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Cloud Village Info ( my village )
Location: A large peninsula in the Northern area of the world. Shares a border with the Blood Country. Cloud is found in the Northeast, near the Denkou Village.

Demon:Nii Yugito and Nibi
Yugito First Manga Appearance: Chapter 312
First Anime Appearance: NA
Hidden Village: Cloud
Rank: Unknown
Bijuu: Two-Tailed Cat Demon
Power: Fiery mouth blasts
Drawbacks: Unknown
Status: Captured
Info: Yugito was a kunoichi from Hidden Cloud. Like Gaara and Naruto, she was an active part of her village. She appeared to be in her twenties. She contained the two-tailed cat demon, which was defeated in battle by Hidan and Kakuzu. Akatsuki then removed the Nibi from within Yugito, killing her. Demon Sanbi.Nibi is a 2-tailed cat with fire breathing powers. Nibi's Jinchuuriki is a girl named Yugito from the Village of Cloud. She is the second strongest ninja in her village and she has the ability to transform completely into the two tailed demon cat almost at will. The demon cat can shoot fireballs from her mouth at her opponent. Yugito seems to be like what Gaara was to the Sand Village, the trump card of the Hidden Cloud. Unlike Gaara and Naruto, she doesn't seem to have problem with people around her. This hints that the demon in her isn't hated by everyone and she is viewed by others how the Hokage wants everyone to view Naruto. Yugito gets captured by the Akatsuki, just like Gaara, so they can extract the Bijuu out of her.

Climate: In the Lightning Country the sun shines just about 2-3 times a week. Even then, it's lightly cloudy. It's cloudy all year long, including the summer, making the countries shores the perfect place to be. During the summer months of July and August, thunderstorms occur 3-4 times a week, but as a result, rainbows are common, giving the Lightning Country another reason to be such a great place to vacation.

Terrain: The Lightning Country is filled with various terrain. Terrain such as mountain ranges in the south, to various plots of land below sea level in the center. The shores of the beaches had rocks, but were cleared by shinobi to make the beaches a more ideal place for vacation.

Housing: Most of the houses from the middle class up are contructed of non-conductor material such as concrete block or brick, making sure that when thunderstorms occur, houses don't catch on fire from lightning strikes.

Allies and Enemies: The Lightning Country made only two enemies over the course of the past 250 years: Mist and Sound.
--In the Great Shinobi War, even though allies, Cloud and Mist refused to get along near the end of the war. With the defeat of Shihane, Cloud and Mist went their own ways, and set up a 100-year treaty to ensure that they wouldn't declare way on each other while their relations were bad, and hope that the future would be different. Sadly, it hasn't. No one ever forgot the stubbornness of the Water Country, and there's no plan to forget.
--The Sound Country and Hidden Village have been and always would be on Cloud's bad side. Though not having done much to the Lightning Country at all, the country refuses to acknowledge them as a part of a neutral relationship, and classifies it as an enemy.
--The Blood Country is considered a threat as well, being on the border of the Lightning Country. For this reason alone, the Cloud Village as a sub-village for the purpose of defending the border.

Special Squads:
Joukai no Raiu(Heavenly Thunderstorm) - The special squad of the Cloud country, equivalent to the Leaf's ANBU. A deadly set of people, skilled greatly in the arts of assassination. The few Jounin that are in this group are captains, and have been known to use the Raikiri at a customized level. That is the skill of this group. Includes one Genin listed as an Internal Survaillance worker, as that Genin watches the world, and through the stereotype of a Genin, be able to spy on things with an open eye without suspicion. Split into various groups:
--Internal Survaillance (Genin* or Chuunin)
--Internal Affairs (Chuunin)
--External Affairs (Chuunin)
--Information Gathering (Chuunin; rarely Jounin)
--Assassination (Chuunin or Jounin)
--International Affairs (Chuunin or Jounin)
--Hunting (Chuunin or Jounin)
*There is only one EVER; and is for village survaillance only. Contact the Cloud GM for details.

History: Ever since the first advances made into electricity, men and women found more than just domestic uses for electricity. With these new uses, the Lightning Country gained power military-wise, forming the Cloud Village approximately 1 A.V. Lightning is considered a powerful element, disrupting the human body and reversing other elements. Soon, techniques were made from different aspects of living. At one moment, the children inspired the creation of numerous and, ironically, higher-level jutsu.

Even then, the Lightning Country, though a quiet country, was a country that seeemed to have the most problems with internal affairs mostly within the country itself but also in the village as well. In the village, there had been many Jounin, those from the Heavenly Thunderstorm, who were placed under suspicion. Sending out Chuunin to scout them, the Jounin always seem to escape survaillance, even if they were innocent. It was the times when almost no one could be trusted, and suspicions were high. Soon the Jounin will placed under house arrest and in some extreme cases, sent to prison.

The trustworthiness of the Cloud Village was gone. The village turned into a place of "silent chaos". Meanint, the chaos was present, but it was never seen nor heard. Shinobi, one by one, were being executed, and the Raikage didn't seem to stop them...when it was really just one person causing false chaos...the name was Hakaru Rukuro. This man was the head of the Heavenly Thunderstorm, and was secretly making deals and trades with the Sound Village for their technology and information, hoping to take over the Cloud Village and become Raikage. But when he was suspected of treason, he began to point fingers at the men he had trusted to do his bidding, causing some of them to be killed swiftly and silently. After 2 years of evasion and blaming, he was testified against by a Genin who was to be his personal student, who was really a spy from the Raikage. Rukuro died in humiliation, bringing the "silent chaos" to an end. This event is the reason why the Cloud Village is so untrusting of their own kind, especially other villages. Even those who are allied with the Lightning Country are not trusted enough to be exempt of the passport rule.

The political tree of the Lightning Country is not too complicated, but not many pay attention to it due to its complexity. It goes as such:

Country Government

Denkikou (Lightning Lord)

-Council Members of the Lightning (7)
--Country Governor
---Provincial Governer
----Governor Appointed Officials
----Policial Force
-----Village Leaders
------Village Citizens

--Cloud Village Council (5)
---Joukai no Raiu
---Elite Jounin

Gangs, bandits, and minor thieves make up the bad side to Cloud. They own villages that they reside in, keeping their women and children there, as well as their spoils and prisoners. Usually the locations are hidden, but there are a few large groups that own villages big enough to have their own defense.

Lightning is a relatively good country crime rate-wise. However, the government never focuses on the good, only the bad. And ironically, the entire country is hypocritical. Within the governement resides a desire to release a Youma...and control the entire world. (*No, this will NOT happen.)

Non-Shinobi Village Information
There are many villages that make up the Lightning Country. These villages are also essential to the Cloud Village?s income and reputation, simply because these villages are the ones that hire shinobi more than anything. These villages mostly occupy the inner region of the village, because the weather is more enjoyable than when on the coast, unless fishing is their main income...that is when villages are found on the coast or near rivers.

Utsuru Village - This village is located in the lower eastern area. The village is located near the Narasu River, a freshwater river. They have problems with bears and such when it is the fish mating time, but other than that, it is mostly a peaceful village. A few retired shinobi reside there, living life to to fullest, so it seems.

Hima Village - This village is located in the northeastern area, along the coast; namely, it is the capital of the Lightning Country. Their main source of income is the deep sea fishing, where they catch everything from salmon to sharks to whales. There is a legend that surrounds the village, a legend that boosts the interest for fishing...the legend's name is "Yami umi no bakemono", the Monster of the Dark Sea. Legend tells of an accident under the sea that caused the birth of the worst sea combination possible: a conger eel, a shark, and a whale. The creature has been described as the largest shark that has ever been seen with the powers of electricity. There have been tales of people who claimed to have seen it, and some came back from the ocean, telling stories of men who died trying to catch the beast. Until now, no one has taken a piece of the creature back with them.

Matsuri Village - The village of festivals. This village is in the southeast of the Lightning Country, and is the center of attraction. Every month is a festival, and there are so many people that even Cloud Shinobi cannot keep themselves from attending each festival.

The festivals:

New Year's Festival. During the New Year's Festival, the little girls (ages 6-13) run around, giving flowers to young guys, usually teeenagers and men in their early 20s. In rare occasions, married and older men. The boys, believed to be immature at their age, do not participate. As a matter of fact, some of them tease the girls...and end up getting beat up by the same girls...

For the adults, however, it's a completely different story. Those who are married make promises to each other, traditionally things that would aid the marriage. Nowadays things like pet peeves are the ones that promised to compromise. Gifts are given to those that are loved, signifying how much the new year will bring.

The festival would then pick up its course, and fireworks made by pyrotechnicians in the village, and couples huddle close together and watch the fireworks. Fresh romances also bloom during this festival, since some who sit under the fireworks begin to find the first sparks of love...

First Rain Festival - The rainy month, July, is the host of the special Rain Festival. Apparently, even though the skies were always cloudy, it didn't rain often, only occasionally. This festival begins on the first day of rain. Upon the first day of rain, it is a day of unorganized festivities. Shop owners will close up shop and others will open their homes to anyone who wishes to come by and enjoy the day with them.

At night, usually the rain is still falling, so the electrotechnicians will shoot charged of electricity into the air that have timed-explosions. When combined with the rain, the electricity creates sparks all throughout the sky as the rain transfers the electricity to other hosts. A beautiful sight at night.

The next day, many crops, wet from the rain, are pulled out and prepared for the huge feast that is given at the end of the night. While the mothers cook and the fathers harvest, the children will play in the rain, letting containers fill with the rain drinking them when thirsty. This gives this day the name "Thirstless Day".

At night, when the playing is over, the families bring their food to the table, and sit down at their respective seats before digging into the food. For drink, water from the rain is brought, and they drink heartily. Once the festival is over, the next day the soil will be semi-flooded with water, ideal for planting.

Harvest Festival - The Harvest Festival celebrates the fall harvest that comes in. Most of the crops harvested are usually a result of the First Rain Festival, ironically, so it is nearly a folow-up of the other festival, that happens during the last week of the month of November, or early December. During this festival, the harvest has already passed in earlier November and October. However, the festival is celebrates the boost in economy because of it. Foreign trading has caused this, and therefore gives the people reason to celebrate. The main attraction in this village is the flame dancers and the electricity performers. Most of them were actually members from a Cloud Village clan who had used their skills in electrical manipulation and entertained the crowds.

This is just a simple festival to celebrate wealth in with a fair, having stands for games and other stuff. However, there is one thing that is special about this festival.

Sakoshi Village - This village is a strange one actually. Most of the people that live in this village are technicians of their field, electro and pyro technology, making inventions by using the elements of flame and electricity. Their best work are the fireworks, which they use during certain festivals. These technicians have also begun engineering some of their inventions and giving them to Cloud shinobi for a cost, mainly favors and in rare cases, money. The village is an interesting place though, as accidents seem to happen with the technicians, and panic occurs throughout the entire village when that happens. Also, this village is home to primitive scientists who wish to practice the art of alchemy. As of yet, there still hasn't been any progress, but when there is, the Lightning Country will never tell anyone. Other scientists reside in the village, but there is no info on them currently...

Sarutan Village - The farming village. Occupying the southern region of the Lightning Country, the river Jehuru runs through it. This village isn't much to the shinobi world, minor Genin-level missions can be found here. However, this farming village relies on its own income, making the farmers richer than the rich in the other villages. Their financial advantages make them an emergency asset to the Lightning Country.

Denkou Village - This village is special in its own way: it is actually a shinobi village. This village was founded by the legendary Ikazuchi Denki. He made this village as a secondary shinobi village, for those with special interests and also as reinforcements in cases of danger. A lot of clans have branches in this village, and find this village useful for more personal training. Also, due to the focus on shinobi growth, more than half of the Joukai no Raiu either resided here or spent at least 2 years here. Located in the northeast.

This village was created by Ikazuchi Denki over 80 years ago, during problems that occured during the last time of terror, so to speak. He grabbed 10 shinobi, each the genius of their rank, and took them to the village, and had them train there for the time when they would be needed the fullest. In total, he ended up with 40 well-trained shinobi, which, due to their training grew greatly.

When the Cloud Village was engulfed in the revolution, this village came in handy, as the 40 shinobi stopped the revolution in little more than an hour. Of course, Denki was the leader of the force, and was hailed a revolutionary genius. They gave him the funds needed to keep the village running, and until now, the Denkou Village is still one that is funded by the Cloud Village and is also a place for shinobi to train intensely.


Cloud Technique Tree

Academy Jutsu

--Raiun No Jutsu (Thunder Cloud Technique)
This jutsu summons a thunder cloud above you. The static and humidity caused by this makes using Lightning-based Ninjutsu much easier.

--Raiton Fujimi Keiko (Lightning Invulnerability Study)
A study and practice of becoming Invulnerable to touching Lightning. Though huge shocks will undoubtebly harm the person, usual effects such as paralysis and comas wouldn't come to one. The study includes: becoming used to the shock, able to touch minor sparks without feeling shocked. This study also includes study of lightning, clouds, predicting storms, magnetic currents.

Available to Cloud Shinobi only. Contact the Cloud GM for exceptions.

Ninjutsu Technique Tree

Level One - Genin Level


Raiton Shuriken No Jutsu (Thunder Shuriken Technique)
Description: The user converts small amount of chakra into lightning and transfers it to weapons. Can be used with kunai’s and other small weapons. Weapons travel at high speeds and do minimal damage. Mainly for slowing down opponents.

Raiton: Jishakute no Jutsu (Thunder Element: Magnet Hand Technique)
Description: A basic ninjutsu in which the user forces chakra into the hand, creating a strong magnetic current. Small steel objects are drawn towards the hand, and allow the user to grab things located on a distance, and can also help the user catch kunai or shuriken aimed for him/her out of the air.

Denkousekka No Jutsu (Lightning Speed Technique)
Description: With the power of electricity at one's heel, the speed is increased, with no extra strain on the body. The higher level you acess, the faster and longer you can go.

Jibeta Raiton Meshi no Jutsu (Ground Lightning Summon Technique)
Level One:
The user does a series of seals, gathering chakra to the hands. Doing so, the user places both palms on the ground, and summons the magnetic current from the ground. The user then pulls his current upwards, making a line of electric static all over the place. To maintain this static, only one hand is required. This is the source for various Lightning Based Cloud Techniques.
Genin/Chuunin- Needs two hands to summon lightning. Can hold only one beam of lightning at a time.
Jounin- Needs one hand to summon lightning. Can hold one beam of lightning at a time.

Level Two:
Chuunin or above, ask Cloud GM if character is allowed to develop into this, does not count as seperate jutsu-
The user uses their own blood to make the magnetic field specific to them. They take out two to four kunais, and put their own blood on the tip of each of them. Afterwards, they charge it with chakra, and place them on the ground. The land between the kunais specifiy the magnetic field. Two takes less chakra, but three is more set specific. The chakra on the kunais make the magnetic field between the kunai much stronger, making it a direct soure for raitons. It would give the illusion that the Raitons are coming directly out of the ground. This is also helpful, because more then one Raiton can be used at once. (Ex. Two Raiton Rairyuudan no Jutsu coming from the same magnetic field) Also, the kunais can be set anywhere, but the further away it is, the more chakra required to use the magnetic field coming from it.


Level Two - Genin Level


Raiu Bunshin no Jutsu (Thunder Clone Technique)
This technique creates a clone out of static and/or magnetic energy. It's mind is the same as the user's as it is identical as of the creator, and has the same appearance. It has more speed then the average bunshin. Dispells when hit forcibly. Chakra is spread evenly between bunshins. How much you can make depends on how

Raiton Katana no Jutsu (Thunder Sword Technique)
Requirements: Raiton Jishakute no Jutsu
This technqiue doesn't neccesarily mean a Thunder Sword, but an metal object that can be a conductor of other metal objects. Chakra is charged into the Sword, so much that it can attract and repel metals (such as Kunai and Shuriken), depending on what hand is holding it.
Left Hand - Attract metals, Right Hand - Repels metals. ...Other, (such as mouth) - Can be controlled.

Raiun Kairai no Jutsu (Thunder Storm Technique)
Requirements: Raiun no Jutsu
Following the Thunder Cloud Technique, the user does another series of handseals, making small bolts of lightning come down. The lightning can be controlled somewhat, and the amount of static in the air is a huge advantage, and the lightning is a disadvantage for metal and water users. The strength of this attack is not as strong as a natural thunderstorm, but it can cause minor burns and minor paralysis (slower reflexes for 2 posts).

Raiton Yaiba no Jutsu (Thunder Blade Technique)
Requirements: Raiton Shuriken no Jutsu, Raiton Fujimi Keiko (Lightning Invulnerability Study)
Description: Charging enough chakra in the form of electricity into the user's hand, the chakra takes the form of a blade. The blade only hurts other people, so can't hurt the user. It is held between the index and middle finger of the dominant hand usually, but for Special Jounin and above, two can be held at once. The blade can expand at anytime.

Rakurai no Jutsu (Lightning Bolt)
Requirements: Jibeta Raiton Meshi no Jutsu (Ground Lightning Summon Technique), Raiton Fujimi Keiko (Lightning Invulnerability Study)
Charging chakra into their hand in the form of electricity, the user is able to shape it into what is essentially a spear of lightning. Hurling this spear, dubbed Lightning Bolt, poses great harm to any person who comes into contact with it, friend or foe. When the bolt hits an opponent it explodes on contact and may paralyze the opponent for a maximum of 20seconds. Another effect of this technique is a burn mark which emanates from the epicenter of where the bolt hit that continually stings and causes the victim much discomfort. This burning effect lasts at most 3 minutes, unless healed.

Tenraisen no Justu (Lightning Line)
Requirements: Raiton Katana no Jutsu
More of a tactic rather than an actual technique, this jutsu requires ample steel string and kunais. Usually performed as a follow-up to any attack that stuns or knock an opponent down/back, namely Rakurai no Jutsu, the user quickly prepares two or more kunais with steel string attached to them and launches them at the recovering opponent. The kunais can be placed anywhere that the user finds them most strategically useful. Afterwards the user performs hand seals and grabs onto the strings, releasing an electric current through them and toward the opponent. Once the current is close enough it jumps off the string and onto the opponent dealing light to medium damage.

Raiton Bakuhatsu No Jutsu (Thunder Explosion Technique)
User performs hand seals and sucks in air (actually charging Chakra) and spits out bolt of lightning. The longer you charge, the stronger it is. During this time, it is impossible to use other jutsus. The duration of the charge depends on how much strength you have.

Kuchiyose: Raiton Anago no Jutsu (Summon: Thunder Conger Eel Technique)
Requirements: Rakurai no Jutsu
Explanation: Summons a conger eel, the symbol of Thunder in the village. Must have signed contract in order to use jutsu. Takes time to perform due to the massive chakra requirement.
Level One: Genin Level - Summons smaller Conger Eels, about the size of a grass snake. They can only move around in the water, but can and will shock whatever touches them. This is most useful in the water, as their speed in the water can go as much as a tuna. Can summon about 10 at a time, as their size is pretty small, equivalent to about 1 foot or 2.


Level Three - Genin/Chuunin Level -Only available to Genin Lightning Element or Ninjutsu Specialists-


Odori Rakurai No Jutsu (Jumping Thunderbolt Technique)
Requirements: Jibeta Raiton Meshi no Jutsu (Ground Lightning Summon Technique) [Level One]
The user summons thunder from the ground, and using chakra, forces the thunder to go in the direction of the opponent. It turns into a bolt of lightning that bounces quickly. After a while, it slows down, but it doesn’t disappear unless the user wishes it to, or it hits the target. There can be more then one at a time, but must be summoned 10 feet away from where the first one was.

Bakuhatsu Kyuuden No Jutsu (Exploding Lightning Balls Technique)
Requirements: Jibeta Raiton Meshi no Jutsu (Ground Lightning Summon Technique) [Level One]
The user summons thunder from the ground again, and using chakra, forms the thunder into multiple bouncy spheres that have a single lightning bolt jolting around in it. Using chakra strings, it is possible to control the spheres. Once it hits the target, it explodes, but because of the one minute time limit, it can explode before that. The user can throw this too, but it can be caught just as easily.

Raikou Matsuden no Jutsu (Lightning Element; Lightning Sheet skill) - A Chuunin Skill
The user places their palms against the ground allowing chakra to flow down their arms and skitter over the surface of the earth in a wave of lightning. Any thing atop the ground becomes a conductor for the damage of this attack.
Its used best against unwary opponents, for the attack is normally easy to dodge; by using additional chakra however, one can direct the lightning to leap from the ground and strike an opponent.

Raikansei no Jutsu (Thunder Control Technique) - A Chuunin Skill
Requirements: Two the three above mentioned jutsu, Raiton Fujimi Keiko (Lightning Invulnerability Study)
The user breaks off the connection of the lightning to the ground, and uses the other hand to act as support. The bolt of lightning travels between the two hands, and is usually held in front of the user, about two heads width apart. This can be used as a source for any Raiton, as the thunder replenishes it self. Also, at a Level Four, this lightning between the two hands is used for other techniques specific to this style.

Raiun Shunshin (Thunder Instantaneous) - Chuunin Skill
Requirements: Denkousekka no Jutsu
When performing this technique, the user does a single seal, (Bird), and the user dissapears in a wisp of electricity. They can only go a maximum of one mile, and have to have been there before. They have to be able to visualize it, and be able to tell generally how far their target is.

Raiu Toku no Jutsu (Thunder Shield Technique)
Requirements: Raiton Yaiba no Jutsu (Thunder Blade Technique)
This jutsu surrounds the user with a spiral of thunder. It could be passed as an "absolute defense", but there is a huge drawback, little known. If the opponent's arm is covered with chakra, then the thunder shield won't effect it. For beginners, this jutsu can only be used for 5 minutes (3 posts). For advanced users (Jounin), this jutsu can be used as much as 10 minutes (6 posts). If used for too long, the user will feel numbness, and be slowed down, in their movements. Metallic objects, such as shuriken, kunai.. etc. won't penetrate the shield, but instead will be flung to the ground.


Level Four - Chuunin Level


Banrai no Jutsu (Thunder Summon Technique)
Requirements: Raiun Kairai no Jutsu
This is a lightning summoning jutsu that needs a thunder storm to work. This jutsu controls clouds in a 100 meter radius around you, to create a lightning bolt completely under your control. This can be aimed at three things: a lightning rod, a metal object, or a body of water. Only Elite Jounins can aim it at other things besides that, even so, takes much concentration.

Rairou no Jutsu (Thunder Prison)
Requirements: Raiu Toku no Jutsu
This jutsu is similar to the Mist Village’s Suirou no Jutsu, but different still. The user charges a large amount of chakra into one of their hands in the form of what looks like an electrical cylinder. The one necessity within this jutsu, though, is that the user must make complete contact with the opponent with an open-palmed attack, thus releasing the electrical cylinder around the opponent. Once surrounded in the literal electric prison, a constant amount of chakra is discharged into it, keeping the opponent from escaping. Another occurrence within this jutsu is that when a victim is caught within this prison it releases slight shocks every 30 seconds which disrupt the user’s ability to react properly. The major drawback of this jutsu, however, is that extreme skill in chakra control is needed to keep the prison up. If at any given point, even in a split second, the constant flow of chakra is disrupted, then the jutsu is dispelled.

Raiton Shuriken Souzou no Jutsu (Thunder Shuriken Creation Technique)
Requirements: Raikansei no Jutsu
Using the thunder that is traveling freely between the two hands, the user concentrates all the lightning to one hand. The one hand glows an eerie yellow, while the user does seals. All five fingers suddenly have shuriken hooked on to them. They can be released with a flick of the hand, and can be controlled to make only a row, or one from each row, or one fly out. Because they are created from the user's chakra, the path of the shuriken(s) can be bent. Other small projectiles can be created, but shuriken are by far the easiest to create.

Raiton Bouseki Yaiba no Jutsu (Thunder Spinning Blade Technique)
Requirements: Raiton Yaiba no Jutsu
Using the thunder that is traveling freely between the two hands, the electricity is solidified in a way that the blade is a beam of thunder, but the hilt is holdable. Using chakra, the blade spins quickly, creating a drilling effect. If hit directly, the force of the blade can make a scar, but not able to go completely through the person, as the energy is not strong enough.

Raiton Nawatobi no Jutsu (Thunder Skipping Rope Technique)
Requirements: Raiton Shuriken Souzou no Jutsu
Using the thunder that is traveling freely between the two hands, the electricity is solidified in a way that it turns rubbery. The stretchy string isn't rubber itself, because it wouldn't be able to keep a current. The stretchy string can be held with one hand. It can extend up to 30 feet long, but the longer it extends, the weaker the electricity is. The string basically hooks onto the opponent, and when the user pushes their chakra through it, on the other end, the opponent is electrified. If the opponent isn't too far, paralysis or passing out may happen. If it is further, annoying jolts and temporary knock out may happen.

Rooreberu Kumo no Jutsu (Low-level Cloud Technique)
Requirements: Raiun Kairai no Jutsu
If there is a cloud, any cloud above the user, a series of handseals and raising one hand to the sky can lower the cloud to ground level. Because Cloud is made of water particles, this effect is the same as mist - if it is a normal cumulous cloud. But in case it is a thunder cloud, every person in the cloud would be drenched by the water, and occasionaly, sparks of lightning strong enough to paralyze someone travel visibly through the cloud.

Kuchiyose: Raiton Anago no Jutsu (Summon: Thunder Conger Eel Technique)
Requirements: Kuchiyose: Raiton Anago (Genin Level)
Explanation: Summons a conger eel, the symbol of Thunder in the village. Must have signed contract in order to use jutsu. Takes time to perform due to the massive chakra requirement.
Level Two: Chuunin Level - Summons a conger eel about 5 to 6 (15 to 20 feet) long. It is about 8 inches thick at its thickest. It is always covered by a surge of electricity, and has a slimy look. It's speed is rivaled in water by dolphins, and looks like a huge snake sliding through the water. On land, it moves much slower, but impressive for an eel. It slides through the grass and smooth surfaces easily, though concrete and dirt prove to be a problem.

Denkousekka No Jutsu (Lightning Speed Technique)
Raiu Toku no Jutsu (Thunder Shield Technique)
Raiton Bakuhatsu No Jutsu (Thunder Explosion)
Rakurai no Jutsu (Lightning Bolt)


Level Five - Jounin Level -Also available to Chuunin Lightning Elemental Specialists Only-


Raiton Tora no Jutsu (Thunder Tiger Technique)
Requirements: Jibeta Raiton Meshi no Jutsu - Level Two
The user does a series of handseals, and out of the magnetic field the user has set up, a tiger made of electricity climbs out. It has a fierce glare, and will only obey the user. It's size is bigger then the average adult tiger, but not an unrealistic size. The tiger can quickly dive towards the opponent three times, going at speed of 50 miles per hour. If the full impact hits the opponent, there is a 70% chance that the opponent will be stunned momentarily, or get paralyzed, 50% chance the opponent will be black out, and .001% of death. This jutsu can be used simultaneously with Raiton Tori no Jutsu, as they're of the same family.

Raiton Tori no Jutsu (Thunder Bird Technique)
Requirements: Jibeta Raiton Meshi no Jutsu - Level Two
The user does a series of handseals, and out of the magnetic field the user has set up, a bird twice the size of a hawk climbs out. It has sparks of electricity covering the body, and doesn't obey anyone. It will attack the first thing it sees, which would usually be the opponent. By chance Raiton Tora no Jutsu is used at the same time, the bird will only obey the tiger. Just like the tiger, there is a 70% chance that the opponent will be stunned momentarily, or get paralyzed, 50% chance the opponent will be black out, and .001% of death. The bird dissapears the same time the tiger does, but by chance the tiger isn't summoned with, it will dissapear as soon as it hits its target.

Shintou Shinsei (Electric Nova)
Tthe user of this technique is able to expand the magnetic field using chakra. Upon performing the necessary hand seals to activate the jutsu the electrical field suddenly explodes, inflates, and becomes visible in the form of white electricity. The radius of this explosion cannot exceed more than 5m, due to the earth’s own magnetic field acting against the one user’s own. Any person caught in this magnified electrical field will suffer shocks powerful enough to disrupt reflexive functions for at most a minute and in some cases may cause momentary paralysis.

Shousen Raiton Hei no Jutsu (Rising Thunder Wall Technique)
The user does several handseals, making a wall of electricity rise up in front of them, or where ever the magnetic field is set. If the user is in the magnetic field, the wall can be made around the user anywhere. As long as it is in a straight line, and no more then 15 feet wide, 10 feet, and no thicker then two inches, it is fine. This shield does not let in projectiles that are made of metal (meaning senbon can penetrate), most taijutsu won't work against this either, as the electricity would shock them. Water would cause both shield and suiton to be completely dissapeared in an explosion, fire would go through, wind would bounce off, and stone would go through. (jutsu-wise) The shield can only be up for a maximum of 30 seconds, a minute if the user is experienced with this jutsu.

Raiton Rairyuudan no Jutsu (Thunder Element: Thunder Dragon Blast Technique)
*Specifically requires Jibeta Raiton Meshi no Jutsu, Level One and Two, and half of the jutsus that can be learned from them*
The user does a series of handseals, making a dragon come out of the magnetic field. It is a powerful attack that hits the opponent forcefully, with a blast of thunder. The thunder is shaped as a dragon, a long slithering one. It can be controlled by a skilled shinobi to only paralyze and/or knock out the opponent. But in most cases, when the user can't control the dragon, an explosion occurs when the dragon hits its target, which will also hurt the user. Skilled users can differ the power of the dragon.
Jounin can only use twice, Chuunin Lightning Specialists, once.

Kuchiyose: Raiton Anago no Jutsu (Summon: Thunder Conger Eel Technique)
Explanation: Summons a conger eel, the symbol of Thunder in the village. Must have signed contract in order to use jutsu. Takes time to perform due to the massive chakra requirement.
Level Three: Jounin Level - Anago no Gyoku (King of Anago) Nago for short -
Summons a conger eel that is about the size of Manda, but less frightening in its height. He prefers to crouch down, more, as he can move the fastest this way. Nago has bright red eyes, and he lives at the bottom of the "Great Lake", a forbidden lake in Cloud.

There's a stream of electricity constantly spiraling around him, which makes physical contact useless to him. This current can be bent by Nago's will power, but not so much. His speed is frightening for his size, and even on land, he is fast. On water, he rarely moves, and lets his anago brothers and sisters live freely in the lake he protects.

Denkousekka No Jutsu (Lightning Speed Technique)
Raiu Toku no Jutsu (Thunder Shield Technique)
Rakurai no Jutsu (Lightning Bolt)
Rairou no Jutsu (Thunder Prison)
Raiton Rairyu no Jutsu (Thunder Dragon)


Level Six - Jounin Level (Administrative Approval Required)


Raikiri/Chidori (Lightning Edge/Thousand Birds)
This move originated in Konoha, by Hakate kakashi. The user gathers chakra into their hand, so much that it is visible. This is done by the user using the thumb of the non-dominant hand to squeeze chakra in a pressure point right beneath the hand. The rest of the non-dominant hand wraps around the back side of the arm. In the palm of the hand, a chakra the form of electricity appears. The crickling sound imiates the sound of a 1000 birds, hence the name "Chidori." It is said that this can cut through lightning bolts, though tested only once. This can cut through basically anything, and is a one hit KO move. The more speed the user has as they are rushing toward the opponent, the stronger this is.
-If I Doujutsu is used in accordance to this move, it is restricted to 2 times a day. If not, 3 times. Reason behind this is due to the fact that Doujutsu consume chakra. To create such a force of chakra with the Doujutsu active drains more, and therefore reduces the amount of times needed to perform.

Kyuukyou Kairai no Jutsu (Ultimate Thunder Storm Technique)
Requirements: Rooreberu Kumo no Jutsu
Before this technique can be carried out, the user must be standing on the highest point in the area. Then he or she does a series of handseals, and raises both hands to the sky. Above the user, a thunder cloud that is pure black is formed. It is about 5 miles in diameter. Part of the lightning that comes out of this cloud can be controlled by the user. Controlling limit depends on the user's proficency. It is usually limited to 5 or so lightning bolts, but can be different. Only one lightning bolt every 2 posts. After the limit is breached, the lightning bolts are random, but only one every 3 posts.
-Note: Due to the sheer power of this technique, it is only available for use in a situation that an admin will allow.

Genjutsu Technique Tree

Level One - Genin Level


Meisai no Jutsu (Camouflage Technique)
Commonly used around academy students and genin playing in the Hidden Cloud village, this skill allows the user to become transparent and slink into the confines of a natural resource. It takes small chakra to initate but it can take quite a bit depending on how long you wish to stay camouflaged within the confines of the natural resource. Elaborating on natural resources, it must be something like a tree or the ground or a boulder that has not been created or shaped by mankind.


Level Two - Genin Level


Raiton Chuuki (Thunder Paralysis)
(Uses Raiun no Jutsu)
The opponent sees a flash of lightning in the distance, brilliant and bold. Immediately after this, the opponent is frozen in place, and cannot move their body. There are two drawbacks to this. If the opponent does not see the flash of lightning created by the Genjutsu, it will not effect them. Also, if the opponent falls asleep or passes out in this state, then the paralysis will immediately disappear.

Journey of a Hundred Needles
(Uses Raiun no Jutsu)
Low level Genjutsu, it is performed by tossing the needle in the air and performing the handseal of Raiun, and roughly 100 needles made up of lightning will fall out of the sky at rapid speeds and strike at the enemy. It does pretty much no damage at all, just a little shock on the body. This jutsu can be easily countered or dodged yet it gives the caster time to perform more... complex jutsus in the meantime. (the needle itself will either fall to the ground or if it was thrown in an angle that it comes down on the opponent and the opponent does not see, the opponent will be struck )

Ishikifumei Butsukaru (Senseless Strike)
(Uses Raiun no Jutsu)
This is a genjutsu technique that really pushes the limits on how well you can control your chakra. When you initiate the genjutsu, you must be watching your opponent the entire time. The oponent will be struck by illusionary lightning and be rendered sensless, only it is your chakra that is blocking the senses. This requires a good deal of concentration as the amount of chakra flow is low yet any higher than what it is supposed to be at and the shinobi will know that it is just genjutsu and easily break through it. This uses up 2% chakra a minute yet keeping such a small control of the chakra strains against the mind, unless you happen to be very skilled. The caster is rendered useless in this situation as they have to keep the concentration or it is broken off. Great for a team strategy.


Level Three - Chuunin Level


Raikou no Kisoku (Lightning Shackles)
(Uses Raiun no Jutsu)
Depending on how many Kunai and such there are the effectivity of this Genjutsu really is. Using the metal of the weapons, this Genjutsu when performed causes a visionary bolt of lightning to come down and make a chain reaction to all the metal objects. With this done, if the target is within this boundary circle (radius must be within at least 8 metres) then the lightning will bind to the victim/s' legs and arm. Although this is illusionary and does not harm, the chakra that had been used from the caster's body, binds the target to that area for at the least 5 to at most 30 seconds, depending on the skill of the shinobi. The shinobi still has movement however, they cannot go from side to side or higher than they are, but they can duck attacks. For a Jounin it wouldn't take much to perform this particular technique.

Gufuu Kiritsukeru (Hurricane Slash)
(Uses Raiun no Jutsu)
Using a moderate amount of chakra, the cloud-nin performs the seals of Raijin and Raiden causing two mini Hurricanes to form out of the sky and twirl around the caster. With this technique, the caster can thrusts his hands forward to make the hurricanes fly at the opponent with fast speed. These hurricanes have the ability to injure the opponent, however, that is because concealed within this windy illusion are the shuriken that the caster has thrown, putting chakra into the shuriken allows the jutsu to be carried off for as long as the shuriken spin or stops in the opponent or object. The hurricanes don't do ANY damage, just the shuriken hidden within them. 5% of chakra goes into the shuriken, overall.

Arashi Ooi no Jutsu (Storm Shroud Technique)
(Uses Raiun no Jutsu)
This is a moderately high technique which acts similar to the mist jutsu that zabusa cast over Naruto and the others on their way to the wave country. With this technique, the cloud-nin is able to summon a down to earth thunder cloud which similar to mist, shrouds itself over the victims and the caster. Since it is a legit thunder cloud, the use of chakra is quite minimal. With this in mind, cloud-nins are capable of seeing through the shroud to attack their opponents. This storm shroud lasts for about 2 - 3 minutes.

Genmu no Henshuubyou (Visions of Paranoia)
This is an area affect that once the victim/s have entered the area, for ten minutes they start to think that there are things watching them. Using the Chakra Web jutsu to cling the chakra onto the body of the victim/s the area effect makes it looks like there are shinobi's in the trees or hiding. seen through the corner of the eye yet moving the head they do not see them. As the effect is on the mind. The Genjutsu lasts for as long as the chakra empowered web lasts. Depending on the potency of the web, from one minute to ten minutes.

Ikazuchi Kakyaku (Thunder Legs) Cloud Taijutsu

Description: The taijutsu style practiced by ninja’s of the Cloud village. This taijutsu emphasizes mainly on powerful kicks and jumping attacks. The only thing the arms are used for are for handstands and to grab on to trees.

Created over 300 years ago, this style is a corner stone of many other styles. Practitioners of this style believe that from them stemmed the Gouken style due to the similar style of kicks, except of course Ikazuchi Kakyaku has the stronger kicks.

Level 1 Genin (40 pound weights are usually on the ankles for training))

Note: this style has no punching what so ever

Left Leg: The beginning of this style is gruelingly painful to learn. The left legs main emphasis is on speedy attacks. The practitioner is eventually being able to use the left leg eventually as a whip, snapping the leg similar to how a tamer snaps his whip. At this level, kicks with the left leg have the speed to block other genin’s kicks but its finesse and power leave something to be desired.

Right leg: The power leg. The right leg is developed much more differently then the left leg, it using much heavier weights in different places to increase muscle growth for power. These kicks are the bread and butter of this style during the genin levels. These kicks can already leave minor impacts on trees.

Speed: Speed has a major role to play in this style. Especially since this style is very offensive, the only thing you really have to defend against enemy attacks is speed. Genin who practice this style tend to use weights to make everything a little more difficult so their chances to move more quickly then other genin are often. If for example a genin can run 100 meters in a minute, these guys can shave 20 seconds of that time.

Leaping: With kicking comes jump kicks and this is no exception. Leaping is important for extra power behind kicks and to assist with dodging enemies. The average genin leap at this moment is about 2 feet into the air.

Flexibility/Balance: Flexibility and balance are incredibly important for this style. Flexibility at this level is just average, the genin able to do a sidekick to reach the face of someone similar to his own height. While balance with both the arms and legs is starting out all right, nothing amazing, handstands can be maintained for about a minute or two.

Level 2 Genin (80 pounds)

Left Leg: Technique has come along way already. The left leg is able to perform the snapping motion the style is feared for with decent aptitude. This snapping motion is around the ankles and it adds an extra jolt that make the kicks sting rather then flat out hurt. This is done to ruin the defense of enemies to leave him or her open to an attack from the right leg.

Right leg: These kicks are engorged with power and that is about it. They are easily able to kick down trees with a good hour of work but their accuracy and predictability is something else though. They are easily seen and can be dodged and counter attacked.

Speed: Shave another 5 seconds off that time. If the genin chooses too, for a short while (2 posts) against other genin his speed becomes so amazing that he or she moves like a blur. All of that time emphasizing on kicking power have given the legs amazing strengths. But after that the genin is tired and unable to battle properly for another short while. (2 posts) Though only taijutsu specialists, those with doujutsu and ninja’s of higher rank can see them.

Leaping: Jumps have gone up a small way; the legs are able to push the ninja 3 feet into the air. But if the genin wants to push him during battle he can force his legs to go jump to 7 feet. This can only be done so often (2 times) before the legs of the genin weaken and leave them unable to battle.

Flexibility/Balance: A lot of work has gone into this, constantly learning how to keep one balanced to be able to work on any terrain. A common exercise is keeping oneself still on a slope of a mountain without the use of chakra.

Level 3 Chuunin (130 pounds)

Left Leg: Power and finesse have made a beautiful union here. At the chuunin level, this style starts to take some real shape and becomes a force to be reckoned with. The snapping motion has been refined a little more so that the snapping as whip like. Now there is something else added; this is commonly called “Togata Ashi” (Sharp foot). The training has begun to master this aspect of Ikazuchi Kakyaku.

Right leg: Trees have become a joke for breaking. The power of the leg able to break down trees for fun, boulders is where real training is. It takes several kicks but a boulder can be broken down into smaller chunks by then.

Speed: Now being able to maintain their superb genin speed constantly at this level. Ikazuchi Kakyaku practitioners become hell on wheels. Able to move around in super fast motions that leave other chuunin baffled. Jounin can of course still see through it and those with doujutsu find it cakewalk. Genin stand no chance of catching up unless the genin is a user of Ikazuchi Kakyaku.

Leaping: Much like speed, their legs are able to do 7 feet leaps normally. Their leg power is now able to push them upward this way without any major straining.

Flexibility/Balance: Not much has changed except the training has gotten more difficult because flexibility is the main emphasis here. Now doing splits for hours is a common practice. For balance, standing on the top of a tree branch on the tips of your toes is training. For hand balance, finger tip pushups for power and then staying there for hours with your feet on the wall for balance. One-armed handstands become something commonly used to confuse enemies.

Level 4 Chuunin (250 pounds)

Left Leg: With the mastery of the whip motion comes the next stage of the Taijutsu for the left leg known as “Togata Ashi”. In the level before it was learning the basics, now it is actually putting it into practice. “Togata Ashi” is using the left leg with such force that it cuts your enemy. This is all a manipulation of speed and power, though with only learning it, the leg strains very easily it is suggested to not do this too much until the jounin levels.

Right leg: At this level the right leg truly takes its shape as a measure of power. The leg has grown such that if an axe kick is done and dodge, the surround area about a 5 food diameter crumbles under his force. It is said that kicks have such power that when they are dodged an explosion is heard. Boulders can be sliced in half by this kick.

Speed: The practitioner has again broken a barrier in speed. Able to pull of movement so fast that chuunin cannot keep up with him. Jounin can keep up with him still but with the right movement a jounin can be confused into blocking in the wrong place. This can also be held up for only a short time before the legs and stamina of the ninja give up. (3 posts)

Leaping: The ninja in his abundant leg strength can normally leap for 12 feet. The body moving fluidly through the motion which makes the jumps so powerful, the jumps are actually composed of many complicated motions and when done by someone at this level it looks like one swift movement. If they push themselves their jumps can do as far as 19 feet.

Flexibility/Balance: Their legs are almost like spaghetti at this level. Able to move them straight upward without any relative problem, they are even able to balance someone standing on the leg in the air and keep their balance.

Level 5 Jounin (700 pounds)
-Not available at character creation.
Left Leg: The left leg is truly amazing. Being able to use both the snapping motion and “Togata Ashi” the leg can now either break defense or make a blade like kick to cut the enemy, they are interchangeable but it requires the ninja to do a full extension to use either or.

Right leg: When this leg does a full kick it is like hearing a bomb explode, that is just the sheer amount of force expunged by the kicks of the masters of this style. But with all this power it has become a little difficult to control. They can hurt their legs doing these powerful kicks unless they leave the weight on to cut their power in half.

Speed: Competing with horses running at full sprints is a common bet done among jounin who are bored. Usually the jounin winning that bet, if there are no weights on the jounin only more experience jounin and those with doujutsu can keep up with the ninja, the speed from the last level has become the staple speed to use. (Lasts 2 posts)

Leaping: On one leg the jounin is able to push himself about 14 feet, with both jumping up trees is a simple task. The ninja moves around like a bat out of hell if he decides to jump there.

Flexibility/Balance: The legs can move in nearly any direction the user wants them to go. Also the ninja is able to stand on one leg for days without even budging. Doing 30 kicks on one leg before putting the other down is a common tactic.

Level 6 Jounin (1500 pounds)
-Not available at character creation. (The weights must be off and using this much energy can only last for 3 posts)

Left Leg: Now the jounin is easily able to alter between the snapping and the sharp styles. Able to with only bring his foot back halfway able to get all of the extension needed for a full on attack.

Right leg: All that matters now is not getting hit by these kicks. Even dodged the air pushed can create a sonic boom with enough force behind it. Walls can be shattered into pebbles and ribcages into bone chips.

Speed: The only things that can catch the jounin now are doujutsu or Sannen. Their speed is beyond anything, but stressing out the body has some bad damage and will need the attention of a medical ninja.

Leaping: The ground is crushed underneath the force they exert jumping. That speed is nearly equal to their running speed. That jump combined with a right legged kick can create some real havoc.

Flexibility/Balance: The ninja’s control of their legs is mind boggling. They are able to defend nearly any area where their legs can reach combined with their speed; they can be a one man wrecking team. But the tendons are severely pushed and can rip during some of the movements. Standing at the tip of Cloud’s mountains on one leg with hurricane winds is no problem for their balance.

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