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kiki's journal
Chappie 4 Summer Love
What if I told you I love you...

from this cold and messed up world
Kagome half listened to him, wishing he would leave the room. She felt dirty, violated, she felt like one of the girls she always saw following him. You know the feeling you get when you have gum stuck on the bottom of your shoe? Its so annoying but you have to mess with it to get it off? Thats how she felt.
I am in love with you
Sensing the tension and the un-easyness, Inuyasha stood and walked out of the room. Shuttting the bathroom door behind him, Kagome hid under the clear water trying to loose herself within her head to take away the mixed feelings she was having.
You set me free
"Man, where'd you dissapear to? One minute Kagome was all over you downstairs and then the next I can't find either of you," Miroku smirked bumping Inuyasha on the shoulder in a friendly football playing way.
I can't do this thing
'Why did she have to be naked?' the white-earred boy thought. ' Why didn't her tub have foamy bubbles in it like most girls?' But his inner youkai would hear no more.
Called life without you here with me
'Would you rather it have been someone else to help her? To see our mates body?' Inuyasha's head snapped up as if the voices he was hearing were on the ouside of his head. 'M-mate?! You chose Kagome as our mate?' 'Don't act so surprised.' 'Why wouldn't I? Out of all the people, honestly!' '.....' 'Feh.' 'Inu Youkai mate for life.' 'Don't tell me what I already know. And if I don't mate her I'll go insane, pretty much?'' 'Hai.' 'Feh.'
Cause I'm Dangerously In Love with you
"Inuyasha! Are you listening to me?" Miroku smirked.
Finally at attention he looked up at the source calling him. The look in his eyes certainly gave away his dazed state but not his act. Brushing past his friend without answer he desended the stairs once more.
I'll never leave
Miroku stood in the same place dumbfounded for a minute before he realized someone new was upon him.
"Why so shocked? Or is it jealous?" Souta snorted going down the stairs as well, this time with a recomposed Miroku behind him.
Just keep lovin' me
They found Inuyasha occupiying the recliner with the game controler in his hand ready and waiting. He tried to put on the front of his usual cocky self, but they could tell he was distracted.
The way I love you loving me
Souta grabbed the other handle and the game began. "Inuyasha I bet you 5 times, what's up with that?!" Souta snickered. "You're really off your game."
"Side-tracked? You can tell us why," Miroku said asking to get hit.
And I know you love me
Inuyasha seemed to awaken for the first time. "Tell you what? That your breath stinks? That your winning spree will be short lived? I didn't think I needed to tell you that for you to know." 'Mate.' Inuyasha looked up at the clock to see the hour almost up.
Love me for who I am
Souta and Miroku locked eyes. Inuyasha had been looking at the clock after and before every game, even if he wasn't playing. Shrugging it off the first few times, they found it more suspicious the more oten it happened.
Cause years before I became who I am
After regaining his unbeaten title Inuyasha stood up with no time to spare. Without a word he calmly dashed up the stairs. 'You made Kagome wait' his youkai pestered. 'Not for long' 'Long enough' He ended the conversation as he quietly knocked on the door to make sure she was dressed.
I know it ain't easy
"Come in," her sweet voice filled his ears soothing his youkai and regular self. Taking a seat next to Kagome, he quickly repeated his treatment as earlier.
"The swelling has gone down some."
"I know."
"How are you scratches?" Inuyasha asked avoiding eye-contact.
Easy loving me
Kagome blushed and felt her chest tingle under her silk shirt. "Fine. Thank-you." As a very short moment of silence passed Kagome blurted, "We had peroxide."
His movements stopped briefly before picking back up. While waiting she had carried the equipment out to bandage her foot.
I appreciate the love and dedication
His beast growled within him, unhearable to ninjen ears. "I'm aware."
The silence settled back over them suffocating Kagome and bringing the uneasiness and tension back.
"So why'd you..... um... you know..... like.... not use it?" Kagome said her face scarlet.
From you to me
"Hanyou's and Youkai's heal faster than humans. By licking your wounds my demon healing abilities transferred to you," Inuyasha pointed out, his youkai side talking for him and appearantly not afraid to make known what she was shy to say.
Later on in my destiny
Kagome continued to stare at the back of his head, moving to wrap her foot and ankle.
"It won't leave scars," he concluded for her little innocent head.
"Ana. Thanks."
"It would mar your complexion."
Kagome didn't know what to say to that so she chose not to say anything at all.
I see myself being your wife
"Done," he said, rising to his feet again. "Try and stay off of it as much as you can."
"Hai. Inuyasha?" Kagome spoke out hesitintly.
"Do you..... do you find me annoying?"
"If I did, would I still be helping you?" Inuyasha grunted.
And I see my whole future in your eyes
Kagome tore her eyes away from his gaze. Would he? He certainly didn't seem like the nice type that would do that, but what if it was a show because she was Souta's little sister?
"I don't know," Kagome said shaking her head.
'Tell mate how we feel' his beast growled frustraited that he had been restrained and his chosen was in doubt. 'Now's not the time,' he said back with reason. "Feh."
'Feh? What's that supposed to mean? That could say a number of things!' "Inuyasha," Kagome said growling. "Yes or no?"
Thought of all my love for you
As much as it irritiated him that this female dare to growl at him, the dominate mate, it also turned him on. Shameful as it was, how could he not? It was part of Kagome, she was always like that. 'Hell, I doubt she knew what she was doing when she did it. Like a ninjen would know that a growl in the Inu Youkai law meant that she was in heat (a) or she was challenging his position (b).'
sometimes make me wanna cry
'Take her,' his youkai insisited. 'She's not ready.' 'She wants this. Mate is in heat.' 'Kagome's not in heat!' 'You dare question me? Sniff her hanyou.' with that, the voice was gone as quickly as it came. Inuyasha took a small whiff and noticed her aura was incrediable strong. Her intoxicating scent had him hard and throbbing in a matter of seconds.
Inuyasha smirked at her childish antics; looking away, fidgiting, opening her mouth to speak, then quickly closing it. 'She has no idea what she's doing to me.' 'Nïave.'
Realize all my blessings
'He's so close. Why won't he just answer the question? Its not fair, I'm on wits end with very graphic images flashing through my head while he's not even effected!' She shifted on the bed, trying to calm the heat between her legs. "So?" She asked trying to get an answer out of him.
Inuyasha looked up from her milky white legs. He couldn't help it, when she moved her aurasol hit him dead on. Hard. He was struggling to hold back his youkai.
Meeting eyes with the goddess before him, his grip immediatly lost and he found himself passionately kissing her rose red lips. She unawarely parted them, giving him entrance to her warm carvern.
I'm grateful
Inuyasha layed her back on the bed, propping her head up with his arm. Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck willing him to stay. His hand found her way down to her breast and fondled it with a mind of its own.
Kagome let out a small moan of pleasure at the forgein feeling his was giving her. Suddenly the hanyou stopped and pulled back realizing what he was doing.
"I guess that answered my question, ne?"
'Question? She asked a question?' 'Yes, but it unimportant as of now.'
To have you by my side
This time a whimper was what brought him back to the reality he seemed to be fond of loosing. Looking into her never ending lust filled chocolate orbs she called eyes, he wondered if she really was that innocent.
"Inu... Inuyasha. Please don't stop," she whined. She stood up next to his form, letting her head falling to the side barring her neck for him.
'Now does she know what she's doing?! 'Whether or not she knows exactly, in a way she does.' 'Submittion? I don't think she knows.' 'She knows she wants you to take her.' 'She knows? Or you know? Sweet little Kagome does not want me to ******** her.' 'Think about it.'
Every time I see your face
Inuyasha stared at her bare neck begging to be marked, her travling hands pleading to remove his clothes, her smiling face calling to be '********'. Did she want this?
"Kagome, are you sure your ready?"
'Hai hai hai hai! Why is he asking? Can't he tell? Hai!' "Hai."
My heart smiles
His inner youkai brought something else to his attention besides the fact of her virginty. 'Pup her.' 'Pups? She's definiately not ready for that!' 'Do you doubt that we could take care of her and our pups if need be?' 'If need be? Eventually we'll have to no matter what!' 'Point?' 'My point is she's not ready.' '.........'
Inuyasha ignored the voice and grabbed hold of her upper arms, pushing her sgainst the wall. His mouth made contact with hers, a waging war going on between the two tongues for 'dominance'.
Every time it feels so good
Her silk Yukuta was doing nothing to block out the feeling of his hard groin against her lower stomach. It was throbbing violently making her not only want to do this for her, but to relieve him as well.
'Maybe I'm not the only getting something out of this. Its..... its so hard. Does it hurt?' her small head wondered. Her tiny hands travled down his and to the large stone at his pants. Unbottoning theem, she fit her hand cupped over it and gasped. 'Its so hard! And big! How would it fit into anything??'
It hurts sometimes
"Satisfiyed?" Inuyasha smirked, flexing beneath her.
Kagome jumped back at the sudden movement. Satisfiyed? Of what? That he was hard? Or big? That he didn't have any medical problems that would stop them, not that she thought he did. She didn't know the answers to either of the questions so she just slighty nodded and looked into his eyes hoping he would see his answer there.
Created in this world
Feeling that it was only fair that she had made an earlier than excepted move, he slipped his under her yukuta and the film of her bra. Messaging her nipples with his thumbs, a possesive growl escaped when her small moan was heard.
In one fluid movement, Inuyasha tossed both material clothes over her head and onto the floor leaving her utterly exposed.
To love and to hold
Kagome wanted to move her hands to cover herself, her body. But Inuyasha wouldn't let her. He gazed at them a moment longer, pleased that the gashes were completely healed and gone. Grabbing her already moving hands he pushed them aside and nuzzled her cheek, then neck. Moving a little lower he flicked her breast causing her to gasp. Loving the effect he had given her and the effect she gave him, he closed his mouth around her crinkled n****e and began to suck lighty.
To feel
Kagome arched her back into him, squeezing her eyes shut on the wonderful feeling. She was so inexperienced and him so experienced; the things he could do to her body that she didn't even know about was amazing. How could there have been this entirely different world that she knew about, but never ventured to? If she knew that Inuyasha would be the man to take her, would she have? I guess so since that's what they wasted no time doing.
To breathe
Her hitched moaning urged him on. The intense heat he could feeling vibrating from her to him begged him to help them meet their climax. Switching onto the boob, Inuyasha felt soft hands moving on his abbs, then felt Kagome tugging on his shirt asking him to take it off.
To love you
Obediently stepping back he allowed Kagome to remove his shirt and watched her stare dreamily after. Smirking at her pleased reaction, Inuyasha moved back in, pressing their upper boides against each other, trapping Kagome between the wall and himself.
The feel of his hard muscles touching her bare chest made tingles run down her spine. Or was it that his hand was running down her spine?
Dangerously in love
Reaching her rear, Inuyasha tightly squeezed it causing her to quietly yelp in shock and pleasure. Circling her waist, he came to the lining of her panties and let the drop to the floor so silently that Kagome wouldn't have noticed unless she felt it slide down her legs. In which, she barely took notice of as it is.
Can't do this thing
Inuyasha started moving them towards the bed and in the process wound up loosing his pants. Kagome fiddled with his boxers, remembering how big he was under her hand. How was he without any cloth inbetween? Impatient to find out, she began pulling on the sides of it making it slip down.
I love you , I love you, I love you
'Tonight shall be long,' his beast chuckled. 'We'll make sure of that,' he said as if with re-assureance.
Kagome jumped back bumping into the bed when his boxers met the floor. How did he keep making it move without touching it? Her little ponderment inticed him to no end. Getting on his knees at the edge of the bed, he pulled Kagome's legs back to him.
I'll never leave
Her entrance was right infront of him, tugging at his senses so violently that his youkai was almost winning the constant battle. Seperating her dewy petals, Inuyasha licked her bud lighty causing her to shiver against him. Licking with more force Inuyasha played with her c**t, diving into her never ending tunnel frequently. Kagome's walls were shaking madly and her moans seemed to be getting a little louder.
Just keep on loving me
Inuyasha stuck on finger into her tight womb and thrust. Driving his finger as deeply into her as he could, he stuck another finger inside as well. Kagome arched her body downward pushing him farther inside her unexplored caves. Her walls were squeezing fircely on the intruder, but Inuyasha picked up the speed even more and stuck another finger through.
His other hand inched up to her breast and toyed with the hard n****e and padded area. Her juices were seeping into his now cupped fingers indicating her about-to realeasing body. At the release of her, would mean the release of his inner youkai.
I'm in love with you
Inuyasha carefully curved his fingers up inside of her sending her onto Cloud 9. Inuyasha's hand which had been playing with her breast found their way to Kagome's mouth which she began sucking and licking on like a pup. Her muffled screams and cries could scarcely be heard anymore to the hanyou as his world began to flash red. With his last controlable amount of stregnth he threw up a sound barrier and drifted off into the deepest, most resticted, area of his mind.
I can not do
His youkai pulled his fingers out of his 'mate' and licked them clean of their essence. Sliding his tongue into and over her c**t he watched her tremble still enjoying the after-effects of her climax. His tongue travled up over her smooth skin, pass her abdominal, and stopped shortly at her boobs to flick each one tenderly. It stopped again at the place he intended to mark her at, sucking and nipping at it making her moan lightly. Up to her ear which he nipped at and down to her mouth which he devoured.
I cannot do anything without you in my life
Kagome could taste little traces of her sweet juices on his tongue as the more passionate battle continued.
Inuyasha scooted her farther up onto the bed and climped atop her body. With his arms holding up his weight lowly above her, her nipples hardened again at alert and touched the tip of his chest. His manhood lay relaxed at her entrance driving her insane. Her body wanted things she barely knew about, that could happen, but still no sooner had his placed his c**k right above her wet p***y had she started getting another strange feeling in the pit of her stomach like she had when she reached her climax moments before.
Holding me, kissing me, loving me
Without warning Inuyasha held himself up with one hand and pressed into her enterance and slid in. Her barrier of womanhood, her virinity broke sending extreme pain to her. Her sweet eyes welled up with tears and her mouth stopped playing games.
Pulling his mouth away from her, he kissed her tears away and whicpered soothingly to her that the pain was only temperairly. Kagome couldn't help but trust this hanyou/youkai. He was her life, so she tried hard to stop the wetness in her chocolately orbs and held her breath waiting. Inuyasha seemed to know what she was doing, so without pulling out of her he layed his forehead on her's and looked into her painfilled face.
Kagome looked back into his eyes and noticed that they were more red with tinted gold that the other way around as she had seen eariler.
'His youkai is doing this? Doesn't that mean something? Er.... I can't remember now...... I'll ask Sango tomorrow.' Kagome thought realizing the pain fading.
Above her Inuyasha watched her expression change, completely relieved.
I love you
Kagome bumped her hips back against him, the feel of pleasure replacing that of pain. If he had been in his hanyou stage, a shock figure would probably be on his face. Kagome had pressed back into him with such demand and so much spontanousment, he would have questioned her virginity if not for his nose. And that he was the one whom just took it and witnessed it himself.
Dangerously in love
Inuyasha pulled back as if to remove himself but then slammed back into her resulting in her gasping loudly. Smirking, Inuyasha repeated himself and moved faster. The sound of skin-on-skin slapping could only be heard to their ears, and the sound of her pleasureable groans could only be heard by his ears.
Pushing on leg down onto the bed and one over his shoulder, he thrust into her small vigna. Pounding into her with the amount of stregnth and speed that only his youkai could have, was making Kagome travel to her next climax much faster. Just as Kagome was about to let loose an ear splitting scream at her arrival, he pulled out of her so quickly that she whimpered.
Flipping her over he positioned her on her hands and knees, a much more traditional style to the Inu Youkai Law. Licking her a**l entrance, he crammed his c**k into her, not ready for her to hit her other climax and let this night be over quite yet.
Grabbing onto her shoulders, he slammed into her and the impact made her jolt forward, his grip pulling her back. Her a** was almost as tight as her p***y! He could feel himself pulsing within her, his muscles tightning. Kagome's elbows buckled under her, her head hitting the bed. Her hair got messed up as she pushed into it, trying not to yell out her pleasure. The feeling he was repeatedly giving her was incrediable, it felt like she was going to explode in this new amazing feeling. It was so good, how could anything be this great?
Switching transitions as quickly as youkai possible, before Kagome knew he was out of her, he was pumping into her p***y once again. Thrusting into her forcefully, he quicken then slowed down at tormenting paces. Her walls were loosing and he could feel her stretching with every pound into her he gave. Kagome's came up to her c**t and mashed it increasing her pleasure. Her ragged moans and screams were like a cocaine he was getting addicted to.
Arching her a** upward Kagome dug her nails of her opposite hand into the sheets and yelled out her release. The ghost of a smile could be seen on Inuyasha's face as stuck the base all the way to her c**t. Repeating that process a few times after her he came. A couple grunts escaped his thin lips as his fangs travled up her back andto the base of her neck.
Next to her collarbone, his fangs scaped the skin lightly making her shiver. Pulling a few inches away he dove into her skin, her neck now baring his mark. Kagome's pain-filled yelp reminded him of the way she sounded when he first drove his c**k into her. Lapping up her blood he smirked at her reaction; the way she moaned at his touch and turned her head for more axcess ensured him that there would be another round.
When her blood was gone he slipped his fangs back into the same holes, digging a little deeper, this time with her permission of moaning and gasping. Inuyasha could sense her senses dulling slowly, at a pace she didn't even notice. As much as he wanted his other round now, it seemed as though he would have to wait. For tomorrow.
Picking Kagome up bridal style, he carried her to the top of the bed and layed her down. Kagome looked up at him and he almost lost himself. "Mate."
Kagome almost jumped at the word.
'Mate? Isn't that what it meant, his youkai side had chosen her as his mate? Well, what about the real Inuyasha? He had no say in it, but did he feel he was being cheated? Did he agree with it?' She didn't want to worry about this right after what she went through with him. Lost in her thoughts, she was slighty surprised when she felt his lips cascading down upon her own. Finally kissing him back, she pulled back breathless after a moment. In the act of looking away she saw.... gold?
Inuyasha placed his hand on the side of her face and pulled her eyes back to his. He was completely hanyou. He kissed her nose, both cheeks, and eventually once again her lips.
"Rest....... koi," Inuyasha instructed. Suddenly the impact of all the exaugstion left her feeling drousy and tired. Snuggling under the covers Kagome's deep breathing soon made him leave to follow her. With the smell of thick sex in the room, Inuyasha's sensing became more alert and he soon snoozed off after his raven haired beauty.

A/N: I know this chapter was long but I didn't want to drag it onto another chapter. Sorry, but if you still enjoyed it leave comments!

and you didn't return the feelings?

User Comments: [1]
Community Member

Tue Nov 27, 2007 @ 01:36am

wow thats something (in a good way tho)
ur good

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