which Khârn specializes in. However, it should be noted that because of their long relationship of killing and maiming, Gorechild, is a bit more tentative towards wanting to kill its master then most other daemonic weapons, whose owners are new and very inexperienced. Much like Khârn’s armor, Gorechild is painted a deep blood red and covered in brass. The daemon even added a few remarkable additions to the weapon, it is dotted with small crimson irises the blink menacing, instilling an untouchable sense of infinite knowledge.

There have been cases in which Khârn and Gorechild have actually split Space Marines (Chaos and Imperial alike) straight down the middle, from skull to pelvis in one massively powerful stroke. It should also be noted that, Gorechild is indeed a living being and it feeds on the blood and souls of those Khârn kills, or anything that is fabricated from either two. Be it a weapon, be it a spell, just about anything really that is composed of one or both.


Khârn is a monster, all he cares about is the collection of skulls and the spilling of blood. He is insane more ways then one, and his way of combat is savage at best. Such is his madness, that Khârn must be kept locked away in all long stretches of time in which there are no battles going on. Merciless Khârn may be, but he is no way numb to emotions; however his emotions are pretty much limited the cackling madness and the joy of seeing the face on his opponents faces' as their heads are taken from their shoulders.


Born more then 10 millennia ago, Khârn is the World Eaters legion of Space Marines greatest Champion and worst nightmare. Khârn, single handedly turned the World Eaters legion into small almost tribal factions in the Eye of Terror. After being inducted into the legion, Khârn began his journey to actually making the change from a man to a Space Marine. The most important part perhaps of all in the process of becoming a Space Marine, is the implants that one must have surgically put into them; however these are not your regular surgeries. With them comes massive pain, near death, almost torture like procedures, and mental shock.

What set the World Eaters legion apart from other Space Marine legions, before the Horus Heresy, was their use of neural implants. In more normal circumstances the topic of the implants would not have been a big issue, but what type of implants the legion used made it a big topic. When a marine was implanted with these special implants, a monstrous change took place. For these implants were rightly named "Rage Amplifiers", they do exactly as their names suggest, they increase the rage and hate of the marine ten fold. The amplifiers turn them into frothing madmen who are incapable of containing their rage at all times. Due to this, the Emperor of Mankind brought the legion under intense scrutiny and was told to stop using them. As it can be seen though, their Primarch Angron, whose own implants were the base for all the others to be copied from, continued the implantation of them.

Without the use of the amplifier, Khârn was already a very notable warrior, but still was considered a frenzied madman. Due to their bloodlust, it was quite easy for Horus to turn Angron, and his legion to the powers of Chaos and devout followers of Khorne. After, the almost successful attempt to overthrow the Emperor by Horus and claim his conquered worlds. Khârn suffered a near mortal blow outside the walls of the Imperial palace. When his men found him as the heretical forces were retreatin, they found Khârn on top of a hill of corpses, thinking him dead they dragged his body back to their ships. But, by some dark gift of Khorne or by Khârn’s own battle filled will, there was still a spark of life in him. Since, that day Khârn has never suffered a wound such as the one he was given on the Imperium’s home world of Terra.

Finding Gorechild

Surrounded by his armored white and blue lacquered brethren, Khârn swung his chain axe wildly. Rage filled his veins, as it did the six or so other Marines who hacked and slashed with not quite his ferocity, but close. The bodies of the non-faithful humans that refused to bow to the will of the Emperor, surrounded the slowly advancing squad. Blood had turned his own white armor a light pink color from the remaining residue of his victims’ blood. The massive spires of the Hiveworld they hunted in spanned up to heights that were seemingly impossible, but this was infrastructure on almost all large industrial worlds. Ariggata, the world was called and was called and currently they were in its’ capital city, slaughtering the remaining forces on the planet with the legions full ferocity.

The massive length of rockcrete street they walked upon was littered with debris from bombarded buildings and the bodies of the innocent, as well as the bodies of those fighting. The noise of fighting seemed nearby, but when in fact it could have been miles away in another sector of the simply massive city, as the buildings massive size allowed for such reverberations of noise. For now, the enemies of this squadron of World Eater Marines were dead. Every now and again as they walked through the city, their eyes scanned the buildings fiercely, someone in a building would take a shot at them and scurry off. Guerilla warfare was usually a long and blood affair, but against Space Marines, Guerilla warfare only prolonged the inevitable: complete and utter destruction.

After the squad advanced for several more minutes, a very sizeable part of the normal men, whom they were fighting, to their left after emerging from the intersection they crossed. Each Space Marine dwarfed the defenders by more then a head and a half in height, and their wideness could have been that of two of these men. Rounding on the World Eaters with their ballistic weaponry, the defenders opened fire. Bullets began to ping and whiz off their thick armor as the squad of Marines began to charge their normal human adversaries. The kinetic force of each slug that hit the closely grouped Marines, not to mention the sheer volume being fired, slowed their charge: slightly.

The Marine’s roared in unison at their foes as they charged, the defenders replied with a roar of their own; the roar rocket launchers. Three of the much more potent weapons were suddenly produced from the center of the infantrymen. Each one braced themselves on the ground, going to a knee; two of the three-launcher bearing men shot their payloads at the charging monsters that were once human. The pair that fired preemptively missed their targets, but only by a hair and continued on down the street, impacting with buildings down the street. Finally, the third rocket was fired by the probably terrified trooper and hit dead on with the Brother Marine to his left. The projectile exploded with the ferocity implied into the armor of the Marine’s right arm and blew it clean off.

The massive appendage fell to the ground with a sizeable thud, blood spewed from the open wound on both the arm and the torso of the marine for a moment before almost instantly clotting. Even so, the Brother Marine lost his balance from the force of the explosion and fell into Khârn, a sort of domino effect motion started between the two. Knocking both him and the other marine into the ground beneath them, as their brethren stampeded past them into the group of infantrymen. Suddenly, the noise of guns firing practically ceased and the noise of Chain axes overwhelmed everything else; well almost everything besides the sound of mean screaming in pain as they died. Without even looking up Khârn knew who was winning the battle.

Feeling a slight shift of weight and the grind of metal, the wounded Marine who lay atop Khârn awkwardly, was getting up already. This time Khârn indeed get up to look at the sight before him, and saw the terribly wounded marine complete the charge he had bonked on. Even without a close combat weapon, the marines’ massive fist was good enough. The crunch of bones and the sounds of lungs deflated sounded from the wounded marine, as his brethren continued to hack away with their own weapons. Men flew up into the air or against the other infantrymen from the exceptionally enraged marine. Khârn, continued to watch and let out a brief sigh, at the rate they were killing there would be no more for him to kill by the time he got there, so why bother?

Khârn jolted himself from that sour memory, panting softly inside of his helmet. He brought his massive gauntleted hand up to his face and stroked the metal softly. This of course was pointless as the helmet blocked his hand from actually touching his face. The other Khornite Berzerkers that surrounded him, twitched and mumbled nonsensical words under their breath, it was amazing how insane each was, but he was the most insane of them all. Of course though, they had very good reason to do so, cast in front of them, in this deep cavern, which they so patiently had been gathered to was something worth drooling over. An absolutely massive artefact of Chaos sat in the center of the clearing they had battled bloodily over for days. It, the artefact, was a simply enormous black steel cauldron, etched with maddening runes of chaos and carved with the leering faces of daemons and those who were sacrificed in its’ make.

The cauldron reached up to the dome shaped top of the cavern. Such was its’ height that Khârn suspected that four or five of those like him could stand on top of one another easily without even reaching its’ brim and it was nearly half as wide around as it was tall. However, the entire cauldron was filled to the top with fresh blood of those who had been killed in the slaughter of taking this cavern. The faces of those imprinted in the cauldron moved and changed expression rapidly, most of them laughing noiselessly. Some of the face’s orifices and eye sockets’ glowed red and yellow with flames of power. This ritual of Chaos that Khârn wished to undertake was forbidden by Khorne, for his hate for those who could control the very warp itself and used it as a weapon instead of a physical weapon. Since going against Khornes’ wishes was a very good way for the God to show his displeasure on his followers, most shied away from doing it.

How else though was Khârn to acquire a Daemon weapon? Especially a Daemon weapon that fit his tastes in tools to spill blood with? Of course there was always the chance of him facing an enemy that wielded one and slaying him in the midst of battle, but chances were they wouldn't use an axe. The other way was to search for one in the darkest and most shunned depths of the Eye of Terrior needless to say it was very unadvisable to take that option. So, that left Khârn with the slightly less risky, and most forbidden of the trio to take. The most loyal and pious of all the followers of Khorne he may have been, but even he grew inpatient with waiting. The Psykers should be arriving soon... Khârn reminded himself, it was amazing how you could be as patient as could be, up until the last few hours or even minutes of the actual process.

Abbadon, the current Warmaster of the Chaos forces, owed Khârn a favor. Such was the case why the Chaos cauldron was filled and the necessary resources were being brought in for the ritual to take place. Of course though, the only three real things needed, or so Khârn thought, would be the Cauldron, the blood and the Psykers. In this ritual, like most rituals, there was only two outcomes; success and total failure, of course those had always been the only two outcomes he had ever known.

Behind the line of eight Khornite Berzerkers, a soft metallic thud sounded, to Khârn's acute hearing he guessed it was only a few meters away from where they were. Instantly, the sound of chain axe engines coming to life filled the cavern, the Berzerkers rounded on the new arrivals that approached from behind. Khârn's adreniline was already running from just that sound alone and instinctively he had turned his own axe on without noticing. Seeing who the new guests were, Khârn made a wave with his gauntleted hand and the motors inside of their weapons deadened abruptly: one at a time. Berzerkers were never known for their willingness to just stop fighting, even if they hadn't even begun to. Groans and other noises of displeasure sounded, after their lust for blood had been denied again.

The trio of new arrivals all could have been related for what their appearances showed of them; except for one. Each was garbed in a night black robe that seemed to absorb light with its' weird fabric. The two on the left and right of the one in the center both bore the insignia of the Black Legion on their hunched backs. The gold thread glinted in what light was not sucked into the abyss of their. Their posture was mimicked between the two, gnarled hands clutched together tightly and keeping their empty hoods straight ahead. Whilst the one in the center stood straight-backed, and almost regal. His hands were tightly wound around the haft of a massive metallic staff topped with the same insignia they all bore on their cloaks.

The small statuette at the top of the staff was indeed the Black Legion's insignia, but in truth it was the eye of the Black Legion with the Mark of Chaos encircling it, a show of devotion by Horus. Although they seemed pitiful by comparison, even with their regality, Khârn knew that these three could kill everyone in the cavern without trying. Well that wasn't exactly true; they could not kill Khârn himself thanks to an artefact bestowed upon him with the blessings of Khorne. Not even the seemingly infinite powers of the Warp could touch his rage; he was the unstoppable avatar of Khorne. He knew his less fortunate brethren were eyeing the Psykers warily, if not heatedly. The trio shuffled towards Khârn slowly, their robes dragged on the earth beneath them with each step.

Khârn thumbed the haft of his massive chain axe hungrily, when they stopped but a few inches away from him. The two that flanked the one in the center suddenly stepped forward and began to grope and fondle Khârn's most beloved weapon. He growled loudly in response to their rude movements, they turned their heads up to look at him and hissed in response. Their empty hoods regarded him ominously, when the Psyker with the staff ended the stand off. "Oh quit it, you miserable wretches," He said in a whisping voice that held an air of command to the other Psykers. The pair turned their backs on Khârn and stepped back to the one with the staff, they began to speak to one other or so Khârn guessed, but no words were passed that he could hear.

"It will... suffice," The seemingly head Psyker told Khârn after several moments of nonverbal converse with the other two, "Let us start the ritual then," The Psyker added, gesturing towards the chain axe he held in one hand. Sweeping past Khârn, with his troupe in step, the pair who had touched his weapon began to glide their gnarled fingers across the black cauldron. The artefact began to shake and rumble against the ground as the iconography brightened and writhed wickedly. A noise shrieked inside of the cavern for a moment, the noise of all those who had died for the blood sacrifice. Small rivers of blood flowed out from the top and onto the ground, the blood then began to move on its' own. It formed the eight-pointed star of Chaos: each point leading away from the cauldron.

The seemingly bystander psyker with the staff, turned his gaze from the other two's work and stared at Khârn through the abyss of his hood. His brothers by now had also turned to watch them work their obscene ritual, or so he had thought... Suddenly, Khârn's left arm began to shake uncontrollably as did his legs. His thumb turned the axe on without his consent, and his arm proceeded to lift into the arm and lop the off the Berzerkers' head to his right in one swoop. Khârn howled in rage at the loss of such a fine example of a soldier because of such a mundane reason. The remaining Berzerkers continued to stand without movement or sound as their brother's blood gushed onto the earth beneath his otherwise intact body.

His legs then moved on their own and his axe rended flesh and bone, another Khornite fell to the ground in a heap. This continued to happen to each and every single one of the Berzerkers, until he was the only follower of Khorne left alive in this part of the cave. Khârn's body shook with rage; his armor was dripping with the blood and gore of his brothers. The lust for more filled him as he realized that he had the control of his appendages once more. Khârn snarled viciously and pointed his arm towards the Psyker, his chain axe howled with fuel-induced power. "You..." Khârn muttered darkly at the Psyker.

"Shut your mouth as well you power hungry dog and watch," The psyker retorted to Khârn and turned away from him once more. About that time the points from the star began to slither on the ground and began to suck in the blood from his eight dead brethren. Only dry corpses remained now, when suddenly in unison the massive broken bodies of the Berzerkers flew up into the air and splashed down into the cauldron. Red mist began to hiss up into the air and then began to mat the walls of the cavern like slick paint. What happened next was beyond Khârns' understanding on all accounts of intelligence.

The entire vastness of the Eye of Terror lay before him... the many worlds that made up physical presence of the Warp itself. Everything in the multitude of galaxies stood as still, as the presence of unseen eyes seemed to bore right into his very core. The trio had all begun to mutter words of insanity and deceit under their breaths. Every now and again they shook and trembled with unseen power. Suddenly, the three yell at what sounded like the top of their lungs, a name, a name of such evil he felt blood begin to trickle out of his ears. The fabricated Eye of Terror began to swirl on the walls and turn into mist once more, tendrils of the misting blood began to gather in a figure in front of the cauldron. The figure started out as a ball that hovered midair, and soon started to grow larger and larger forming appendages and features. Within moments the figure had begun to twist and bend unspeakably, the Psykers kept up naming the massively long name; which just pained Khârn to hear.

With the cauldron beginning to crack at the brim and at its base, the ground then started to shake violently. Khârn knew everything was betted on the next few seconds in time. The syllables that left the psykers mouths grew faster and louder, they seemed to fester Khârn's very mind. Loudly and abruptly the psykers stopped speaking, and a mind-numbing shriek that brought Khârn to his knees in pain, entered reality. The pain from the scream would appear to have never happened when compared to the pain that he felt next.

The massive bleeding form of blood-mist began to appear to shrink in size and be pulled through a keyhole. The small tendrils of blood that appeared from the massive figure began to slither into the chain axe he admired so much. The haft began to feel white hot even through the multitude of layers of metal and rock of his gauntlet. All of the muscles in his left arm bulged and strained against the inside of his armor. The pain was astronomical, Khârn gaped at his armor as it began to crack and groan from the strain, when suddenly all of it began to crack and groan from the strain. When suddenly, all of the armor on his left armor bursted outward and fell to the ground in a smoking pile. Revealing the massive muscles and huge throbbing veins that bulged along his skin with each beat of his heart.

Narrow slits began to form at the head and haft of his axe, and they soon enough transformed into full-fledged eyes. The mist was nearing its' end as it continued to filter into his weapon. When it did completely dissipate, his weapon shone with a blood red power for a moment and then deadened once more. Khârn let out a held breathe, when suddenly the axe shut up toward his head, he groaned loudly and with much effort forced his weapons' grinding teeth away. He stared down at his left arm and his weapon, clenching its haft firmly. It would take much time, he supposed before he got used to the idea of his own weapon readily able to take his life as it did his enemies.

"Its' name..." Wheezed the psyker who wielded the staff, the other two followed close behind, breathing loudly and wheezing as well. "Its' name is Gorechild."

Khârn stared down at the now even mightier of a weapon and gently stroked its haft with his index finger. The axe responded with a threatening roar of its' teeth as they grinded loudly, writhing in his hand wanting to get at his torso and kill him. All of its red eyes that could be seen stared up at him menacingly and did not blink, the daemon within oozed rage and malice towards Khârn and everything else that lived. "Yes, Gorechild," Khârn murmured to himself through the static filled voxcaster built into his helmet as it emitted his voice. The axe raged and grinded its' teeth once more. This time, this time, it met black robed flesh.


The nineteen organs created by the ancient technicians of the Emperor are described below. Each of these organs is extremely complicated and because many of the organs only work properly when another organ is present, the removal or mutation of one organ may affect the exact functioning of the others. For these reasons, implants must be constantly monitored, and many Marines have to undergo corrective surgery or chemotherapy to re-balance their metabolism.

Phase 1 – Secondary Heart. The simplest and most self-sufficient implant. The secondary heart is capable of boosting the blood supply or maintaining full life functions even with the destruction of the recipient's original heart. The Phase 1 implant enables Marines to survive low oxygen concentrations and traumatic injury.

Phase 2 – Ossmodula. This is a tubular shaped organ whose small size belies its complex structure. The ossmodula monitors and secretes hormones affecting epiphiseal fusion and ossification of the skeleton. At the same time, the specially engineered hormones encourage the forming bones to absorb ceramic based chemicals administered in the Marine's diet. Two years following implantation, this will have caused considerable strengthening of the long-bones, extreme ossification of the chest cavity (caused by growth of the ribs forming a solid mass of inter-laced bone plates) and a general increase in the size of the recipient's skeleton.

Phase 3 – Biscopea. This organ is implanted into the chest cavity. It is small, approximately spherical and, like the Ossmodula, its primary action is hormonal. The presence of the biscopea stimulates muscle growth throughout the body.

Phase 4 – Haemastamen. This tiny organ is implanted into a main blood vessel. The haemastamen serves two purposes. It monitors and to some degree controls the Phase 2 and 3 implants. The organ also alters the constituent make-up of the recipient's blood. As a result, Marine blood is considerably more efficient than ordinary human blood, as it has to be when you consider the extra biological hardware a Marine carries inside him!

Phase 5 – Larraman's Organ. This is a liver shaped, dark, fleshy organ about the size of a golfball. It is implanted into the chest cavity along with a complicated array of blood vessels. The organ generates and stores special 'Larraman cells'. If the recipient is wounded, these cells are released into the blood stream. They latch onto leucocytes in the blood and are transported to the site of a wound. Once in contact with air, the Larraman cells form a skin substitute of instant scar tissue, staunching the flow of blood and protecting any exposed wound area.

Phase 6 – Catalepsean Node. This brain implant is usually inserted into the back of the skull via a hole drilled into the occipital bone. The pea-sized organ influences the circadian rhythms of sleep and the body's response to sleep deprivation. Normally, a Marine sleeps like any normal man, but if deprived of sleep, the catalepsean node 'cuts in'. A man implanted with the node is capable of sleeping and remaining awake at the same time by 'switching off' areas of the brain sequentially. This process cannot replace normal sleep entirely, but increases a Marine's survivability by allowing awareness of the environment whilst resting.

Phase 7 – Preomnor. The preomnor is a large implant which fits into the chest cavity. It is a predigestive stomach which allows the Marine to eat a variety of otherwise poisonous or indigestible materials. No actual digestion takes place in the preomnor. Individual sensory tubes assess potential poisons and neutralise them or, where necessary, isolate the preomnor from the rest of the digestive tract.

Phase 8 – Omophagea. This is a complicated implant. It really becomes part of the brain, but is actually situated within the spinal cord between the cervical and thoracic vertebrae. Four nerve sheaths called neuroclea are implanted between the spine and the preomnoral stomach wall. The omophagea is designed to absorb genetic material generated in animal tissue as a function of memory, experience or innate ability. This endows the Marine with an unusual survival trait. He can actually learn by eating. If a Marine eats a part of a creature, he will absorb some of the memories of that creature. This can be very useful in an alien environment. Incidentally, it is the presence of this organ which has created the various flesh eating and blood drinking rituals for which many Chapters are known, as well as giving the names to Chapters such as the Blood Drinkers, Flesh Tearers etc.

Phase 9 – Multi-lung. This is another large implant. The multi-lung, or 'third' lung, is a tubular grey organ. Blood is pumped through the organ via connecting vessels grafted onto the recipient's pulmonary system. Atmosphere is taken in by means of a sphincter located in the trachea. In toxic atmospheres, an associated sphincter muscle closes the trachea and restricts normal breathing, thus protecting the lungs. The multi-lung is able to absorb oxygen from poorly oxygenated or poisonous air. Most importantly, it is able to do this without suffering damage thanks to its own efficient toxin dispersal, neutralisation and regeneration systems.

Phase 10 – Occulobe. This small slug-like organ sits at the base of the brain. It provides the hormonal and genetic stimuli which enable a Marine's eyes to respond to optic-therapy. The occulobe does not itself improve a Marine's eyesight, but it allows technicians to make adjustments to the growth patterns of the eye and the light-receptive retinal cells. An adult Marine has far better eyesight than a normal human, and can see in low light conditions almost as well as in daylight.

Phase 11 – Lyman's Ear. This organ enables a Marine to consciously enhance and even filter certain types of background noise. Not only is hearing improved, but a Marine cannot become dizzy or nauseous as a result of extreme disorientation. Lyman's ear is externally indistinguishable from a normal human ear.

Phase 12 – Sus-an Membrane. This flat, circular organ is implanted over the top of the exposed brain. It then grows into the brain tissue until completely merged. The organ is ineffective without subsequent chemical therapy and training. However, a properly tutored Marine may then enter into a state of suspended animation. This may be a conscious action, or may happen automatically in the event of extreme physical trauma. In this condition, a Marine may survive for many years, even if bearing otherwise fatal injuries. Only appropriate chemical therapy and auto-suggestion can revive a Marine from this state – a Marine cannot revive himself. The longest known period of deanimation followed by successful reanimation is 567 years in the case of brother Silas Err of the Dark Angels (d.321 M.37).

Phase 13 – Melanochrome, or Melanochromic Organ. This organ is hemispherical and black. It functions in an indirect and extremely complicated manner. It monitors radiation levels and types bombarding the skin, and if necessary, sets off chemical reactions to darken the skin to protect it from ultraviolet exposure. It also provides limited protection from other forms of radiation. Differing melanochrome organ gene-seed from Chapter to Chapter leads to variations in skin and hair colour, and in some Chapters all of the Marines may have identical coloration, such as is found in the albino warriors of the Death Spectres Chapter.

Phase 14 – Oolitic Kidney. This red-brown and heart shaped organ improves and modifies the Marine's circulatory system enabling other implants to function effectively. The oolitic kidney also filters blood extremely efficiently and quickly. The secondary heart and oolitic kidney are able to act together, performing an emergency detoxification program in which the Marine is rendered unconscious as his blood is circulated at high speed. This enables a Marine to survive poisons and gases which are otherwise too much for even the multi-lung to cope with.

Phase 15 – Neuroglottis. Although the preomnor protects a Marine from digesting anything too deadly, the neuroglottis enables him to assess a potential food by taste. The organ is implanted into the back of the mouth. By chewing, or simply by tasting, a Marine can detect a wide variety of natural poisons, some chemicals and even the distinctive odours of some creatures. To some degree, a Marine is also able to track a target by taste alone.

Phase 16 – Mucranoid. This small organ is implanted in the lower intestine where its hormonal secretions are absorbed by the colon. These secretions initiate a modification of the sweat glands. This modification normally makes no difference to the Marine until activated by appropriate chemotherapy. As a result of this treatment, the Marine sweats an oily, naturally cleansing substance which coats the skin. This protects the Marine against extremes of temperature and even offers a slight degree of protection in vacuum. Mucranoid chemotherapy is standard procedure on long space voyages and when fighting in vacuum or near vacuum.

Phase 17 – Betcher's Gland. Two of these identical glands are implanted, either into the lower lip, alongside the salivary glands or into the hard palette. Betcher's gland works in a similar way to the poison gland of venomous reptiles by synthesising and storing deadly poison. Marines are rendered immune to this poison by virtue of the gland's presence. The gland allows the Marine to spit a blinding contact poison. The poison is also corrosive. A Marine imprisoned behind iron bars could easily chew his way out given a few hours.

Phase 18 – Progenoids. There are two of these glands, one situated in the neck, the other deep within the chest cavity. These glands are important to the survival of the Marine's Chapter. Each organ grows within the Marine, absorbing hormonal stimuli and genetic material from the other implants. After five years, the neck gland is mature and ready for removal. After ten years, the chest gland becomes mature and is also ready for removal. A gland may be removed any time after it has matured. These glands represent a Chapter's only source of gene-seed. When mature, each gland contains a single gene-seed corresponding to each zygote implanted into the recipient Marine. Once removed by surgery, the progenoid must be carefully prepared, its individual gene-seeds checked for mutation, and sound gene-seeds stored. Gene-seeds can be stored indefinitely under suitable conditions.

Phase 19 – Black Carapace. This is the last and the most distinctive implant. It looks like a film of black plastic when it's growing in the tanks. This is removed from its culture-solution and cut into sheets which are implanted directly beneath the skin of the Marine's torso. Within a few hours the tissue expands, hardens on the outside, and sends invasive neural bundles deep inside the Marine. After several months the carapace will have fully matured and the recipient is then fitted with neural sensors and transfusion points cut into the hardened carapace. These artificial 'plug-in' points mesh with features integral to the powered armour, such as the monitoring, medicinal and maintenance units. Without the benefit of a black carapace, a Space Marine's armour is relatively useless.

Rage Amplifiers

The implants that turns a Space Marine into a monster. Reserved only to those who were in the World Eaters legion. They amplify their anger and rage far beyond normality and at the very best and calm of times, the marine implanted with these is always agitated. At the worst... entire cities are depopulated in their frenzy of blood and anger.

Collar of Khorne

A collar that is said to have been tempered from the very heat of the Khornes' rage at the base of his Skull throne. These sorts of artefacts are given to his most worthy of Champions; Khârn is one such as these. Surrounding the most devout of wearers with the very power of the Warp itself, the collar protects them from harm from both magical and mind attacks as well as anything that would happen to them as a direct result of such things. The energy/power being used on the target, and instead redirects it to the collar itself. Once this happens, the power is expelled into the infinitely gaping maw of power that is the Warp, nullifying the attack. It is only in the most dangerous and power of these attacks that the Collar is rendered useless by the Magus in question.

Mark of Khorne

Frenzying and maddening Runes of Chaos that have been burned into Khârn’s armor by machine and the Warp alike. Another gift given to him for his most dutiful service to his most Violent God, Khorne. They increase his adrenaline pounding, blood-lusting, battle-craving, insatiable madness and skull collecting strength. Strength that he uses so deftly, that Khârn has never once been outmatched in close combat against a foe, nor has he ever truly met a match.

Feel No Pain

Due to the frenzied state that Khârn enters during battle, he is capable of shrugging off and just outright ignoring wounds that would normally disable or at least slow down a 'normal' Chaos Marine. His lust for blood and skulls to add to Khornes throne is so great, that he practically forgets what pain is and is solely committed to the act of creating Death.

Blood Frenzy

The eagerness to rend flesh is so alluring to Khârn, that he is lost to the madness. When faced against several opponents or one stubborn one, this attribute comes into play. The true frothing madness that permeates from his being is given light and the will to spill blood takes over. He strikes repeatedly, over and over, it has been remarked that the speed in which he strikes is so fast that victims who have befallen his axe were whole in one moment; and with the bat of a lash, they became a mound of body parts on the ground. Their life’s blood staining and dripping into the ground underfoot, all of it goes back to Khorne.

Talisman of Burning Blood

An artefact imbued with the corrupt powers of the Warp. Pushing unnatural speed onto Khârn, reserved merely for how fast he runs. With this artefact Khârn can move over greater distances or smaller ones at an incredibly fast rate. Showing once more how devoted the followers of Khorne are to kill and in turn be killed.

Rage of Khorne

An ability instilled upon all of the most devout followers Khorne, Khârn who is probably the most devout alive obviously gains the benefits from it. Khârn's rage is something to be feared by itself, but when in the most maddening and chaotic of battles, Khorne's followers can touch upon the rage of Khorne himself. Filled with an unmatchable hate and desire to kill everything that lives, Khârn's strength is enhanced beyond what his body could normally supply him with. This ability is practically restricted to that when going against spell casters. The amount of their ability being wielded the stronger, faster and more damage he can use then before.

- Any time anything that can be construed as magic or psychic, i.e. elementals and so forth.

Daemonic Armor/Daemonic Rune

The very armor that Khârn wears, once Space Marine power armor, it has been corrupted and in turn blessed by Khorne himself. The strength and durability of his armor is simply massive as is the most kindly and special blessings of Khorne that he has been given. The rune inscribe upon it along with the Mark of Khorne, protects him from the most powerful of attacks, ones that would normally vaporize or just outright kill another mortal physically, Khârn will continue to stand and never give peace until the battle is over. And when his armor does infact take damage in times between battles or during them in which the opponent has gone lax for whatever reason it will start to repair itself with the ruinous powers of Chaos.

- Khârn's helmet is a very technologically advanced piece of equipment. It has several settings for optics and controls much of the small less vital parts of his armor.

- Optic settings: Thermal Sensor, X-Ray, Magnification settings (x2,x4,x6,x8 , Velocity calculations, Height calculations, Targetting arrays (for both his gun as well as keeping a lock on moving enemies), and finally motion/sound sensors that alert him to incoming attacks.

[Theme Song:] "Blood Red Sandman" - Lordi

[Battle Cry:] "Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull throne!"

"Kill, maim, burn! Kill, maim burn! Kill, maim, burn! Kill, maim, burn! Kill maim burn! Kill, maim, burn!"


The picture above is a size comparison to a normal human male, and that of a Chaos Marine. Showing not only how massive they are on average, but showing the amount of strength they can throw around. Khârn is even bigger then the one shown here, and is bigger then most other Chaos Marine's aside from those in Terminator Armor.

Incredibly cumbersome he may seem to be, Khârn is incredibly fast. Not only, that but his strength makes just about any humans or otherwise pales by comparison. He can use his weight to it's full extent, knocking away and destroying his prey that don't out right die, but block one of his attacks. Blocking one of his strikes with or without Gorechild would have the effects of being hit by a semi-truck on a normal human.

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