Well i made an animation a long time ago when i was... 12 i think.But here it is.I just found it on my computer and im happy =).And i remember what program i used so ill keep coming out with them.Just give me suggestions =).But before you post a comment.At the top put in survey or animation.Depending on which one your talking about.
Survey =)[1]Are we friends?
[2]Are we good friends?
[3]Do you like me more than i know?
[4]Do you think ill get married?
[5]Do you think i love someone?
[6]Do you think someone loves me?
[7]Would you go out with me?
[8]Would you kiss me?
[9]Would you hug me?
[10]Would you do the unspeakable with me?
[11]Was this survey a waste of time to you?
[12]Would you put this in your journal if you felt like it?
[13]Would you put this in your journal if i made you?
[14]Would you put this in your journal if you didn't want to?
[15]Are you going to?