When you got the invite you didn't go. But, a cloud of sand formed around you and teleported you to the party. You gave everybody death glares but, sat down anyways. For your dare, you were told to hug Sasuke. You came towards him and punched him in the face. When you sat back down your truth was to point to the boy you liked the most in the room. You looked away, almost angry but, blushing. You hesetently pointed to Gaara. He grew uncomfortable and you started to feel bad for him. Then, it was time for spin the bottle. You smashed the bottle and well, so much for that game... Then, you were tied down, blind folded and forced into the closet. As you heard someone come in you growled. "If you really want to kiss me... I dare you..." You said. Then you felt lips against yours. They were cold but, soft. You pulled away surprised and you started to hear sobbing. You went over to the mystery boy and gave him a kiss. You two started to make out. When your time was up, he removed your blind fold and it was... Gaara!
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another quiz
you spin the bottle carelessly. it spins five times and lands on gaara. you freeze up. gaara is the only person who scares you. and you have to kiss him in the closet. the dark closet... you feel soemthing grab your waist. you look down and a sand rope pulled you up and into gaara's hands in the closet. the door shut behind you and your heart starts to race.'what's going to happen? am I going to die? is this it?' you think. then, sand carries you to the back and gaara slowly gets closer and closer. you get pinned to the wall. you couldn't move. 'yep! this is it! should I scream? should I just let him get it over with? what should I do!?' then, you feel him brush his hand thru your hair. and felt his warm breath on your lips as he slowly got closer and closer. you close your eyes ready for him to kill you. then....you freeze up! you snap open your eyes. he was kissing you! that's it! kissing you! and a very good kisser at that! sevon minutes later. he stops. but he dosn't release his sand. he whispers to you. "times up. so, sit with me." you nod. he releases most of his sand. but just a little hung as a necklace around your neck. you two leave the closet and you sit next to him trying to figure out what just happened. then, the necklace forced your head onto gaara's shoulder.you look up at him frightened. he doesn't look back but puts his arm around you. and for the rest of the night, you and him start to like each other. and eventually become a couple.

Boyfriend: Garaa of the SandBest friends: Temari, Ten-ten, NarutoEnemies: Sakura, Sasuke.
-x-Characters thoughts-x-Naruto: She understands what its like-Isolation. She's had a tougher life then me and Garaa put togeather but she never stops smiling. Sasuke: She dispises my living soul, but I don't hate her- she understands isolation.Sakura: Sasuke looks like he actually wants to talk to her I have to stop that! He's mine! We hate eachother.Kakashi: Her smile is adorable. for someone to go through as much as she had and is still smiling, now thats strenght. Her Jutsu isn't bad either.Lee: She's not very youthful, but her smile is. I will train her in the ways of the youth!Ten-ten: She's really queit.Neji: Interesting, girl, maybe destiny will hook us up.Gai: Lee wants to train her how cute!Shikamaru: She's brave for hooking up for Garaa, I wonder if she was forced...Ino: She hates Sasuke ^.^Chouji: She told me to stop clogging my arteries, whats that suppossed to mean?Asuma: She is one of the strongest genin I have seen.Hinita: She doesn't talk much.Kiba: Slamming body wink .Akamaru: Too busy peeing.Kurenai: Exceptional Ninja.Garaa: She doesn't think I'm a monster she looks past that, she Loves me, she is my gateway into the world. I love her and would die for her. (Awww)Temari: She keeps Garaa happy and shes my best friend we train.Kunkuro: If Garaa hears my thoughts he would kill me. (o.0)Tsuande: My successor, The 6th Hokage! (Naruto: Wahhh you said I was going to be the 6th!)Jeriyah: Not a good research subject *Is laying on the floor from a beating he recieved from Garaa*Orochimaru: Maybe I can take over her body.Kabuto: She called me four eyes.Itachi: doesn't know you.Kisame: Does she like swords.Deidara: Art is a banng!Sasori: Why do my fingers smell like human hearts?
-x-Future-x-Occupation: Diplomat to the Suna/ Healer/ Ninja academy teacher.Husband: Garaa. (Wootz!)Kids: None.
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