Wow, so...who told the MP that the price of a Grunny shirt could go down to 2,100g?! I bought it at 4.5k a few days ago, and that was a bargain price. Then in 48 hours, it's barely above two thousand? Come on. Lame.
It's been a weird day for me, and I just want to go to bed and forget it all. I wish I could sleep in my own bed...why does my brother have to be here now, of all nights? Why couldn't he be here on my good nights, when I don't mind sleeping on the living room floor?
'Night, Gaians. Play nice.
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Jasmine's Party of Words
I won't write in here often, and if I do, it will most likely be a direct reference to my activity on Gaia. Very little personal information...sorry, if that's what you're into. :-3
[b:fd2d5c5103][center:fd2d5c5103]"Freedom in the absence of virtue will destroy a country as quickly as any tyranny."[/b:fd2d5c5103] - John C. Wright[/center:fd2d5c5103]