well... i don't like gaia anymore.. i meen like it gets boring after being OBSESSED with it.... like i was... but im trying to give gaia another try mabye, i just needed a break....
and yeah
so umm...yeah i don't have anything to write about.. so im just gonna pull up some random s**t in my head
rolleyes hm.. so after hallowen i swear ive gained like 20 puonds ok! so much freeking sugar
domokun rofl ! It's awsome but then again im pretty self consciece so like luckily im not belimic yet but seriously dude ive gained waight! and like after 3 week me and my brother ate so much that like my brother started obseesing that there's only like 5 candies left.
eek so now im not allowed to touch them... that son of a... kidding. luckily he did stop me a couple times or i wudaa eating it all in one day.
burning_eyes ninja rofl and there's my total randomness for today

tell me what u think ok....