Sorry guys, you're going to have to suffer through my Narrative if you read this.....

Anyways, I had an idea for a story the other day, and I figured I should put it down on I'm hoping that this is a good substitute. ^_~


That's what they called it in the old days. When it wasn't a corrupt organization. When it wasn't totally awful, and no one listened to each other. Back when we didn't do those awful things either.

But there's no use in complaining about it. Not now. I'm stuck here for life. So, I'd better learn to suffer through it. Well, that or die.

"Annaliese Waverly!" My codename was called out sharply, waking me from my reverie. Waverly was my organization name, while Annaliese was just a name that I had chosen as a codename. My real name, no one in this place would ever know. Not even my two teammates.

"Here!" We were in a large line; sort of military-ish. Or at least that's what it reminded me of. On the other hand, we were all kids, the oldest of us seventeen. I was fourteen.

The woman at the front of the room called out more names; it must have been alphebetized by first name; Annaliese was the first name on the sheet. I spaced out until I heard: "Sazuka Waverly!" My first partner. She was tall, with dark hair and gray eyes. Her hair fell down her back in ringlets that almost made me jealous. Almost.

"Story Waverly!" My other teammate. The three of us were pretending to be sisters, although I looked nothing like them. Although I did have black hair, my skin was pale, the perfect color of snow. Story and Sazuka were both tanned, Story having blond hair. She looked like a model. Both Sazuka and Story were passing off as sixteen, although they were eighteen really.

The teacher finished role call, and then proceeded to tell us the agenda. We had all been sent here from organizations. We were to learn how to kill. I zoned out; I'd already been briefed on my assignment. My assignment didn't match theirs. Instead of learning to kill, I'd be teaching the subject. Or practicing. In any case, it was to be on the people beside me and in front of me. My objective? Leave no one alive.

As soon as the teacher stopped moving her mouth, I tensed. Sazuka's eyes rolled up to the ceiling, and Story had her eyes closed. We were all counting, we knew. My hand reached for the gun in my pocket. Ten......Nine........Eight............

As soon as the clock in my head hit one, I paused for a second, waiting for the explosion. No explosion. Sazuka and Story looked at me, confused. I looked back with just as blank of a stare. I didn't know what was going on either. Not until the Captain of Waverly walked into view.

My eyes widened and I cursed under my breath. The boy beside me kicked me behind the knee, and I crumpled to the ground, rolling instinctively. In my head, I was hollering, shouting at myself. 'It was all a setup! How could you think that after being in Waverly for so long, they'd spare you?!'

"Annaliese!" The male's voice rang through my head, and I rolled more, as if his voice could hurt me. As soon as I looked into his face, I cursed again, realizing my mistake. He was a friend, someone who I thought I could trust in Waverly. Apparently not. His gun was aimed right for my face. Sheer adrenaline ran through my system now, and I grabbed mine from my pocket, shooting his earlobe in my haste. I wasn't the best shot in the world, but I was fast, if nothing else.

"Yo! Anna!" Story kicked the guy in the back, and I was given enough time to get to my feet, in which I gave a crushing blow to the ribs with the hilt of the gun. I couldn't afford to make mistakes now; I had to do what I had to do.

"Thanks!" I told her, kicking the girl who was advancing on her in the hip bone. My kicks are pretty powerful with enough momentum. I thought I heard a crunch when she fell, but I may have been flattering myself. Or just not paying enough attention.