i just thought of something. yesterday, we had to list compound words & our teacher has to check it & approve it. i listed a couple of words then i got really bored that i listed the word iPod as a joke. then the teacher checked my list & she actually approved the word iPod as a compound word surprised . that was suppose to be a joke. but alright, i'll take iPod or iPOD.......dammit!!! i forgot how to spelll it gonk .
anyway, jennifer always copies my work & surprise, surprise rolleyes . she copied a few words.
things i notices about everyone's avatar *it's kinda fat. everyone's avatar looks fat......don't be offened cuz i did say everyone & that includes me. * no one has a nose. this is something that bothers me. everyone just have eyes & mouth, but no nose. why can't we have a virtual nose!!!! scream
this is the weirdest journal entry i have ever written