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do u really know me?

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*Side note from Mikey aka HeKillz: This may be long as s**t, but I want you to read every god damn letter of this, just as I did. This is all well thought out, and I agree with every word of it. This is something I've been trying to express to ninjas for a while now, because I feel exactly like this... but I never took the initiative to write it all out. SO READ THIS ********' s**t, ADD THIS NINJA, AND REPOST. This isn't a typical "repost this or your sister's cat will claw your eyes out at midnight" chain letter bullshit. This is something EVERY LAST MOTHER ******** JUGGALO should read, for the sake of this family's future. Without further ado... Statik the Godfather's words of wisdom:<br /><br /><b>NEW JUGGALO ORDER--JUGGALO FAMILY READ AND REPOST</b><br /><br /><u>Message from Statik the Godfather:</u><br /><br />The following message is being spread because so many juggalos are closed minded and I wanna try to make a difference.. For example, the whole Eminem thing. Or when the Yin Yang Twins went to the gathering and got boo'd off stage--man those two cats were supporting the juggalo cause and got shot down; if you don't like the music don't go, but show some respect yall. I don't like ABK but him getting boo'd off stage cuza what happened is just stupid--if you like the music rep it, if you don't then don't.. we all need to be individuals, not mindless zombies eating up the next flavor from Psychopathic and ONLY that flavor.. if it's all you like then more power to ya.. but don't be afraid to open your mind and see what's outside the box; Cuz you never know what's there until you look for yourself and quit taking other people's opinions as your own. To some of you this message may have been seen (along with my other 5), but some ninjas haven't seen it, so read and repost so all killaz can at least have the chance. I've been watchin' our juggalo family for awhile now.. and here's what I'm seein' in the past few years.. <br /><br />I sit in my chair and analyze the Juggalo Family, good and bad, pros and cons. About three years ago and prior, things were alot different. I really felt like I belonged to a family I could trust with my life. Now after only a few years, the juggalo family has changed completely. Not only do you have to worry about haters hatin on you, you got your fellow juggalos hatin on eachother. Even Violent J sees this and it's worrying both of us equally. I wanna walk down the street and if I see a ninja I walk up and say 'whatup ninja!' and he dont look at me funny. He or she smiles and responds. 5 times outta ten, which is five times too many, I approach a juggalo and they are either scared and dont respond or think they're better than me and act cocky. We need to realize ninjas, <b>we're all juggalos. We're all in this together. </b>So why the self hate? Somebody's gotta stand up and try to fix what's wrong.. I think I'll step up since nobody else will. <br /><br />I've seen juggalos hate on juggalos ever since I became down. But the most irritating part is seein ninjas hate over <u>stupid</u> s**t. Who has more merch? Who knows more music by heart? Who got the latest CD first? And if you dont match up to their standards you're a juggahoe. Man ******** that. I dont give a ******** if you heard the last Rydas album two days before it dropped or two months after, you're as much of a ninja as the kid who scraped up his last pennies to buy Riddle Box or the kid who don't even have a poster on their wall. And I don't give a ******** if you have ten rare jerseys or one stolen ripped up a** Hot Topic shirt. I especially don't give a ******** if you like mainstream music, AMB, Ozzy, ********.. Britney Spears, or Eminem, or whoever the ********. The point is <b>being a juggalo is a lifestyle, and it's about being yourself</b> <u>despite</u> what family, neighbors, bosses, or haters think. We gotta stick together, yet we're fighting eachother and it's bullshit. <b>Be an individual, don't be a goddamn sheep. Most of all, be <u>yourself.</b></u><br /><br />I love video games, smokin bud, listening to music along with making my own(including AMB and Eminem and don't like Boondox and ICP's last album, so eat a d**k if you don't like it), and dressing in a torn a** Hot Topic shirt or my old a** Jersey or a stolen $800 suit. I dont really like painting my face unless it's for an occasion(so does that make me less of a juggalo?), i like coke and ex, love committing crime as much as a heroin addict loves the next needle, and I'm a perfectionist when it comes to typing or drawing or writing music. I got like.. I think three jerseys that I had to scrape up every last penny to buy, but do you see me out there braggin' that I got merch to kids that don't have s**t? Or trying to be better than someone else, or even mentioning it to every passing ninja I see? Nah.. s**t I know a lot of ninjas that have mad gear and put my collection to shame, and I know killas who dont got s**t but a hand-me-down from a homie that's two sizes too small, but love what they got. <b>We're all equals</b>, and yeah, some of the people with more merch act like they're the biggest juggalos, yet some juggalos with a ton of merch don't even act all big and bad. It's nice to see ninjas with a bunch of gear not thinkin they're a better juggalo or ninjas who know every line to every song not hatin on the ninjas who ******** up in the last verse of "Homies". <br /><br />It aint about that. Like I said about what I like, I don't care. None of that makes me less of a juggalo. The fact I like what I like despite what friends, family, and juggalos will think about me is what makes me a juggalo. The killa next to me that don't smoke buds, don't do drugs, can't spell "lyricist", and paints his face three times a week is a juggalo equal to me and the crack head juggalo that hates Eminem, AMB, and Psychopathic's newer s**t AND the motha ******** with money comin' out the a** that has every CD and a new blingin' watch.<br /><br /><u>It aint about merch, money, how 'scrubbin' you are, or what music you like. It's about stayin true to yourself, doin what YOU believe is right, even if you might catch a little heat from the juggalo next to you.</u>(which in itself is stupid, cuz juggalos should realize we're different..) Cuz the fact of the matter is, if the juggalo next to you thinks they're better than you, they need to re-evaluate the clique they got into and go be a jock or something, cuz <b>a juggalo is a juggalo, but family is life.</b>So if you see a ninja, say whatup. If a ninja says whatup to you, say what up back! <br /><br />Oh, and one more thing I gotta address before I wrap this up: To all you cats sayin criminalistic juggalos give a bad name to ninjas, open your eyes. We're not some charity workers who are ruining how a ninja is perceived. The media hates us, governments hate us, police hate us, and you're friendly neighborhood crime stoppers hate us, whether we commit crimes or not. So yeah, maybe the kid that tags ICP on the wall aint makin' us look any better as a group, but neither are the 'crime free' ninjas that sit there and don't do s**t. I admit I love crime, but if I'm with a killa who hates crime or whatever, I won't hide it. But I won't brag either. It's like, crime is me. It's me bein' myself. I was nuts before I knew the word "juggalo" and always thought of killing or crime, not <i>because</i> I'm a juggalo, but because I'm slightly insane.. Before I was a ninja, I was a thief. Those kids that blew up those cars.. are they not ninjas because they committed arson? Is the kid who stabbed a hater hatin' on ICP not a juggalo because he did what was in his heart? <br /><br />If he wouldn't have like ICP he'd still have probly stabbed somebody some day. You guys gotta realize juggalos that do crimes aren't out for attention(mostly) and ninjas that stab, steal, or do big a** crimes/drugs aren't doing it BECAUSE they're a juggalo, they're doin' it because it's what they like. And that's what bein a ninja is supposed to be about: Bein true to YOURSELF, loving what YOU like, and not givin' a ******** what others think. And yeah, some people are stupid. Some killas think if they go and beat up a kid and say it's the juggalo way or do it to be "more juggalo" then that's just stupid. But there's a thin line between the ones doing it for 'juggalo attention' and the one's doing it because they're a little nutty. All I'm sayin is don't throw out the word "juggahoe" because someone likes crime until you find out why they do it. If they do it "because" they're a juggalo then go ahead and be angry. But if they do it because they're a little mentally disturbed, then spare the comments and realize some people are nuts, whether or not juggaloism is involved. But if you wanna be a hippy about it, go hug a tree, ninja. Go give warm soup to the homeless or start a juggalo charity fund for the ethiopian kids.. if you're so concerned about our image, then go out and do something about it. And still, I consider the juggalo that gives a dollar to homeless, the juggalo that smokes bud and bumps music all day, and the ninja who robs a haters house are all equal, just different. <i>Cuz isn't that why we became a ninja in the first place? Cuz we were different and didn't have a place to belong? </i>That's why I did; nobody liked me but the juggalos. Nobody gave a damn about me or what I did.. nobody <i>but</i> the juggalos. Then they showed me music and it was on--I was a juggalo since birth but my soul was awakened once I was enlightened to the music and ways of a juggalo. <br /><br />Finally, on the last word, hear this newer juggalos: Guys, you don't have to cut a kid, get jumped, or hear a certain amount of music before you're a "true juggalo." <b>This isn't a gang and it aint a ******** cult.</b> So quit this "Ninja-In-Training" crap. Let a ninja be who he wants to be. If he quits likin the s**t a year later, you know he wasn't a juggalo from the start. And if he ends up bein' down as ********, then it was meant to be. Don't judge them or try to send them in a certain direction-let em be free to find themselves. It's their job not yours. And ladies, you don't have to ******** every juggalo in the crew to become a juggalette. You don't even have to call yourself a juggalette if you don't want to. You can be a female juggalo.. it don't really matter. A ninja is a ninja. So everybody needs to quit treating us(juggalos, police, haters..) like a gang and start treating us like individual people. <u>The first juggalo you meet will be mad different then the next.</u> That's the point. <b>We're different. We're individuals.</b> So quit acting like we all have to be the same. We're a family of outcasts so let it be.. =/ <br /><br /><i>"Say what you will of me, I'll always have juggalo family"</i> -- The eleven words that single handedly got me down. I had nowhere to belong, and the idea of being with a family of people just like me was intense. So quit trying to create or conform to fake standards, be you no matter what anybody thinks. But don't hate on your fellow juggalo.. <b>we need to stick together.</b> In a world that hates juggalos and anything we do, say, or like, we need to stand up and stick together, or we'll end up a bunch of outcast loners who can't trust anybody.. I don't want that.. and I'm sure you don't. Much family love to all juggalos, east and west, north and south. Repost this message so all juggalos can be enlightened. <br /><br /><i><u><b>Hit reply, select all, and copy the message to get the codes. Then post it in a bulletin so all juggalos can one day be enlightened.. or at least read the message. Input is appreciated, let me know how you feel about this! Much fam love yall;</b></u></i><br /><br />Statik the Godfather<br /><br /><center><br /><a href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm15YmFubmVybWFrZXIuY29tL2xpbmsucGhwP251cmw9aHR0cCUzQSUyRiUyRnd3dy5teXNwYWNlLmNvbSUyRnRoZWdvZGZhdGhlcm9mY3JpbWU=" target="_blank"><img src="http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/5125/mybanner474db9df92558ic0.jpg" alt='Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com!' border=0 /></a><br>

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