Zannia:Hello kiddies Ryan:shut up I'm suppose to say that Z: ;-; ok fine Ryan:Helloe kiddies how are you Kiddies:We'-- Z:SHUT UP I DONT CARE scream Kiddies: eek crying Ryan: stare anyway this is zannia hotline ask all your questions to her and she might answear you. Z:*whisper*(not really) Ryan: Ok first caller
First caller: Hello? Z:Hi how are you First caller:pretty good Z:Whats your question? First caller:UM my family just died what hould i do Z:*is playing gameboy and eating kookies* First caller:*ahem*Zannia? Z:WHATDOYOUWANT First caller : ;-; Z:Ok baibai glad to help First caller: but--- *hungs up*
R:next caller Z:GAWD THIS IS THE LAST ONE R:but we all have 3 people each Z:IDC R surprised k last caller Last caller:Um hiya zani Z: O.O who is this? Last caller:ME Cheveland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mrgreen Z:*eyetwitches* Cheveland:Hi zanie hhow are you Z:*slowly walks out room and screams head off* R:well um thats all there is for now Cheveland:RiRi R: >_O *twitch and runs with zannia* Cheveland: hello? hangs up
XDDD enjoy this was a production of Zannia and ryan
iBipolar · Wed Dec 26, 2007 @ 11:58pm · 1 Comments |