-dark-.....ehh...hmm.... -me-what now..? -dark-...this is not so bad.... -me-huh? -dark-.....for once....ur not acting like a complete retard...
-kimmi-ok....now that we r in the air...what now.. -anu-we got to search for the others now...*looks at radar*..shouldn't be too far now... -moon-*listening to music*..
-ray-...oh ur dead now....*walks to marina* -marina-.... -janu-GO RAY BEAT HER....OR....HIS...oh forget it..IT'S a**!!! -gaara-...*sets up some battle music*
-cross-..oh man...this is bad...is it? -kelp-...*pops out from the jungle*.....
...dammit oh yeah...mrs cena change her name into ray J 4life....so now we got two rays.....so her name will be rayj ok..
wait...delay for a min.. done...
-rayj-...yeah...very bad....that's he pet...kron.. -dark-..kron? -rayj-yeah kron...idk either -dark-...... -redwing-...anyway....we got trouble...look...*points to the sky*.. -shady-....is that.......kimmi...? -dark-....HEY...ANU...MOON...DOWN HERE!!! -rayj and redwing-.......
-kimmi-...hey is dark!! -anu-u serious...*looks down* -moon-YO DARK!!!
-dark-yeah they c us....
-ray-....huff.....there......it's finished...
 -janu-....wow... -gaara-.....nice.. -ray-...now....lets get the hell out of here.....smells like pieces of vomit in here... *they walk outside*
-dark-....hey...kimmi.....u stay in the sky and try to find ray,janu,and gaara ok
-kimmi-OK!! *they fly off*
-shady-.....ok now about the dragon....
delay again....*sigh* and now it's over..
-dark-..........yeah...we r gonna attack it...then try to fine the main base of that dragon -cross-the main base...? -rayj-i think it's underwater... -redwing-yeah it is...deep underwater....we will need some kind of deep sea travel.. -mogs-...hmm.......i got it...why don't that klepton girl over use her ice powers to created some ice orb or something... -yosh-..but we will have a limit time of air... -dark-...so it's enough time to get down there -yosh-shut up i knew that.. -dark-you shut up... -yosh-no u.. -dark-no u.. -mogs-why don't u but shut up and just listen.. -dark and yosh-..ok -shady-..anyway...what about that dragon....look how big that thing is... -cross-...so....we can take it... *the dragon roars and a earthquake comes from it* -cross-..damn....this might be harder then we think..
-ray-...whew...we r out...defeated my hacker b***h...and came out safe -janu-u got that right....now what do we do...? -gaara-..i see planes...*points to the sky* -ray and janu-..planes?
-kimmi-...HEY UP HERE!!! -anu-..WE'RE COMING TO GET U!! -moon-...SOONER OR LATER!!
-ray-sooner or later?
shoot they need to hurry up..
-cross-ALL ABOARD!! -dark-TO THE DRAGON KRON!! -shady-..... -mogs--we'll stay here...u three just go.. -dark-....ok...rayj...redwing?...kelp? *the three shook their heads* -cross-ahh well.....let's go.. -dark-alright then....we'll be back
or will they? stay tuned for more -----------------------------------------------
special news report..
-dark-THAT'S IT...I CAN'T TAKE IT...I GOT TO GET BRAWL!! -shady-...just shut up.......we can't do anything till march 9th -dark-...u shut up......u know we can..... -shady-..what....oh.....i know....the japanese versions.. -dark-yeah....this will be more hard than seeing die hard in 3D -shady-...no this will be more fun than looking inside a bag with a telescope.. -dark-..how is that fun -shady-IT'S FUN TO ME!!! -dark-..retard.. -cross-what ya'll talking about-.....wait.......DARKNESS.....ok... -dark-....darkness.....yes...all hail the darkness... -shady-...anyway.....we need to come up with a plan.... -dark-.....next issue....maybe we will have one... -cross-..so wait.....ppl who r reading this
extra story...
thedarkone15 · Mon Feb 04, 2008 @ 03:14pm · 6 Comments |