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Nin's Journal. x3
Another interesting day in cards. xD

RagingLeaf: hey kitty
RagingLeaf: hey jack
AmourAnonyme: hey mate wots up?
RagingLeaf: tired
AmourAnonyme: ah.
RagingLeaf: hey jack mind marrying the user admin?
AmourAnonyme: wot?
RagingLeaf: so that gaia doesn't kick siria and kitty as much'
RagingLeaf: oh ya is something wrong with kitty?
AmourAnonyme: I donno.
AmourAnonyme: prolly just afk.
RagingLeaf: o k
RagingLeaf: so what do u think about marrying the admin?
AmourAnonyme: It's possible...
RagingLeaf: k ^^
AmourAnonyme: I have to find a suitable one though
RagingLeaf: oh i was talking the admin name admin
AmourAnonyme: ...huh?
AmourAnonyme: Dx you lost me
RagingLeaf: there is an admin named admin
AmourAnonyme: ohhh
AmourAnonyme: How ironic.
AmourAnonyme: XD
RagingLeaf: yep xD
AmourAnonyme: And never seen him/her.
RagingLeaf: a chick avi
AmourAnonyme: ohh
AmourAnonyme: Well at least there's no d**king involved.
RagingLeaf: lol
AmourAnonyme: does she play cards?
RagingLeaf: absolutely no clue
AmourAnonyme: ah.
AmourAnonyme: mysterious!
AmourAnonyme: haha.
RagingLeaf: lol
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: O___O;
RagingLeaf: so have u talked to kitty at all?
AmourAnonyme: yeah
RagingLeaf: yays she is here ^^
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: I forgot I had this window up. xDD
AmourAnonyme: haha
AmourAnonyme: Dx
RagingLeaf: ur alright kitty?
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Yeah.
RagingLeaf: k ^^
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: -Wiggles-
AmourAnonyme: >.>;;;
RagingLeaf: ?
AmourAnonyme: XD!
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: xD
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: I'm gangster.
AmourAnonyme: For shiz. XP
AmourAnonyme: *fo, excuse me
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: xD
AmourAnonyme: ;D
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Foshizzle my Nizzle.
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: xD
AmourAnonyme: haha dork.
AmourAnonyme: ^.^
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: D<
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Am notttt.
AmourAnonyme: o~o;;
AmourAnonyme: and yes...
AmourAnonyme: you are.
AmourAnonyme: XD
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Grr. Dx
AmourAnonyme: But I love it. XP
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Woo. ^^
AmourAnonyme: XD!
AmourAnonyme: o~o;;; I think my friend's coming over...
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: o.o;
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Woooo?
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: xD
AmourAnonyme: haha as long as he doesn't break anything then yes. XP
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Break anything? -Gasp-
AmourAnonyme: yup!
demon_chevalier enters the chat.
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Like your....-Whispers- P***s.
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: xD
AmourAnonyme: ...
AmourAnonyme: NOT GAY
AmourAnonyme: Dx
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: -Giggles-
AmourAnonyme: and who are you kidding, my p***s is MADE OF STEEL.
AmourAnonyme: D<
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Oooo I want to see this amazing STEEL p***s. xD
AmourAnonyme: pshh I'm sure you do.
AmourAnonyme: XP!
RagingLeaf: -falls asleep on jack's shoulder-
AmourAnonyme: >.>;;;
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: <.<;
AmourAnonyme: as long as he doesn't drool...
AmourAnonyme: I'm almost okay with it.
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: xD
RagingLeaf: lmao xD
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Gheyyy.
AmourAnonyme: wot?
AmourAnonyme: Not I!
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Yes you.
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: o.o;
AmourAnonyme: No way, cracka.
RagingLeaf: -starts drooling-
AmourAnonyme: o~o;;;
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: xD
AmourAnonyme: *pulls an indiana jones and switches self with a teddy bear*
RagingLeaf: -hugs the teddy bear-
AmourAnonyme: He'll never notice.. >.>
AmourAnonyme: XD
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Yeps. xD
AmourAnonyme: just in time too haha.
RagingLeaf: -pulls down pants-
AmourAnonyme: ...
AmourAnonyme: O.O;
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: -Gasp-
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Dx
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Nooo tedyy bearrrr.
AmourAnonyme: Poor teddy.
AmourAnonyme: His little plushie bum will never be the same.
RagingLeaf: -sticks teddy in pants and scoots over and lays back on jack-
demon_chevalier leaves the chat.
AmourAnonyme: o.o;;
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: o.o;
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Jackk I thought that I was your E-lover. DDx
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: xD
AmourAnonyme: O.O
AmourAnonyme: XD
RagingLeaf: -pulls teddy out and puts it on jack's head and hugs jack-
AmourAnonyme: o~o
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Mmkay. xD
AmourAnonyme: this teddy bear should NOT be wet...
AmourAnonyme: Dx
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Dx
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Poor Jack.
AmourAnonyme: *cries for all humanity*
RagingLeaf: -gropes jack while sleeping-
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me enters the chat.
AmourAnonyme: o~o GROPES?!
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: /setcolour green
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: rawrgrrrrrrr
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Dx
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: yay
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: hey all
AmourAnonyme: Ello.
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Whoooo purple. xD
AmourAnonyme: <.< black. XD
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Everyone knows purple it pimp. xD
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: im silver
RagingLeaf: -wakes up and pulls away from jack and pulls up pants and tosses the teddy bear at zilla-
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: xD
AmourAnonyme: hahah lucky him .
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: y u tosing the teddy at me
AmourAnonyme: >.>;;
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: i thought you'd b tossing urself at me by now hun
RagingLeaf: sry jack i was having the best dream i thought u were kitty
AmourAnonyme: o~o
AmourAnonyme: a bit disturbing but she might find it flattering. XD
RagingLeaf: xD
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: xD
RagingLeaf: sry but i am like dreadfully tired so i am trying to wake myself up
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: have a pull
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: it always helps
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: dont it kitty
RagingLeaf: -snickers at zilla cause he is with the teddy-
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Yeh. xD
AmourAnonyme: hah.
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: i ate teddy
AmourAnonyme: ...
AmourAnonyme: Dx
RagingLeaf: lmfao
AmourAnonyme: How'd it taste?
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: what u do to teddy?
AmourAnonyme: lolz
RagingLeaf: lmfao
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: he tasted like creamy hicken
RagingLeaf: rolf
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: o.o;
RagingLeaf: lol
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: what u do to poor teddy
AmourAnonyme: knock on wall, brb
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Sure it wasn't just the cream. xD
RagingLeaf: k
RagingLeaf: xD
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: who creamed on teddy
RagingLeaf: well that certaintly woke me up and gave me a great lught
RagingLeaf: laugh
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Leafeh. Dx
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: oh thats ohk then
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: (=
RagingLeaf: oooo i am just that sexy
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: xD
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: mayb if i was still a chick leafeh
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: =D
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: but u know i was only kidin u that day
RagingLeaf: well that could always be arranged
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: true
RagingLeaf: still can't believe how perfectly that went
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: what went?
RagingLeaf: the creamy chicken xD
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: oh
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: i dont really follow but it was tastey i guess
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: i had better though
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: o.o;
RagingLeaf: lol
RagingLeaf: -climbs over jack and hugs kitty laughing-
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: u know what i figured out last night while playing this?
RagingLeaf: well i am definitely more awake
RagingLeaf: oo what?
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: that this is awfully alot like blackjack
RagingLeaf: lol it is blackjack
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: it took me awhile ay
RagingLeaf: the only thing different is ties and no splits
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: yipyip
RagingLeaf: but in my book it is blackjack
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: and cardbot
RagingLeaf: lol
RagingLeaf: ooo i just imagined ace's life thingy regenerating -_-;
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: u on drugs?
RagingLeaf: naw just tired
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: ohk (=
RagingLeaf: well i also have one crazy a** mind
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan leaves the chat.
RagingLeaf: ooo she went poof
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: that is true
RagingLeaf: lol
RagingLeaf: so how r u doing zilla?
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: hot
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: n sweaty
RagingLeaf: mmmm sounds sexy
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: damn summer
RagingLeaf: lol
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: i hate it, im a skinny a** white boy n im sweating like a pig
RagingLeaf: lol
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: i might go for another surf soon
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: the waves llok good
RagingLeaf: on a side note i think i remember hearing on the travel channel that austrailia is the number one place that has the highest possibility of having sex on the first
RagingLeaf: date
RagingLeaf: oooooo nice
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: yeah thats true
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: we have hot b***hs
RagingLeaf: ooo lol
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: yer i live right on the beach
RagingLeaf: nice
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: like 100ft away from the surf
RagingLeaf: damn nice
RagingLeaf: ever get flooded?
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: sumfin like that, i dont really know my ft
RagingLeaf: 3 ft is about a meter
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: ohk 300ft then
RagingLeaf: meter is a tad more
RagingLeaf: ooo k
RagingLeaf: also doesn't austrailia have like the most poisonous crap?
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: its like, my house, abit of grass
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: beach then surf
RagingLeaf: nice
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: yip that too
RagingLeaf: well i guess if it didn't it would be paradise
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: it is
RagingLeaf: ya i watched some show on catching black adders or something like that
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: all the posionus stuffs in the bush really
RagingLeaf: some poisonous snakes that kill ya in like a bite
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: black widow? the spider
RagingLeaf: what naw some black snake
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: brown copper head
RagingLeaf: ooo k
RagingLeaf: lol i was looking at some snakes but just their picture freaks me out
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: ther's a few though
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: i cant remember all there names
RagingLeaf: ooo k
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: but we have like 6 or 7 of the worlds most deadlest snakes
RagingLeaf: but basically they stay in the bush?
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: yer
RagingLeaf: k good ^^
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: yipyip
RagingLeaf: lol if i hook up with kitty i don't think i want to bring her there
x slipknot vixen x enters the chat.
RagingLeaf: she will probably take half the creatures back
RagingLeaf: -shivers-
RagingLeaf: hey vixen ^^
x slipknot vixen x: hiya
x slipknot vixen x: where's miss kitty?
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: haha i think thats y she wants to come here
RagingLeaf: she went poof
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: so u n kitty hooking up ay?
RagingLeaf: i believe so
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: lucky
RagingLeaf: yep ^^
RagingLeaf: well unless she gets a pet panda and alligator and some snakes
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: u make =^-^ = go meow
RagingLeaf: seriously snakes freak me out -shivers-
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: rofl
RagingLeaf: no good way to kill them
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: spade
x slipknot vixen x: it's called a foot.
x slipknot vixen x: >>
RagingLeaf: ooo isn't that like a shovel thingy?
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: nah not in australia
x slipknot vixen x: *nods*
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: use a foot n you'll lose it
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: and ur life
x slipknot vixen x: lol
x slipknot vixen x: well, I know austrailia has huge snakes and spiders...
x slipknot vixen x: remind me not to go there.
RagingLeaf: lol
x slipknot vixen x: I hate spiders.
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: 7 of the top 10 dealest snakes
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: and sumfin like 5 of the deadlest spiders
RagingLeaf: lol
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: now ur making me wanna move
RagingLeaf: do u have that many deaths from snakes and spiders?
RagingLeaf: lol sry
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: hell idk
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: i dont pay attention
RagingLeaf: don't worry zilla u get tons of p***y there ^^
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: yipyip
x slipknot vixen x: thats true...aussie chicks are hot.
x slipknot vixen x: lol
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: mmhmm
RagingLeaf: also doesn't austrailia have the best snorkeling?
x slipknot vixen x: I like the snorkeling in hawaii better.
RagingLeaf: oooo vixen have u been to austrailia?
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: we have the worlds largest barrier reef
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: coral reef i mean
RagingLeaf: ooo i see
x slipknot vixen x: I have been to new Zeland and Austrailia.
RagingLeaf: ooo nice
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: u shag a sheep?
x slipknot vixen x: I go to a lot of places for work.
RagingLeaf: ooo what is ur job?
x slipknot vixen x: I'm a pastry chef.
RagingLeaf: nice
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: im a pimp
RagingLeaf: maybe i can go to u for some cooking tips ^^
RagingLeaf: do you like being a pastry chef?
x slipknot vixen x: yes.
RagingLeaf: hmmm maybe i should be a chef
Kutatsu enters the chat.
RagingLeaf: hello
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: ello (=
RagingLeaf: personally i love experimenting cooking
RagingLeaf: i made a bisquick pizza before xD
RagingLeaf: it was pretty good
x slipknot vixen x: xD
x slipknot vixen x: bravo!
RagingLeaf: lol ty ^^
RagingLeaf: i tried fried dumplings or whatever they were called and i failed miserably should of just bought wanton packages dough thingy
x slipknot vixen x: lol
x slipknot vixen x leaves the chat.
RagingLeaf: oooo she went poof too
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: so sad
RagingLeaf: seems like girls r disappearing all over v.v
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: yer
RagingLeaf: hurry grab a dozen and start a brothel xD
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: hell yer
RagingLeaf: oooo can u get female maids from austrailia?
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: i guees u can
RagingLeaf: oooo sounds interesting
RagingLeaf: so i don't remember but zilla watch any anime?
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: not really anymore
RagingLeaf: awes
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: i used to alot
RagingLeaf: ooo nice
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: likeFMA
RagingLeaf: yep seen it
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: full metal alchemist
RagingLeaf: r u a professional surfer or nah?
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: nah
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: i wish
RagingLeaf: awes
RagingLeaf: ya i seen all full metal alchemist episodes
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: im pretty good at it though and have enter'd a few small events
RagingLeaf: ooo nice
RagingLeaf: does it help ur gaia fishing skillz?
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: rofl
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: ah, yes
RagingLeaf: sweet
RagingLeaf: xD
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: i'll say yes just coz i can
RagingLeaf: lol k
RagingLeaf: ooo jack has been afk for a while
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: yer he has=*(
RagingLeaf: awes
RagingLeaf: -takes his hat-
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: run!!!!!!!
RagingLeaf: -runs and hides in cardbot-
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: hehe
RagingLeaf: lol xD
Kutatsu leaves the chat.
RagingLeaf: brb bathroom
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: kk(=
RagingLeaf: b
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: wb
RagingLeaf: ty ^^
RagingLeaf: oh ya kitty told me to tell u bye
RagingLeaf: the gaia cards aint liking her
RagingLeaf: we really need jack to hook up with the admin to fix the problem
RagingLeaf: ooo or u can
RagingLeaf: but i don't know if the admin will like a 40 ft monster
RagingLeaf: but hey it could be kinky xD
RagingLeaf: ooo u there zilla?
RagingLeaf: lost another one -_-;
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: im here
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: just inbetween things soz
RagingLeaf: yays ^^ u r alive
RagingLeaf: lol no worries
RagingLeaf: so kitty said bye cards being a b***h and u or jack should hook up with the admin
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: y cant u?
RagingLeaf: think it will be unfair to kitty
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: y?
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: y?
RagingLeaf: so that gaia wont kick us out of things as often
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: ah ohk
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: i dont get kicked off
RagingLeaf: ya i don't get kicked out either
RagingLeaf: but its a pain sometimes to get into cards or fishing or stuff
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: its not for me
RagingLeaf: lucky
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: thats me
RagingLeaf: lol
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: how much u usually buy ur tokens for?
RagingLeaf: probably averages about .95
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: cool
RagingLeaf: yep ^^
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: i got 18,000 for like point 8g last night
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: each
RagingLeaf: nice
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: thats what i thought hehe
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: how much u make a day on cards?
RagingLeaf: depends how much i play
RagingLeaf: i don't really keep a track
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: kk
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: average?
RagingLeaf: probably 3k
AmourAnonyme leaves the chat.
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: thats ohk
RagingLeaf: i just mess around really
RagingLeaf: but if i want gold then i get gold
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: same usually
AmourAnonyme enters the chat.
AmourAnonyme: ah sorry.
RagingLeaf: wb jack ^^
RagingLeaf: did u drown in ur toilet?
AmourAnonyme: haha thanks, I came back and it was frozen up.
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: hehe
RagingLeaf: your welcome
AmourAnonyme: No but my friend almost did, hah.
RagingLeaf: lol
RagingLeaf: oh ya kitty said bye cards aint liking her today
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: that would look hot on a tombstone
AmourAnonyme: ohh that sucks.
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: drowned in a toilet
AmourAnonyme: Haha oh yeah.
RagingLeaf: oooo lol
RagingLeaf: i can just imagine a big toilet made out of stone and when u lift the lid there is the body in some liquid casing
AmourAnonyme: Dx hah
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: rofl
RagingLeaf: lol
AmourAnonyme: ah well I guess I'm gonna go then
RagingLeaf: awes
RagingLeaf: okies
RagingLeaf: have fun ^^
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: noooooo
AmourAnonyme: Haha thanks.
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: u will b sadly missed
AmourAnonyme: Dx
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: *cries*
AmourAnonyme: o~O;;
AmourAnonyme: *slowly steps away*
RagingLeaf: oooo u got a lover jack
AmourAnonyme: Dx; greeeat
AmourAnonyme: haha. XP
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: i love everyone
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: does happy dance*
AmourAnonyme: Take care you two, later!
AmourAnonyme leaves the chat.
RagingLeaf: lol
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: squishs lil kid by accident
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: oww he left
RagingLeaf: yep sob sob
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: oh well
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: where's the b***h's?
RagingLeaf: yays ^^
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: and the booze
RagingLeaf: mmmm beer
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: mmhmm
RagingLeaf: and rum ^^
RagingLeaf: -starts drinking some barcardi rum-
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: mmmm
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: falls over
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: im stuck now
RagingLeaf: xD
RagingLeaf: nice ^^
RagingLeaf: mind if i take a dump on u? i can't find a toilet
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: no way
RagingLeaf: oooo so u don't mind?
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: i do mind
RagingLeaf: lol alright
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: thanks for the offer though
RagingLeaf: my pleasure
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: lol
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: jinx will gladly let u s**t on uher though
RagingLeaf: ooo sounds good ^^
RagingLeaf: i think i will try her out on the offer when i play against her though
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: she's a kinky biatch
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: hehe
RagingLeaf: would u kind sir want help up?
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: nah im stuck for good
RagingLeaf: mmmm sounds sexy
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me: i guess

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