Here, have some Turkey. ^^
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! (I know I'm a little late... don't kill me!)
Right now I'm having Fourthmeal from Taco Bell. Sounds healthy. mad
And it is 1:35am, and I have no life whatsoever.
Really not looking forward to going back to school on Monday. Bleh. sad
Lyk, okay! .... Just kidding. eek That scared me too.
For real, I just changed my major to new media. Going towards Animation or Game design, not really sure which one yet. ^^; Which is gonna be fun, next semester I get to take THREE art classes. Photography, Visual Design for Electronic Media, and Drawing. Joy. xd
Looooove Liiiiiife:
I'm still crushing a little on the guy from the arcade. What? He's cute in that video-game loser kinda way. xd There's two guys at the college who want me to be their girlfriend, one's name is Franky and the other is Zak. Franky is short and ugly and annoying, and Zak is tall and geeky and plays Magick cards all the time. Oiiiii. *HEADACHE*
So you can see my dilemma here. sweatdrop
I'm not going for a career as a pop star or anything, but I'd like to get more people to hear my voice. That's why I'm trying to upload a .wav file of my voice (most of my friends on aim have already heard it) to my profile. So far, no luck in the Help thread. *sigh* I'll just keep singing all the time and improving my voice. Should've heard me in the shower today, it was amazing! biggrin
Oh yeah, my art. I don't really do any sketching in my art books at the moment, it's more just drawings that I do in my notebooks for school. Some of my doodles get pretty advanced lol, I could put them in a portfolio. Too bad they're all on that damned line paper. *shrug*
My cat:
I always have to put a section for my little black blob of smush. 4laugh
He isn't here at the moment, but I look forward to him curling up with me later on... err, this morning, whenever I do finally get to bed. He's the best cat in the WORLD!!! I'm serious, if there was like, an arcade game where my cat could take on all your cats, he'd PWN. biggrin
[Note: I currently have WoW so if anyone feels like playing with me and my smexy bloodelf pally lvl 17 sometime, we're on the Frostmane server. Oh yeah. *smirk*]
Well that's all for now, check back later for some more juicy tidbits. What is this a romance manga? xd
heart ya, especially you.