I am like an egg
Hard on the outside,
Yet fragile
If you really want my love
You can have it
Why you'd want it,
I do not know
I am nothing to everyone
So if you stole me away
No one would notice
And since I am so easy to get
It is actually hard to have me
For if anyone can have me
Everyone will want me
And therefore I will be unavailable
But since I am nothing to everyone
Obviously no one wants me
Than is why
I am always cold
And alone
I have no one by my side to cheer me up
Or keep me warm
That is why my heart is like ice
I am always waiting for
Someone to come
Someone to take me away
Someone to awaken this dead soul
Who will come?
I do not know
Most likely no one
For if someone comes
Then I will be envied
And my someone will be taken away
And this dead soul will be broken
But if no one were to come
That everyone wouldn't care
And my no one would always be there
And this dead soul would be reborn
But what if someone comes and this someone only has eyes for me?
What would I do?
I would be happy
Of course
But this dead soul needs nothing
Because this dead soul has something
Hopefully this something wants to always be with this dead soul
If you are this dead soul's something
Always know that no matter what happens this dead soul will always be there for you
Even if you are not
Hard on the outside,
Yet fragile
If you really want my love
You can have it
Why you'd want it,
I do not know
I am nothing to everyone
So if you stole me away
No one would notice
And since I am so easy to get
It is actually hard to have me
For if anyone can have me
Everyone will want me
And therefore I will be unavailable
But since I am nothing to everyone
Obviously no one wants me
Than is why
I am always cold
And alone
I have no one by my side to cheer me up
Or keep me warm
That is why my heart is like ice
I am always waiting for
Someone to come
Someone to take me away
Someone to awaken this dead soul
Who will come?
I do not know
Most likely no one
For if someone comes
Then I will be envied
And my someone will be taken away
And this dead soul will be broken
But if no one were to come
That everyone wouldn't care
And my no one would always be there
And this dead soul would be reborn
But what if someone comes and this someone only has eyes for me?
What would I do?
I would be happy
Of course
But this dead soul needs nothing
Because this dead soul has something
Hopefully this something wants to always be with this dead soul
If you are this dead soul's something
Always know that no matter what happens this dead soul will always be there for you
Even if you are not