My life kind of sucks right now....>.<
...and school is driving me insane....
I dunno why, but ever since winter break, I can't seem to concentrate on any school stuff.....I always get distracted.....
I really really really wanted to stay home today....we weren't doing anything anyway.....but I didn't....
Then my mom said if I really had a ton of stuff to do, then I could stay home tomorrow....But tomorrow's one of the worst days to miss!!
I don't have all my classes, but they're all extra long, and if I miss them it's like I'm missing twice as many classes! .... gonk
.....But I don't think we're doing that much.....
ninja ninja / pirate pirate
Which one???? ^_^
Which one???? ^_^
History class sucks! ...BUT I GOT AN 80% ON THE GRADED DISCUSSION!!! OMG!!! WAS HE FEELING OKAY WHEN HE GRADED THEM?! I'VE NEVER GOTTEN ABOVE LIKE....uh...a D on those discussions... sweatdrop
YAY!! 80%!!!! 4laugh
K, I'm changing the subject now....
In English we're supposed to write a letter to someone....important....
about an issue in society...and if they write back we get lotsa extra credit!!
....wat in the world am I gonna write about??? confused
I lubbles my Gentleman's Alliance vid!! YAY!!'s really not that good or anything....I'm just really excited about making a vid.....I've never done this before...It's so exciting!!
.....before I really couldn't computer was stupid and would save pictures from the internet....stupid AOL......maybe that was the problem.....
But now I can! =D yipee!
....hahaha......mood swings.....

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