Mommy!!! D:
Usual Questions:
1. How much gold do you have right now? 41,994
2. How much gold would you like to have? As much as i need
3. Do you think you'll finish this quiz? Yup, i have done it before XD
4. Why are you doing this quiz? Im bored
About Gaia Questions:
5. Do you have a dream avi? Yup
6. Are you questing for anything? If so, what? A shadow spirit :3
7. Do you like gaias layout? Yuppy
8. Do you like gaia? Yesh
9. What's your favorite gaia game? Jigsaw
10. Do you go on forums much? nope
11. Have you donated anything before? Yeah
12. Are you in a guild? no
13. What's your favorite food? dont get me started
14. What's your favorite course at a meal? the main meal?
15. What's your favorite beverage? Coca cola...
16. What's your favorite letter? C
This or That Questions
17. Coke or Pepsi? Coke
18. Black or White? both
19. Black or Yellow? Yellow
20. Demonic or Angelic? angelic
21. Tv or Computer? computer
22. i-pod or mp3 player? ipod
23. i-pod or cd-player? cd-player.... O_O no XD iPod of course
24. Animation or Cartoon? cartoon
25. Beach House or Island retreat? island retreat >3
26. Donator or Slot Jackpot? umm, donator? Idk D:
27. Las Vegas or Las Angeles? "Las" angeles razz
28. New Zeland or New England? dunno
29. Australia or America? america
30. Superhero or being normal? superhero
31. Gold or items? gold
32. Girl or Boy? boy biggrin
About you Questions
33. Are you famous? no
34. What color is your hair? brown
35. Are you a boy or a girl? boy
36. Are you wearing a hat? no
37. Are you wearing socks? no
38. What clothes are you wearing? (Give a descripton) Brown shorts, black t-shirt with letters on it...
Other Random Questions
39. Do you like this quiz? Yaw
40. How old are you? 15
41. Are you happy with that age? i guess so
42. What time is it where you live? 12:54am
43. What continet do you live in? South america
44. What's the most embarrassing movie you've ever watched? Borat? razz
45. Is this quiz earning you alot of gold? Nope
46. What's the worst thing you've ever ate? Dunno
47. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Being able to make all my wishes come true :3
48. Are you sitting near a cactus? Nope
49. If you could redo any moment of your life what would it be? I dunno D:
50. what's the craziest thing you've ever done? Dont remember...
51. Are you an animal person? I like certain animals
52. How many people do youhave in your family? (including you). 5
53. How many pets do you have? none sad
54. What grade are you in? None of your bussiness razz
55. Do you know what time-zone are you in? Naw xD
56. What's your favorite pop product? (coke or pepsi) Coke
58. What's your favorite flavor? Chocolate :3
59. Do you hate the dentist? naw
60. Do you hate the doctor? Nope
61. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Boyfriend...
62. Are you wearing a hat? nopie
63. Have you ever had lice? Naw
64. Do you have a cellphone? yeah
65. Do you have any syblings? yesh
66. Does anyone beside you in your family go on gaia? nope
67. Is this quiz long? longer than others yeah
68. Is it long enough for you? naw
69. Do you like school? Noooo
70. Do you like homework? Hellz nooo D:
71. Do you like your teacher(s)? Depends, i guess so
72. How many gaia accounts do you have? Not telling wink
73. Are you happy with that number? Yaw
74. Have you ever got gum stuck in your hair? Yaw XD
75. Ever got gum stuck on your shoe? Never noticed
76. Ever get gum stuck on anything? -.- are u serious?
77. Do you have a i-pod? Yeshy =3
78. Would you rather be a child or an adult? In between? biggrin
79. Is this quiz boring you to death? Nope
80. Is this quiz worth it? Nope
81. Ever entered in the arena? Was it worth it? No
82. Do you have a trading pass? I had one
83. Do you have a shop? Naw
84. Do you like cookies? Yeah, some
85. Do you like pickles? no
86. Do you like milkshakes? Yaw :3
87. Do you like ice cream? yes
88. Ever had sushi? no
89. Ever had octopus? ew, no >:0
90. Do you drink alchohol? No...
91. Are you a grammer freak? Naw
92. Would you consider yourself rich? Nope
93. Would you consider yourself poor? Nopies
94. Do you keep up with gaia news? Yeah
95. Do you keep up with trends in fashions? I guess so
96. What's a tv show you watched when you were little? Power puff girls XDXD
97. Do you like bugs? EWW, NO! D:
98. What's your most memorable quote? "Rape joo" >3
99. What's your most memorable moment? Being born? O_o
100. When's the farthest back you remember? When i was about 1 or 2 D:
101. What's your favoite book? dont read razz
102. Do you like music? yes
103. What's your favorite band? dunno, like many
104. What's your favorite song? Umbrella? XD rofl idk
95. What's some of your must have's? Drinks, food, TV, computer, a lover and a bed >3 lol
96. What career do you want to have when you grow up? dunno D:
97. Do you have a fireplace? naw
98. What's the last thing you ate? Ice cream
99. Do you go on gaia much? Yeah
100. Does any of your friends go on gaia? real life? no
101. Have ou ever sat on a cactus? nope
102. Have you ever even seen a cactus up close? yeah
103. Do you put salt and pepper on alot of things? naw
104. Do you like muffins? yes
105. Do you like turtles? I guess XD
106. Do you like pizza? Yeshy
107. What's the last time you had a trade? Today razz
Things To Do
108. Post each emoticon in seperate posts. icon_biggrin.gif icon_smile.gif icon_redface.gif icon_crying.gif icon_stare.gif icon_xd.gif icon_3nodding.gif icon_blaugh.gif icon_gonk.gif icon_scream.gif icon_stressed.gif icon_sweatdrop.gif icon_heart.gif icon_domokun.gif icon_xp.gif icon_eek.gif icon_surprised.gif icon_sad.gif icon_wink.gif icon_whee.gif icon_confused.gif icon_cool.gif icon_lol.gif icon_mad.gif icon_razz.gif icon_exclaim.gif icon_rolleyes.gif icon_twisted.gif icon_evil.gif icon_cry.gif icon_question.gif icon_idea.gif icon_arrow.gif icon_neutral.gif icon_mrgreen.gif icon_talk2hand.gif icon_pirate.gif icon_rofl.gif icon_4laugh.gif icon_ninja.gif burning_eyes.gif cheese_whine.gif dramallama.gif wahmbulance.gif emo.gif
109. Post each letter in the alphabet in separate posts. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (i dont know if this is right...)
110. Post each character in your username in separate posts. CHRIS KIKO
111. Post each letter in GAIA in seperate posts. GAIA ? ...
113. Count down from 25. 25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0
More Random Questions
114. Have you ever made a petiton before? nawww... idk >3
115. What color shoes do you have? brown
116. What's the brand name of your shoes? dunno
117. What career do you want to take on as an adult? dont know
118. Have you had any dreams recently? Naw
119. Do you eat alot of fast food? eat it some times, not a lot
120. Do you like fast food? yeah
121. What's your favorite candy? Chocolate?
122. What's your favorite number? 6 >3
123. What's your favorite season? Winter?
124. What's your favorite holiday? Christmas
125. Have you advertised this thread? um... no i dont think so
126. Do you watch naruto? Ew, no
127. Do you watch Inyuasha? NOOOO
128. New or Grunny? grunny? wadda?
129. Offline or Online? online
130. How or Where? how
131. Why or What? why
132. Are you earning alot of gold? Nope xD
133. Do you like chainletters? No
134. Do you do chainletters? No
135. Do you make chainletters? no
136. Are you sad they removed the 'send to all friends' at the pm's? Nver knew it existed wink
137. Have you ever owned a pet? yes
138. Are you allergic to anything? No
139. What's the craziest question anyone's ever asked you? Dunno D:
140. Do you like reading? Naw
141. What's your favorite subject? Art...
142. Day or Night? day
143. Twilight or Dawn? twilight
144. Starlight or Daylight? daylight
145. Can you play an instrument? yeah
146. What's your favorite day of the week? Saturday
147. Inside or Outside? inside
148. What's your favorite fruit? Pear
149. What's your favorite cereal? Chocapic razz
150. What's your favorite veggie? Dunno, i like many of them =3
151. Light or Dark? light
152. Do you liek bowling? yes
153. What's your favorite flavor? chocolate razz
154. Possible or Impossible? possible
155. Plaid or Stripe? Idk
156. Marker or Crayon? marker
157. Pen or Pencil? pencil
158. Friend or Foe? friend
159. Colored Pencil or Sharpie? colored pencil
160. What's your favorite thing to do on the computer? Chat
161. Are you a republican or democrat or independant? dunno
162. Are you able to vote yet? Nope
163. How often do you go on gaia? everyday i can
164. Are you active or inactive in gaia? active
165. What's your favorite website? >.> lol
166. What items are equipped on your avi? Mochi, gift of the gods, clowd, hermes moon, cupid, loving heart mood bubble.
167. What's the weather like where you live? Sunny and hot, now its night and cold
168. What's the first thing you do in the morning? go to the bathroom XD
169. Are you wearing pajamas? Nope
170. Do you do pranks much? Naw
171. What's your favorite website? told u allready
172. How much tickets do you have? about 97 razz
173. How many junk items do you have? Many
174. How many tokens do you have? 0
175. Have you ever invited any friends to gaia? Naw
176. Ever made your own thread on the forums? nope
177. Ever tried out the gaia cinemas? yes
178. Do you go to the marketplace often? yes
179. Ever tried to belly dance? No, lol
180. Have you bought anything from the g-store? dont know what that is, i think not though if it is what i think...
181. Wat'syour favorite day like? Sunny, cold breeze, some clouds in the air, and me with powers XD
182. What's your favorite tv station? Sony entertainment television... XD
183. About how much gold have you earned so far from this quiz? None D:
184. Have you done the poll? dunno what it is o_o
185. Ever gotten on a black list before? Not that i know of.
186. Do you think the gold list is original? idk
187. What do you think of the quiz? Its pointless, but good to do
188. Do you think the name 'fanny' is funny? Naw
189. Ever wrote a novel? Yup XD
190. Is this quiz taking a while? yaw
191. Are you scared of clowns? no
192. Have you ever fainted? no
193. Smart or Popular? smart and popular razz
194. What question have you enjoyed the most on this quiz? this one
195. Why are you still doing this quiz? bored
196. Do you own a house? no
197. Squares or circles? squares
198. Finish this sentence "Spiders are crawling up..." leg...
199. What's the oldest person you know? idk
200. Did you know youron question 200? No
201. Do you like needles? no
202. Ever ate dog food? Nope
203. What about cat food? no
204. Ever gotten hacked? Naw
205. Do you like the hospital? Its fine
206. Ever bought anything from the g-store? asked allready D:
207. Sad your not done with the quiz yet? no...
208. Are you scared of monkies? They are kind of freaky come to think about it
209. Ever create a succesful thread? no
210. Do you like rp? dunno
211. Does the word 'old' mean anything to you? old
212. Do you smoke? no
213. Do you drink? no
214. Pick a random number 1-100. What number is it? 56
215. Do you think this quiz could go on forever? no
216. Are you a vegatarian? no
217. Are you a total carnavor? no
218. Are you on a laptop or computer? laptop
219. Do you still remember the number I asked you to pick beforeyes? yeah
220. What's the most expensize item you have? a mochi
221. Have you sent a gift before? yes
222. Have you donated to me? Yeah >3
223. Have you advertised this thread? no
215. Do you have any pets? naw
216. What's the last book you read? idk
217. Did you know you have about 1000 more questions left? no, i have about 800
218. Do you like chese? yeah
219. Do you like ramen? never tasted it
220. What question is this? 220
221. What do you like to put on your favorite food? dunno
222. How much money do you have in your wallet right now? 0
223. Are you at home doing this quiz? yeah
224. What's your idea of the best day ever? being very happy...
225. Do you go to youtube? yes
226. Have you pm'd me before? yeah >3
227. Remember the number before? Count from that number in seperate posts. 54
228. What's the greatest rip-off you've seen before on the marketplace? idk
229. Does your school have gaia blocked in the computer lab? no
230. What's the movie you are most embarrassed to admit you saw? Borat
231. Silver or gold? gold
232. Sky or Land or Water? land
233. Dogs or Cats? dogs
234. Grunny or New? New
235. Have you ever broken a bone? no
236. Have you ever been to a concert? Blue man group counts?
237. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? no
238. Are you happy you got about 1/4 of this quiz done? sure
239. What feeling are you feeling right now? Sadness, a lot of sadness, and depression, and feel like i am a failure to my friends...
240. Are you emo? no
241. Are you punk? no
242. Are you goth? no
243. Ever break a promise? Idk
244. Summer or Winter? Summer
245. Spring or Fall? Spring
246. Shorts or Jeans? shorts
247. What's your favorite gaia quest? dunno
248. Do you like chocolate? yeah
249. Do you live with your mother? yeah
250. Have I ever repeated a question? yup, and u are bound to repeat more...
251. Do you have ashma? no
252. Do you have any kind of disease? nope
253. What's your favorite default color? blue?
254. Is this the first quiz you've done before? Nope
255. Have you ever lied? sure
256. Do you a pool? swimmingpool? yeah...
257. Do you or anyone you know live at a hotel? no
258. Think of a ranom song. What song is it? Umbrella
259. Do you drive? no
260. About how long has it taken you to get this far? dunno
261. What is an item you use everyday or practicly everyday? cloud?
262. When I say 'duck' what do you think of? chickens
263. When I say the word 'chicken' what do you think of? ducks
264. When I say the word 'pudding' what does it make you think of? chocolate
265. Do you live in the suburbs? i think so
266. Do you live in a big city? i guess i do...
267. Do you live in the country? yeah >3 duh
268. Do you live in a boring regular town? naw
269. Have you ever been to a foreign country? yeah
270. Before you sat down at the computer, what were you doing? having dinner
271. Are you annoyed at beggars? yeah, gaia ones, yes.
272. What question number are you on? 272
273. When I say 'ants' you think of? ants
274. Have you ever made someone else cry? i think so... idk sad I hope not...
275. Is this quiz annoying you? no
Crying6. Using emoticons on gaia what are you feeling right now? gonk cry
277. Have you done any other quiz's lately? yeah
278. Did you know by now I'm alomst done typing the quiz? no
279. Vinialla or Chocolate? chocolate
280. What day is it today? monday
281. What time is it right now? 2:20am
282. How long have you been doing this quiz? some time allready, but with long breaks
283. Do you play any sports? no... cricket...
284. What coloris the sky? black
285. Are you rasist? no
286. Are you sexist? no
287. Do you have ADD? no
288. Do you have ADHD? no
289. Do you like bees? no
290. Are you chewing gum? no
291. Would you rather have your hair up or down? up?
292. How much gold do you have now? 42,061
293. Do you remember the number you said earlier on in the quiz without looking? 54
294. You and the oppoisite gender turn in a report written with the same things. You get a B and the other person gets a A. What would you do? complain
295. For the question above did you answer kill them? no
308. Have you ever been hacked? no
307. What's your favorite question? this one
308. Do you have an account on myspace? yeah
309. Do you have an account on youtube? yeah
310. Yay your on question 300! Are you bored yet? no
311. Besides gaia wat's the last website you were on? youtube
312. Do you like onions? no
313. What's your favorite quiz? this one
314. By now do you have enough gold for what your questing for? not questing for anything....
315. How much more gold do you want now? a lot i guess
316. Do you pick your nose? no
317. Do you suck your thumb? no
318. Were you lying about the last 2 questions? no
319. Have you ever counted down from a million before? no
320. Have you ever lied before? yeah
321. Were you lying about the last question? no
322. Have you entered your avatar in the avi contest before? no
323. Have you ever entered your house in the house contest? no
324. Have you ever entered your art in the art contest before? no
325. When's the last time you took a vacation? idk, a year ago
326. Where was the last time you took a vacation at? brazil
327. What's the worst thing that ever happened to you? this quiz
328. Do you have a job? no
329. Do you like math? no
330. Are you failing anything? being a friend...
331. What grade are you in? shush
332. Have you ever gone sky-diving? no
333. Have you ever been bungie jumping? no
334. Do you live in the USA? no
335. Have you ever been to the bermuda triangle? no
336. Can you drive yet? no
337. Have you ever been an a car accident? no
338. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? chocolate
339. What's your favorite pizza topping? cheese...
340. Have you ever seen a shark up close before? a dead one
341. Do you have a nickname? If yes what is it? kiko
342. Have you ever gotten stung by a bee? yeah
343. Have you ever been to Las Vegas? no
344. Are you on a vacation right now? yeah
345. Do you have an i-pod? yeah
346. Do you have an mp-3 player? yeah
347. Do you have a cd player? no
348. Ever heard of the i-phone? yeah
349. Did you really think you where done with this quiz? no
350. Have you ever helped out someone who was hacked? no...
351. Have you ever served in the military? no
352. Should GAIA have a GAIAN church? dunno
353. What new things would you like to see at the Gaia shops? dont know
354. What do you think about the new GAIAN cars? fine, dont care about them
355. Would you like to have a full set of donation items given to you if you donated “IE you donate to Gaia and get a full set of armor with a weapon to outfit your AVI”? i dont know
356. Do you think it would be cool to have a Gaian music station? sure
357. What kind of music would you like to have for this station? music i like
358. Would you like to see more specialty shops on Gaia? dunno
359. How long have you been on Gaia? some time
360. With all of the different AVI themes out there would you like to see Themed homes? sure
361. As an example would it be cool to have the outside of your home look like a Gothic Structure or a Medieval castle? yeah, nice
362. How many times a week do you log onto Gaia? every day i guess
363. What is the longest time spent on Gaia? dunno
364. What is the shortest time spent on Gaia? some minutes i guess
365. How often do you get bumped off line? dont know
366. What is you favorite donation item? the clowd...
367. Have you ever had breakfast for dinner? no
368. What do you think about the Gaian World map? its fine
369. Would you like to see an expansion on the Gaia world? dont really care
370. If you could add a new game to the Gaia games what would it be? tetris
371. Do you like how the Avatars look? sure
372. If you could change how they looked what would you change? dont know what they looked like before
373. What pets would you like to see? idk
374. Do you have a Gaia pet? a mochi?
375. Do you have any brothers or sisters? yeah
376. Older or younger? older
377. Do you play Video games? yeah
378. What game system do you have? many, too lazy to write them...
379. What is your all time favorite Video Game? Maybe Twilight Princess or SSBM
380. Have you ever been to a Video Arcade? no
381. When was the last time you went? never
382. Hand held or Console? console
383. Flash light or oil Lamp? flash light
384. Camping or amusement park? amusement park
385. Video Cassettes or DVD? dvd
386. New car or Classic car? new
387. Cat person or Dog person? dog person
388. Good book or TV? TV
389. Card games or Board games? Board games
390. Spray paint or Paint brush? Paint brush
391. Is this quiz getting hard yet? no
392. Magic the Gathering or Pokemon? pokemon
393. Who is you hero? Superman
394. Angelic or Demonic? angelic
395. Do you RP often? no
396. What was the best thing you ever received in the daily chance? 250 gold
397. Do you prefer winter games or summer games? summer
398. Precious gems or precious metals? gems
399. Do you have any hobbies? drawing
400. Have you ever been asked to do something you where not comfortable doing? i guess so
401. Have you ever shop lifted? no
402. Are you telling the truth on the previous question? yeah
403. What is your favorite flavor of gum? dont know what its called
404. Ever have a Jaw Breaker? no
405. Did it break your jaw? no
406. What is the spiciest food you ever ate? curry
407. What was your favorite kid’s book? dont know
408. What was your favorite toy as a kid? dunno
409. Did you ever play cow boys and Indians as a kid? naw
410. Have you ever cheated on a test? yeah
411. Did you pass? i guess, doesnt work like that here
412. Chess or Checkers? checkers
413. Monster truck or Low rider? low rider
414. What is you favorite holiday? christmas
415. Silk or Satin? silk
416. Hunting or fishing? neither D:
417. Cheerios or Lucky charms? none?
418. Are you a morning person? no
419. What is the worst thing you ever did to someone? made them angry...
420. Shower or bath? shower
421. Do you watch cartoon network? no
422. what is your favorite cartoon? Family Guy
423. Glasses or Contact lenses? contacts
424. Magazine or News paper? magazine
425. Kool aide or Soda pop? soda pop...
426. Do you prefer a mouse, track ball or touch pad? touch pad
427. Traditional monitor or LCD screen? LCD
428. What is the easiest pet to take care of? fish... dead fish...
429. Have you ever had a Water balloon fight? yeah
430. Do you think sculls are cool? no
431. Dragons or fairies dragons
432. Fast food or home cooked meal? depends
433. Pizza or Burgers? pizza
434. Baseball or Football? none D:
435. Nascar or Monster truck Rally? dunno
436. Have you ever lived in a Mobile home? dont know what that is
437. Have you ever seen a tornado? no
438. Ever watch Johnny Bravo? (I don't watch it either I've just heard of it) yeah
439. What did you think of it? it sucked
440. Would you rather shop at a discount store or a retail store? discount...
441. Are you a slave to fashion? no
442. Cash or credit? credit
443. Do you wear boots or shoes to work / school? shoes
444. If you were an international spy what country would you work for? mine
445. Good guy or bad guy? good
446. Stuffed animals or squirt guns? stuffed animals
447. Paper or plastic? paper
448. do you have a rubber ducky (grins)? no...
449. What is the oldest coin you ever got back in change? dont know
450. Do you use hair conditioner? sometimes
451. T-shirt or sweat shirt? t-shirt
452. Do you pick on you little brother / sister? no
453. If you could choose an instrument to be what would you be? guitar
454. Why would you choose to be that instrument? cause it can make pretty notes... but so sucky ones too, like me.
455. If you could change something about you what would it be? to stop being such a failure with my friends
456. What color id your hair? idk
457. Do you use any hair color? no
458. What is your favorite shampoo? dont have one
459. What is the longest time you went with out bathing and why? like 2 or 3 days we were at a camp and there was no were to shower...
460. Would you ever date a Nerd? yeah
461. Do you prefer shopping on line or at the store? at the store
462. Ever play store tag? no
463. Have you ever rearranged a store display? no
464. Trapper keeper or clip board? clip board
465. Do you like shopping for school supplies? yeah
466. Ever been excited to go back to school? No
467. Do you look forward to summer break? im in it
468. Would you get mad if they made school all year long? extremely mad
469. Would you still be mad if school only lasted till noon? yeah
470. Are your parents / kids weird? no
471. What is your favorite wild animal? tiger
472. Do you think bugs are creepy? yeah
473. Ever rub two pennies together? no
474. Do you have a night light? yeah
475. What color is your night light? grey
476. Ever sleep on a water bed? no
477. If you could pick a time in the past to live when would it be? dunno
478. Cake or Pie? cake
479. Ice cream or cookies? ice cream
480. Would you ever ride on a motor cycle? a 4 wheeled one..
481. What is you favorite past time? dont know... being on the computer and chatting with friends
482. If you could be an animal what would it be? a bird... to be free
481. Ever play Laser tag? no...
482. Have you ever hacked anyone before? no
483. What did you have for breakfast this morning? chocolate milk
484. Do you have a favorite outfit? no
485. Do you like comedy? yeah
486. do you like Horror? yeah
487. Do you like Science Fiction? yeah
488. Do you like Drama? depends
489. Ever watched a Docudrama? no O_o
490. Would you prefer having wings or a tail? wings
491. Flowers or Trees? trees
492. Would rather ski or snow board? none D;
493. Where is the worst place you ever had to go to sleep? dont know
494. What would be you worst day ever? well, im living my worst one right now...
495. What is your scariest nightmare? making my friends mad... oh, it came true...
496. If you could be a pilot would you fly a plane or a helicopter? helicopter
497. Snow or sand? snow
498. Brick or wood? brick
499. Who is your favorite loony toon? bugs bunny?
500. Hey did you know you only have about 500 more questions? yeah
501 Are you aware that you just past the half way mark? yeah
502 Are you sick of this quiz yet? no
503 Do you think 50K is worth all of this work? wont get 50k... but yeah
504 Have you ever taken a 1000 question quiz before? no
505 Have you ever owned a pet rock? no
506 Did you paint your pet rock? no
507 Ever hit a girl before? no
508 Did she deserve it? yeah
509 Have you ever pushed your little brother / sister down? no
510 Ever put tape on the feet of your cat? no...
511 What was the funniest joke you ever told? dont know...
512 What is the best prank you ever pulled? idk
513 Did they find out who did it? no
514 Ever pull the wings off of a fly? nope, ew
515 Have you ever used a magnifying glass to burn ants? yeah
516 Ever made fun of a clown? dunno
517 Have you ever had a pie in the face? no
518 Ever freak out your baby sitter? no
519 Have you ever fallen out of a tree? no
520 How many arms do you have? 2
521 Do you have any really cool scars? no
522 How did you get them? in no way
523 Ever stuck a bucket on your head? no
524 Did it get stuck? no
525 Ever yelled at your parents? yeah
526 Have you ever slipped on ice and recreated a scene from a cartoon? no
527 How much change do you have in your pocket? none
528 How much lint do you have in your pocket? dont know what that is
529 Do you own a stained t-shirt? i think
530 Ever rip your pants out? no
531 Have you ever lost your pants in public? no
532 Have you ever been bitten by a dog? no
533 Ever hit your thumb with a hammer? no
534 Have you ever sewn your homech teacher’s finger to your project? no
536 When was the last time you got a paper cut? dont remember
537 Have you ever sliced your finger while cutting veggies? nope
538 What question do you think I will ask next? "is this quiz getting oldyet"
539 Is this quiz getting old yet? no
540 Have you ever egged some ones house before? no
541 Did you ever play with matches as a kid? nope
542 Are you crazy for playing with matches? no
543 Ever light off fire works? no
544 Have you ever been hit by a fire work? naw
545 Are you scared of fire works? nope
546 Have you ever blown up a model with firecrackers?no
547 How far is your computer from your room? in it
548 Does your family own more than one computer? yeah
549 Do you mess with telemarketers? no
550 What was the worst thing you did to a telemarketer? nothing
551 Have you ever made a prank phone call? yeah
552 Have you ever fallen off the top Bunk? no
553 Have you ever taken all of the batteries out of the remote controls in the house? nope
554 Do you like your neighbors? sure
555 Have you ever seen an episode of South Park? no
556 Ever gotten angry at a video game? i guess
557 What is your girl / boy friend’s birthday? 16 of febuary
558 Do you know when your parents birthday? yeah
559 Do you know how old they are? yeah
560 Do you have a cell phone? yeah
561 Have you ever lost your cell phone? no
562 What was the longest time you where grounded for? dunno
563 Do you own any holey socks? yeah
564 What color are your eyes? brown
565 What color are your Girl / Boy Friend’s eyes? brown
566 What is the worst tasting thin you ever drank? dunno
567 What is the worst tasting thing you ate? fish
568 Have you ever eaten a bug? no
569 Have you ever been sprayed by a skunk? nope
570 What is the closest you have been to a wild animal? dont know... in a zoo...
571 Have you ever goosed an EMU {GRINS}? dont know what that is
572 Have you ever been spanked? i guess when i was small yeah
573 Have you ever talked back to your parents? yeah
574 What did they do when you talked back? they talked back to me
575 What is the weirdest food combination you ever created? dont know
576 Do you like beef jerky? sure
577 Have you ever shot a deer? no
578 Have you ever tortured a stuffed toy? no
579 Have you ever thrown up on someone? nope
580 What is the worst smell in the world? yours... and fish
581 Have you ever changed a poopy diaper? no
582 Can you draw a straight line? no... D:
583 Have you ever fallen down the stairs? no
584 Have you ever slipped on a banana peel? naw
585 Have you ever been burned? i think so
586 Have you ever been treated for poison ivy / oak? no
587 Ever skinned your knee? i guess so
588 Have you ever wrecked on your bike? no
589 When was the last time? never?
590 Have you built a snow fort? nope
591 Have you ever made mud pies? naw
592 Did you make your little brother eat that mud pie? no
593 Have you gone river rafting? nope
596 What is the farthest distance you have ever traveled? idk
597 Ever been on a zamboni? no...
598 Can you roller skate? nopers
599 How many chores do you have? none
600 Do you paint your toe nails? no
601 Ever made the world’s largest snow ball during recess? no
602 Have you ever played king of the hill? nope
603 Have you ever had a fire cracker go off in your hand? no..
604 Did it hurt? no
605 Have you ever fallen asleep during class? yeah
606 Did you drool on your desk? sure...
607 Have you ever played paint ball? nope
608 Have you dated a cheer leader? nope
609 Have you dated the captain of the football team? naw
610 What did you have for lunch today? dont remember
611 Can you describe the perfect date? im too lazy to do so
612 What was the most expensive date you ever had? none
613 Did you have more than one date for the prom? no
614 Have you ever been in a parade? dont think so..
615 Do you like rats? noooo
616 have you ever fed a snake? nope
617 Who is your favorite actor? Dont know really... Johnny depp?
618 Who is your favorite actress? ... many D:
619 If you could be anything what would you be? happy...
620 Are you offended by political correctness? idk
621 How often do you eat potato chips? not much
622 do you get annoyed by you brothers and sisters? yeah, at times
623 What color is your room? beige?
624 Will this quiz ever end? yeah
625 would you zig or would you zag? zag
626 Pretzels or potato chips? pretzels
627 has your mom or dad ever said “I told you so”? no
628 Do you sound like your parents and say some of the things they say? i think so...
629 Have you ever played battleship? no
630 Did they sing your battleship? no
631 what was the longest monopoly game you ever played? i dont know, many hours.
632 Cool breeze or a hot wind? cool breeze
633 Lemonade or Chocolate milk? chocolate milk
634 Have you ever cut through some ones yard? no
635 Have you ever hit an old person on your bike? nope
636 Ever ridden your bike in the snow? naw
637 Have you ever one any contests? nope
638 Are you sick of answering these questions? no
639 how old is your cat / dog? 0
640 Do you have any fish? no
641 can you eat them? ew, no D:
642 who feeds your fish? no one
643 what is the biggest fish you own? are we talking about the "imaginary fish" here? D:
644 Do you like sea food? NO
645 How many time do you fill up your plate at an all you can eat restaurant? dont know, 2 or 3 times...
646 Have you ever had a tummy ache? yeah, today
647 Have you ever been Hospitalized for the flew? no
648 How long where you there? 0 seconds
649 Ever had any major surgery? yeah
650 Have you ever made a nurse cry? naw
651 Have you been woken up by a nurse so she could give you a sleeping pill? no...
652 Have you ever seen a live birth before? nope
653 What is the grossest thing you ever saw? your face
654 Have you ever pulled a girls hair? no
655 Have you ever played golf? no
656 Ever been hit by a golf ball? no
657 Have you been to the ocean? yeah
658 Have you ever dissected a frog? no
659 Do you save your pickle juice after the last pickle is gone? no
660 Have you ever drunk out of the carton? no
661 Do your feet smell? nope
662 Does your nose run? yeah
663 Don’t you think you should catch your nose if it’s running? no, it comes back to me after a while...
664 Wow did you know this is a long quiz? yeah
665 Can you stand doing this anymore? no, i can sit it
666 How many stripes are on the American flag? idk
667 What year was the American civil war? 1890 something
668 Who did we fight? eachother...
669 When did we land on the moon? 1964? ....
670 Do you think time travel is possible? no
671 do you have any extra toes or fingers? no
672 How many times do you sneeze a day? idk
673 do you have any allergies? nope
674 Do you like getting mail? yeah
675 Do you have any magazine subscriptions? yeah, MAD Magazine
676 What are they? MAD
677 Have you ever ordered something and not paid for it? no
678 Do you eat junk food on a regular basis? nope
679 Do you collect stamps? no
680 Do you have any baseball cards? no
681 have you ever read a comic book? yeah
682 Do you know who Albert Einstein is? yeah
683 What was he famous for? Atomic Bomb... great mathematician or however u write it.
684 When was the Atomic bomb invented? during the seconf world war
685 What country invented it? US
686 Have you ever seen the show myth busters? yeah
687 Have you ever crashed a car on purpose? no
688 Have you ever been spit on? no
689 Have you ever spit on anyone? no
690 Have you ever shaved your hair off? no
691 Have you ever used a pen to doodle on yourself? yeah
692 Do you have all of your teeth? yeah
693 Ever lost a tooth in a fight? no
694 Do you have big feet? yeah
695 Have you ever been in a fight? no
696 What color is your AVI’s Eyes? brown
697 do you collect bottle caps? no
698 do you like marshmallows? yea
699 Do you like waffles? yea
700 Did you know you are on question 700? yeah
701 Do you like pancakes? yes
702 Do you like French toast? yesh
703 Do you like mints? Yuppy
704 Have you ever thrown a rock through a window? no
705 have you ever been arrested by the cops? nopes
706 Have you ever pissed off a cop? naw
707 Have you ever gotten out of a ticket by making the cop laugh? no
708 Sandals or boots? sandals
709 Do you have a pogo stick? dont know what that is...
710 have you ever played soccer? yeah
712 Do you like angels? yeah, from charmed
713 Do you like demons? yes, from charmed
714 Do you like mustard? no
715 How many TVs do you have in your home? 3
716 have you ever peed on your self? no
717 Do you honk when you blow your nose? nope
718 have you ever broken your nose? naw
719 are you bald? no
720 do you have long hair? no
721 Have you ever done a belly flop? nope
722 do you use hand lotion? naw
723 how many tokens have you ever had? many
724 do you buy your tickets at the market place? nope
725 Have you ever used them at prize and joy? no
726 Have you ever eaten military rations? nope
728 Have you ever shot a gun? no
729 Did you ever build a go cart? naw
730 Do you own a sword? no
731 how many people do you know? many
732 Have you ever seen a vet? yeah
733 Do you know sign language? no
734 Do you speak more than one language? yeah
735 can you do Chinese arithmetic? no
736 Can you read Latin? nope
737 Are you some kind of genius if you can do the previous two questions? nope...
738 If you are a genius why are you on Gaia? im not
739 Do you play with marbles? no
740 Do you have any Legos? yeah
741 How many do you have? 3156
742 Do you buy the sets or just the blocks? sets
743 Have you ever seen the USS Constitution? no
744 Have you ever been to the Smithsonian institute? no
745 Did you have fun there? no
746 Are you a nerd? idk
747 do you or anyone you know play dungeons and dragons? no
748 Did you know Vin Diesel plays D & D? no
749 Do you know who Vin Diesel is? yeah
750 Have you ever lost your D &D Character because you made a stupid decision? no
751 Have you been to the movies in the past week? yeah
752 What did you see? National Treasure 2
753 Did you like it? yeah
754 who was your favorite character? the main one
755 Did you get popcorn? yeah
756 Have you ever been to a bar? no
757 Have you ever played pool? no
758 Have you been to Yellow Stone Nat’l Park? no
759 Ever eat a raw egg? no
780 Ever eaten raw beef? no
781 Have you ever drunk blood? no
782 Dot you drink soda? yeah
783 How many glasses of water do you drink in a day? dont know, 8?
784 Did you know my wrist hurts from typing these questions? mine hurt for answering
785 Does yours hurt from typing the answers? thats what i just said -.-
786 Do you like spinach? yesh
787 Have you ever mixed all of the fountain drinks together at a fast food place? no
788 Do you have a convenience store within a block of your home? yeah
789 How often do you go there? not much
790 What do you buy the most there? dont know
791 what is your favorite candy bar? Hersheys
792 Have you ever eaten Vienna sausages? dont know
793 Do you like sardines? no
794 Did you know they come in tomato sauce? no
795 have you ever eaten cardboard? no
796 do you like the taste of envelope glue? yeah :3
797 have you ever fallen off of your roof? no
798 Do you know how to use a barbeque? nope, well, kinda, yeah...
799 how many toes does a bat have? dunno
800 Do you think you could answer this many questions? yeah
801 Can you count by threes? yeah
802 Do you hate being interrupted? dunno
803 Have you ever eaten a raw hotdog? nope
804 Have you ever sat on an ant hill? no
805 did they get in your pants? no
806 Ever piss off a bee hive? no
807 Have you ever tripped anyone? no
808 Do you snore at night? no
809 Have you ever shot a noodle out of your nose? no
810 Have you cut your own hair? no
811 How many pimples does your big brother / sister have? none
812 Does their face look like the surface of the moon? nope
813 are you a newb? naw
814 Do you have a Doll / action figure collection? nope
815 Are you aware that this is a long quiz? yeah
816 Have you ever fed you dog peanut butter? nopie
817 Did you laugh so hard you cried? no
818 Ever burn you hair? nope
819 Have you ever spray painted graffiti? no
820 Do you have matching socks? yeah
821 Do you dust your house? no
822 Have you ever been electrocuted? no
823 Have you ever fried a computer? nope
824 Have you lost something very important to you? yeah
825 Do you think you will get you 50k when you’re done? no
826 Do squeaky toys annoy you? naw
827 Ever do bad things to a stuffed monkey? no
828 Have you used the power windows of a car to break a siblings toys? nope
829 Do you think these questions are just random nonsense? yeah
830 Does your toilet have a ring around it? yeah
831 Have you ever plugged your toilet with a toy? no
832 Do you use half a roll of toilet paper when you’re done? nope
833 How many rocks do you have? 30
834 Do you own any bugs? no
835 Have you ever eaten a stale Twinkie? no
836 Have you ever taken revenge on someone for stealing your boy / girl friend? nope
837 Have you thrown up on a fair ride? no
838 have you sneezed on anyone? nope
839 Have you ever hit yourself with a pool stick? naw
840 have you ever slapped Jell-O? nopie
841 Have you ever sucked Jell-O up your nose? nopppez
842 Have you put peanut butter under a car door handle? no
843 Do you have toe jam? no, ewww
844 Do you channel surf during commercials? yeah
845 Does it bug the other people watching TV with you? naw
846 Do you squeeze the Charmin? What!? D:
847 Is your face dirty? no
848 can you touch your nose with your tongue?no
849 Can you wiggle your ears? yeah
850 Can you touch your nose with your big toe? no
851 Can you put your foot behind your head? idk D:
852 Can you bench press 500 pounds? i can press you, so yeah, 500 pounds is easy
853 Can you rebuild an engine? no
854 Can you plan a party? no
855 Have you ever done both on the same day? yeah
856 Do you have an annoying friend? yeah
857 Have you ever played Pac man? yup
858 Have you ever farted and blamed it on the dog? no
859 Do you disrupt class for no reason?no
860 Do you know how to get grass stains out of your pants? nope
861 Can you tell the difference between a USB port and a PS2 port? No... D:
862 How many games do you have installed on your computer right now? idk
863 Have you ever upgraded your computer just so you could play a new game? no
864 Are you still using windows 98? Nopes
865 Why haven’t you upgraded yet? i have
866 Do you like birds? sure
867 Have you ever shaved your head? np
868 Do you have any gray hair? no
869 Do you believe in aliens? yeah
870 Do you have a Phaser? no?
871 Would you like to own a real light saber? naw
872 Do you play in the tub? yup
873 do you wash your hair first or last? first
874 What color is your bathroom floor? white
875 Tile or rug floor? tile
876 How many bathrooms do you have? 4
877 How many innings are there in a baseball game? idk
878 What is PAR? Partially Artificial Rack D: idk...
879 Do you know how to make a FRIP NORP? yeah
880 Do you know what a FRIP NORP is? yeah
881 Neither do I, so why did I ask you? idk, but i do know
882 Better yet why did you answer if you didn’t know?i do D:
883 How many c**k roaches does it take to screw in a light bulb? 2
884 Have you ever been bitten by a snake? nope
885 Did it hurt? no
886 Was it poisonous? no
887 What color was it? none
888 Is this number cool looking?nope
889 What number comes before 999? 998
890 Can you play a banjo? nope
891 Do you have any red neck friends? naw
892 Finish this sentence: You might be a red neck if… you have a red neck
893 How many cars do you own? 1?
894 Have you ever been tackled by a love struck girl / boy? naw
895 Have you ever got you tongue frozen to the swing set? nope
896 Have you had a brain freeze? yeah
897 Can you eat a gallon of ice cream by yourself? no
898 Have you ever seen Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? yeah
899 Does your TV have a V chip? idk
900 Guess what, you are on question 900 what are you going to do now? keep answering
901 How many do you have left to go? 140?
902 What color are your teeth? white
903 How many cavities do you have? 0
904 When was the last time you went to the dentist? dunno
905 Do you have ear hair? no
906 Is that gross? ear hair is gross...
907 are they gray? idk
908 Do you have a beauty mark? no?
909 Do you like crackers? yeah
910 Did you have Pea green soup for breakfast? no
911 Did you have pea green soup for lunch? no
912 Did you have pea green soup for dinner? no
913 Did you pea green soup all night? no
914 What is your favorite cheese? sliced
915 What is you favorite dish for thanksgiving? never celebrate it
916 Do you have a Nintendo game boy? yeah
917 What color is it? purple
918 How many games do you have for it? idk, 6?
919 What color is Garfield? orange
920 What is the dog’s name in Garfield? id k
921 Who is Garfield’s owner? steve?
922 Have you ever vacuumed the cat? nope
923 Do you like to pull weeds? no
924 Have you painted a house? no
925 Can you use a power saw? no
926 Do you like to go to the hardware store? no
927 Do you play piano? no
928 What can you play? clarinet
929 Who is Mozart? a famous musician
930 Where is Rome? in europe
931 Are you smarter than a fifth grader? yeah
932 What is the equator? the imaginary line on earth D:
933 Where is the North Pole? in the north
934 What color is it? idk
935 have you ever seen it? no
936 So how do you know what color it is? i dont
937 Did you know there is no pole at the pole?nope
938 Do you believe in Santa Clause? naw
939 Do you like kids? no
940 What continent is Brazil on? South america
941 what country is north of the United States? Canada
942 Who was Adolph Hitler? the famous Nazi dictator who started the nazi group...
943 Who was Winston Church hill? the prime minister of england around the first world war...
944 Do you know where you mom is? yeah
945 Do you believe that dinosaurs lived on earth? yeah
946 Do you know what an AK-47 is? no
947 How many TV stations do you have? idk
948 How many do you actually watch? many
949 Do you pay a lot for all those channels? naw
950 Cable or satellite? satellite
951 How many pairs of jeans do you own?1
952 Do you like robots or androids better? qndroids
953 Can you do Algebra? yeah
954 What is the biggest book you ever read? idk
955 How many pages can you read in an hour? idk
956 Have you ever seen a UFO? naw
957 Do you tan or burn? tan
958 Where is Texas? south of US
959 Do you like school lunches? they are fine
960 Do you like your teachers? depends
961 Do you want this quiz to end? sure
962 Would you quit now if you got 50k on this question or would you finish the quiz? yeah
963 Do you have an old transformer? no
964 How many do you have? 0
965 Do you like pigs? no
966 Have you ever kicked a chicken? no
967 Do you know what mutton chops are? nopes
968 What is hagus? idk
969 How many days are in a leap year? 365?
970 Have you ever heard of nannites? nopes
971 What is a bio machine? bionichle machine?
972 Does your school have a cool mascot? naw
973 What are your school colors? light and dark blue and light and dark grey
974 Do you have any posters in your room? naw
975 Who is Jimmy Neutron? boy genious
976 Have you seen the Grand Canyon? no
977 Where is it? in the US
978 Do you like camping? naw
979 Have you ever taken a road trip across the country? no
980 How far can you drive in one day? 0
981 Ever been on a cruise? nope
982 When did the Titanic sink? 1913? or 1912...
983 Have you played in the rain? sure
984 Was the rain cold or warm? idk
985 What is you favorite pie? chocolate pie
986 Do you like Jam? nope
987 Do you have a sleeping bag? yeah
988 Can you navigate using a compass? nope
989 How long did you think this was going to be?idk, long
990 Did you know you are down to the last 10 questions? no
991 Do you still have your toys from your childhood? yeah
992 How many DVDs do you own? many
993 Is your room clean? sure
994 Have you forgotten your shores to do this quiz? naw
995 Are you aware that there is only five questions left? yeah
996 How do you think you did? fine
997 could you imagine it would take this long? yeah
998 Did you know you were almost done? yeah
999 Did you know you have one question left on this quiz? no
1000 Are you glad this is almost over? sure
1001. Did you know tt's alomst official that this is the longest quiz on gaia? yeah XD
1002. Have you broken any rules while doing this quiz? naw
1003. Have you ever finished any other quiz before? yaw
1004. Do you think this is the longest quiz in gaia's history? yeah
1005. Do you know the first 5 numbers of pi? no
1006. What's the difference between pi and pie? idc
1007. Ever entered a dream avi contest? no
1008. Ever finished a quiz this long before? nope
1009. About how long did it take you to get this far? hours
1010. Any of your friends online? 1 of them
1011. Did you make alot of gold? naw
1012. About how much gold did you make from this quiz? none
1013. Do you think anyone will ever make a quiz longer then this one? no
1014. Did this take you a long time to finish? yeah
1015. Do you know how much you weigh? idk, none of ur business
1016. How many cars do you have? 1
1017. Do you own a pool? yeah
1018. Do you live in an apartment? no
1019. Do you live in a shack? naw
1020. Do you play pool? nope
1021. Ever won a contest before? naw
1022. Do you think you could've came up with this many questions? sure
1023. Which question in this quiz was your favorite? this one
1024. Can you imagine anyone finishing this quiz? yeah, i did, twice
1025. Are you rich now that you've almost finished this quiz? no
1026. Did this quiz help you get any of your dream items? no
1027. Do you have a journal on gaia? yeah
1028. Do you have a diary? no
1029. Do you think I'm being nosy? sure
1030. Do you beleive in magic, aliens, ghosts, etc.? naw, but i like to believe they can exist
1031. Has anyone ever robbed/broken into your house? naw
~The Final Questions!~
1032. Did you go crazy while doing this quiz? no
1033. Was it worth it doing this quiz? no
1034. Was the quiz fun? sure
1035. Would you suggest this quiz to other people to do? sure
1036. Did you earn alot of gold? nope
1037. How much gold do you have now? 42,084
Im scared!!!
Chris Kiko Community Member |
Community Member