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My drawings!! x3
Naruto One-shot- part one o.o?
Hiya peoples! I felt like putting a Naruto fanfic in this out of boredom because.. o.o I was bored. It's not one of my best I mean I didn't even try to put it in full sentences >> Anyways!



Summary: Four girls.

They are different than one another.

Different names.

Different styles.

Different looks.

Different personality.

Different hobbies.

Different teams.

But there is something they all have in common.

They are all hopelessly in love.


Yes, yes. Random and fluffy-able.

By the way it's a SasuSaku, NaruHina, NejiTen and ShikaIno coupling so... >>

o.o Back to the story, yes?



Loves to fight and is obsessed with her weapons.

She doesn't let anyone touch them.

They are like her babies.

She doesn't even let her crush touch them.

Unless she is throwing them at him.

One day, training in the hot sun of July, Gai's team decided to take a break from training.


Not everyone.

Tenten couldn't help but to gawk at her crush in the blazing sun.

Sweat dripping down his body.

Swinging his long brown hair to the side in a 'hot way' is what her friends would say.

He had this cute determine look on his face as he punch a random post in the area.

Tenten held his cheeks in her hands as she fantasize him and her taking a break under a tree as he held her in his strong arms.

A blushed covered her cheeks as she giggled.


Tenten brown eyes widened as she slowly looked up to see pale lavender eyes staring down at her.

She smiled sheepishly and chuckled nervously.

She hoped he doesn't see act all giddly.

"Let's spar."

She blinked.


He looked down at her coldly.

"I don't repeat myself."

Tenten puffed out her cheeks in annoyance.

Great that stick up his a** is back.

"Well I'm on my break so--- ACK!"

Tenten's face met dirt as she dodged a kunai that was aimed for her.

She looked up to see him smirking with another kunai in hand.

"Why you little--"

Again, she dodged another kunai he threw at her.

Her eyes twitched.

"Oh it's on!"

They sparred until all their weapons were scattered all over the area.

They started doing taijutsu.

Tenten threw a punch at him but he moved his head so she missed.

He flew a kick at her but she dodged it but jumping back.

She tried to punch him again but this time he caught her hand.

"Pfft. Pathetic. You're never gonna get a boyfriend if you are so weak."

Tenten faced flamed with anger.

How dare he!

She is just as strong as him!

"You'll eat your words along with the dirt Hyuuga!"

Neji Hyuuga smirked at her which angered her more.

She flew a kicked at him but he got her leg with his other hand.

He smirked smugly at her.

But she smirked at him back.

"Nighty night."

With her left hand and only free hand, she used the side of her hand to hit a certain spot on his neck.

She stepped backwards to watch him fall.

With a wipe of her hands, she smiled down at him.

"Ha! Thinks I'm weak when I knocked out the Neji Hyuuga with ease. Hmph! You are just lucky you are cute. I would've chopped off all your hair."

Tenten spun around on her heel and walked away from the training grounds.

She looked back at him with a soft look.

"But he will never like me.."

Turning around, she dragged her feet away from the brown haired god.



Shy and the heiress of the Hyuuga's.

She likes a certain boy.

A boy so dense that will make a coconut look smart.

Hinata was making her way towards the ramen shop.

She's gonna do it!

She's gonna tell him how she feels!

She even has the letter to prove it.

When she passes people, they could see the bright blush on her face.

For sure! I'm gonna tell him how I feel!

She giggled lightly to herself when she thought of a certain blond boy.

He always gave her confidence in her fighting but when he's near her.

Well, let's just say she stares at the blue sky in confusion at the end.

When she saw the familar blond spiky hair do, her heart did jumps.

Her heart felt it's gonna explode!

Gulping down the nervous lump in her throat, she timidly walked towards her crush.


The boy turned around and spotted Hyuuga heiress and grinned.

"Hey Hinata-chan!"

She blushed darkly.

She walked towards him and held the letter tightly in her hands.

"Naruto-kun I--"

Hinata squeaked a little when her crush raised his hand, stopping her from whatever she was saying.

"Hold that thought Hinata-chan! I see Sakura-chan and this time I'm gonna get her to agree to go on a date with me!"

With that, Naruto Uzumaki ran off towards a pink haired Kunoichi.

Hinata couldn't stop the tears that suddenly appeared in her eyes.

"Naruto-kun I.. like... you.."

Her whispers were only heard by her ears.


Another confession gone down the drain!

Stupid Naruto!



She loves flowers

She loves managing her family's flower shop.

Even though it gets in the way of her training.

She just loves handling the beautiful creation Mother Earth made.

But what she loves the most is a certain pineapple head team mate.

Ino is on her shift at the shop.

She hummed a tune as she placed newly found flowers in their group.

Then she heard the bell ring at the door.

"Welcome to the Yamanaka's flower sho---"

Ino stopped herself from saying the line she uses when she manages the shop.

She blinked her blue eyes with confusion.

"Shikamaru? What are you doing here?"

Shikamaru Nara stood at the entrance of the shop.

Hands in his pockets.

With a bored look on his face.

"I need some flowers."

Ino's eyes widened.

Shikamaru is getting flowers?


For whom?

"What kind?"

Though she's at her job right now.

She'll yell at him later, demanding who he is giving flowers to.

"Dozen roses with babybreath."

Ino nodded and turned around quickly, making him miss the frown that was placed on her face.

She walked to the roses and started placing them in a wrapping.


She said cooly.

"Who are these for?"

She heard him let out a sigh.

It went quiet for a minute.

Ino still worked on the roses.

Trying to control her anger.

What was taking him so freakin' long to respond!?


She asked loudly.

Another sigh was heard.

"It's for a troublesome girl I know."

Ino's blue eyes widened.

Inside, she's bouncing around, yelling on the top of her lungs, 'I hope it's me!!'.

"Do I... know her?"

Ino asked, her back still facing towards him.


Ino bit her lip.

Maybe it was some other girl in the village.

Or maybe that sand nin from the Chuunin exams.

"Is she from here?"


Well that leaves Temari out.

"Do you see her everyday?"

There was a pause.


Ino's heart fluttered, holding onto the bouquet tightly.

She tried to bite down the blush that is coming onto her face.

Taking a deep breath.

She turned around with a smirk.

Time for some acting!

"Ohh.. So the lazy bum has a girl in mind eh? Who is she?"

She smiled coyly at him.

He step forward to her.

So close that she felt his body heat.

He grabbed the roses out of her hands and gave her a lazy smirk.


He started walking away.

Leaving money on the counter first.

He reached the door.

But Ino yelled out before he opened it.


She is angry.

No way he's leaving without telling her who the flowers are for!


Shikamaru turned around and gave her that lazy smirk of his!

"Oh. You know who it is."

It sounded like he was hinting at her.

A blush crawled onto her face.

"Uh.. Ah.. Um.."

She tried to find the words that she wants to say.

She decided to tell him how she feels.

Here and now.

But before she could open her mouth to speak.

"It's for my mom."

He had interupted her..


Then he just walked out on her..

He just left her gapping at the door..





A skilled medic nin.

Trained under the Hokage's wing.

And a strong Kunoichi.

But she has one weakness.

Her crush.

Her love.

Her only one,


She ran up to her team mate.

She smiled one of her brightest smiles.

The one she reserves for her Sasuke-kun.

"Sasuke-kun! Lady Tsunade wants you!"

Naruto dragged Sasuke back like he promised.

But then things seems to went back to the way it is when they were Genins.

Sasuke looked at her with unemotional eyes.

He answer her with a simple grunt.


Her smiled faded a little but it lit up quickly when he started to move.

She walked beside him.

Not saying a word.

Yet anyways.

"So Sasuke-kun."

She said calmly, that smile still on her face.

"You doing anything tonight?"

He turned and glared at her.

Sakura just bit her lip.

Even with the glare.

She is still going to ask.

"There's this thing I want to go to.. That new teen bar that's opening tommorrow. I was thinking. If you want to, would you--"


She frowned.


Sakura eyes looked up at Sasuke who looked at her coldly.

"I don't want to."

Sakura stopped walking while Sasuke continued.

"O-Okay then.."

He disappeared around the corner.

Sakura tried to control her tears.

She would not cry for him anymore.

Taking in a deep breath.

She turned on her heel, advoiding Naruto, and ran to her house.

Stupid, jerky, stone man!


Now, the girls chose the dumbest guys to like.

No, not Naruto dumb.

I mean romantic dumb!

They don't understand girls' feelings.

Especially our four beautiful Kunoichis.

You see.

They too have hearts.

They too have feelings.

And what these guys don't see that they are mentally abusing them.

That is where I come in!

Yo, I'm Satu.

The author of this story.

Well, one-shot.

I was requested here by the Naruto fans.

Well... no I was just bored BUT I want to help these girls.

Help them find the love that they deserve!

So I decided...



I mean they can't stay gawking at their crushes all their life.

They need to go out more and meet new people.

So that's my plan.


Or is it?


The four girls all sighed together.

Walking in different directions.

Their love life sucks!

Suddenly, their eyes widened.

Like getting hit by a snowball to the head.

They finally realized.

The guys are NEVER gonna return their feelings.

Whoa, that hurts the heart.

They felt like crying.

But they won't.

They won't cry for someone who hurt them more than once.

Each took a breath.

And went to their houses.


Tommorrow they will be new girls.



Tenten yelled as she waved.

Lee and Gai lift their heads both at the same time.

And greeted her together with a shiny grin.


Tenten grinned as she run her fingers through her hair.

Due to it being in buns most of the time.

Tenten's hair is actually quite lovely with her brown wavy locks that reaches below her shoulders.

"Oh well I wanted a new look so I decided to leave me hair down today."

Tenten smiled which made her look really pretty.


She frowned when she turned around to look at her team mate.

"Hello Neji."

He just stared at her with his emotionless lavender eyes.

She smirked at him then turned around, walking away.

"By the way, I'm not training today!"

Neji glared at her back coldly.

She shivered.

She turned around and glared at him

"You're training."

He demanded.

She sticked her tongue out at him then turned to Gai-Sensai.

"Gai-sensai! Can I be excuse for today? I want to try that youthful flirting you were trying to get us to do!"

Gai's eyes watered as he nodded rapidly.

"Yes! Yes fair Tenten! You may go!"

She grinned and waved at him.

"Thanks Gai-sensai!"

She looked at Neji before she left.

He was glaring so coldly at her.

She smiled at him,

Knowing it will tick him off,

And left.


Hinata let out a breath before opening the door of the house.

Right when she first stepped outside,

Someone called her name.


She jumped surprised.

Then she smiled a bright smile.

She turned around.

"Hello Kiba-Kun! Shino-Kun!"

Her two team mates looked at her with confusion.

Hinata didn't add the stutter to their names.

And she doesn't have her baggy sweater on.

She just wore her black tanktop that shows her creamy pale skin.

And she put her thick indigo hair into a high ponytail.

She smiled shly and blushed.

Nope, still old Hinata.

"Hey Hinata. What's with the new look? Getting ready for the opening of the night club?"

Hinata twirled some of her hair from her ponytail and blushed shyly.

"Umm.. Well... Y-Yeah."

Shino raised a brow but then shrugged.

"Ready to train?"

Hinata looked up and was about to respond when she saw the blond shinobi walked across the street.

She didn't look away and kept her eyes on him until he entered the ramen shop.

Kiba looked at where her eyes are at then grinned slyly.

"Come on Hinata. Let's get some ramen before we train."

Kiba grabbed her arm and dragged her to the ramen shop before she could protest.

Oh no, she didn't want to see Naruto so soon.

Not that she doesn't like him but...

She wanted to try this 'flirting' thing without her crush watching.

Well, he probably won't even care.

Hinata frowned at the thought.

She'll show him!


Kiba yelled.

Shino was walking behind his team mates, being quiet and cool.

Naruto turned around then grinned.


Kiba dragged Hinata into one of the chairs and sat her down beside Naruto then sat besider her.

"Oh nothing. Hinata here wanted to have some of her favorite food before we go training."

Hinata looked at Kiba with disbelief.

What the heck is he doing?

He's the one who dragged her here.

"REALLY?! Hinata-chan you like ramen too?!"

Hinata turned to him and nodded.

She bit her lip and blushed.


Team eight sweatdropped.

All Konoha know Naruto Uzumaki loves ramen.

They all ordered ramen.

Naruto was surprised to see Hinata ordering his favorite ramen before he did.

He stared at her with his blue eyes and tilted his head a little in thought.

Hinata noticed this and blushed.

"Eh? Hinata-chan? You look different."

Hinata didn't answer because she was in the middle of slurping her ramen.

Kiba on the other hand, answered for her.

"Oh she's just getting ready for tonight! Finally our girl is gonna get a guy!"

Kiba grinned and patted Hinata's back.

Hinata choked on her ramen in shock.

She started coughing.

Her group looked at her with concerned.

"Hinata-chan! You okay?!"

Naruto asked with concern.

Hinata lifted her head and smiled meekly.

"I-I uh.."

She coughed once more.

"I-I think I better g-go now. T-Thanks for the food Kiba-kun!"

With that, Hinata ran out of the ramen shop.

The three guys watched her fade away into the crowd.

Kiba blinked.

Then his eyes widened when he realized something.


Shino shook his head but had a small smirk on his mouth.


Kiba started banging his head when the ramen guy handed him the bill.

Turns out Hinata likes to steal ramen from Kiba.


Ino stood in front of a mirror like window.

She was touching and moving around her hair.

She sighed as she flipped her hair from her ponytail behind her shoulder.

"Geez. What is with girls and their hair? Troublesome."

Ino spun around and glared at a certain pineapple head boy.

"What is with guys sneaking up against people?"

Ino bite out.

Shikamaru gave her a blank stare.

"We're ninja. It's what we do."

Ino growled but turned her back on him.

She started playing with her hair again.

"Seriously. What are you doing?"

Ino frowned and glances at him through the mirror.

"Ignoring you but it doesn't seem to be working since your mouth keeps moving."

Shikamaru let out another sigh and walked to the window.

He leaned against the reflection of Ino.

Giving the real one a look.

"Get serious here Ino."

Ino pursed her lips together then focused on her hair again.


Ino grumbled.

Shikamaru looked at her.

"Can't a girl look beautiful?"

Ino chirped.

She took out the hair elastic.

Then she shook her head.

Letting her blond locks fall over her shoulders.

She raised a hand cupped some of her hair in her hand.

She grinned at a non blinking Shikamaru.

I mean come on!

That was hot.

Even the fellow villager boys were gawking.

Ino giggled.

"Actually I was just figuring out which hair style I should wear for tonight's karaoke opening."

She gasped.

"I don't know which outfit I should wear!"

She turned to Shikamaru and winks at him.

"Give me luck Shika. This girl is finally gonna find a man tonight. Bye!"


Sakura hummed silently to herself as she worked on some paperwork in her office.

She then sighed as she leaned backwards on her chair.

"Work, work, work.. Geez. What a slave driver.. Thankfully I have my break today."

She lift her arms and stretched.

"Talking to yourself again?"

Sakura froze.

She coughed nervously as she put down her arms.

She smiled weakly at the person at her door.

"Sasuke-kun.. What a... surprise."

Sasuke frowned then grunted.

"Don't sound surprise."

Sakura's look faded as she turned back to her work.

"Why are you here anyways?"

Sasuke was confused.

But he won't show it.

Just the day before Sakura was giddy to be with him alone.

Well, they are alone right that second.

And Sakura isn't trying to make him date her.

"The Hokage needs the paperwork."

Sakura stood up and grabbed the papers she just finished.

She walked passed him.

"Thanks for the message, messenger boy."

Sakura rolled her eyes as she walked towards Tsunade's office.

It was a nice silence.


"You're different."

Sakura stopped on her tracks.

She turned around with a raisen eye brow.

"Sasuke Uchiha is following me?"

Sasuke glared at her.

"The Hokage still wants me."

Sakura shurgged and kept on walking.

"Right. Right. Anyways. Yes. I have changed."

Sasuke is still following the miss Sakura Haruno.

Well.. a few feet away but still.


Sakura turned around and point an accusing finger at him.

"That's right! I, Sakura Haruno, team mate and former fangirl of Sasuke Uchiha is finally.."

Sakura paused as Sasuke gave her a weird look.

"Over the Uchiha."

Sakura sighed with relief as she smiled.

"Oh. That felt good off my chest. Now. Let's go see Tsunade-sama!"

Sakura walks off.

Leaving behind a confused Uchiha.


Nyeh! That was long.. =O But yes this is only one part of the One-shot since the girls haven't gone to the Karaoke bar! Ohh that means singing >:3 Means I get to choose some intresting songs eh? You guys could help to if you want o.o

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Mana Everglade
Community Member

Sat Feb 02, 2008 @ 09:08pm



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