1. When's the last time you ran?
Earlier to the library. Just a few blocks.
2. Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them?
3. What book are you reading right now?
4. Is your lip gloss poppin?
5. When is the next time you will see the person you like?
Tonight. 8D
6. Can you dance?:
I can look like an idiot if that's what you're asking.
8. Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night?
Hardly ever ^^
10. If anyone came to your house on your "lazy days" what would you be doing?
Sitting on my a**, watching a movie and cuddling up with people.
13. Who last grabbed your butt?
Oni wink
14. Have you ever been on your schools track team?
15. Do you own a pair of Converse?
16. Who did you copy and paste this survey from?
17. Do you eat raw cookie dough?
Yes! =)
18. Have you ever kicked a vending machine?
Yea but my foot got stuck in the glass so I'm not doing that anymore... ^-^
19. Don't you hate when the radio ruins good songs by playing a bad one?
23. Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone?
Yuppies. Oni's that important. smile
24. Could you live without a computer?
45. Is anyone on your bad side now?
46. What jewelry are you wearing?
Uh my ring.
47. Whats the first thing you do when you get online?
See if Oni's on or other peeps like Breezies, Su, Daric, and Mika.
49. Do you watch Grey's Anatomy?
5O. How do most people spell your name?
Nit. If they call me by my other name I'll blow up at them.
51. Would you wear your boyfriends/girlfriends clothes?
Yep. He wears some hott s**t.
56. What are you doing tomorrow?
Sleeping and talking and laughing.
57. Is Justin Timberlake becoming the next Michael Jackson?
YES. Na, Iunno. n_N
58. Do you brush your teeth every morning?
Afternoon. When I wake up. razz
59. Do you love the mall?
60. If you could do anything right now what would it be?
That's a bit too inappropriate for some ears... <3
61.McDonalds or Burger King?
62. What do you think about those new lyric shows on television?
Stupid a** hell.
67. Do you return your cart?
No. I have Oni push me when I sit in the baskets. biggrin
69. Do you have a dishwasher?
Yea, it's called Marie. surprised
70. Have you ever washed walls?
Yea, I spilled alchohol on them so it had to be done.
71. Would you survive in prison?
Yep. Been in and out. WOW that sounds wrong.
72. How many stars are in the sky?
73. Is anyone annoying you right now?
74. Would you trust your life with all of your top eight?
75. Are you obsessed with yourself and/or is anyone obsessed with you?
76. If all of your friends were going on a road trip, would you?
Hell yes!
77. Do you know anyone with the same name as you?
Uh, no? Nitia is kind of original me thinks.
78. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
79. Whats the last thing you ate?
Cracker Barrel.
80. Can you say your ABC's backwards?
Which one? I know a few languages, so... razz
82. Do you like the phone you have?
Tis kewlies.
83. When was the last time you told someone you liked them?
Two seconds ago to Breezies and Su on Furcadia.
84. What's your middle name?
85. Where is your cell phone?
On the counter I think.
86. What did you do last night?
********. That's bout it. wink
88. Ever been to Georgia?
89. Are you afraid of spiders?
No, they're fuzzy and eat bugs.
90. Do you like to read?
91. What irritates you most on the internet?
Pop-ups and lagging.
92. Do you watch movies with your parents?
We didn't have television back then.
93.Do you like to shop?
If I have the money for it, of course.
94. Favorite song?
Frei la'Jorna.
95. Do you still use the word "whack"?
Back in the 70's maybe.
96. Can you speak another language?
Ita vero.
97. Where do you work?
Black Sheep Bar.
98. Are you taking college classes right now?
99. What do you drink?
What tastes good.
100. What's your kind of beer?
Beer's icky.
101. Do you like sushi?
102. Do you get your hair cut every month?
Well...I didn't... but that sounds like an interesting idea.
103. Do you go online everyday?
Nope. I have a life.
104. Do you enjoy your personality?
105. Is there someone who has changed your life?
Yes. My wife, son, and friends. Onichi included. (: