-dark-....long break man...whew.. -shady-....i know....freaking too long to be exact.. -dark-so writer..(or should i call u stephen???)...what now? -writer-DON'T U MEAN WHY NOT..*acts like he is smoking cocrack..(weed and crack in a tortilla roll) -dark-.....omg... -shady-...............no...need to ask..
*rumble, rumble* -ray-..what the hell? -janu-earthquake.....something's up.. -gaara-.....i think.....i see something... -ray-...wait is that....A DRAGON..
-kimmi-....HOLY CRAP A DRAGON!!! -anu-DAMN.....THAT'S HUGE!!!! -moon-............
-dark-ya'll ready..? -cross-yeah -shady-oh yeah.. -dark-ok...let's go...*turns on motor* -cross-LET'S GOOOOOO!!!!!
-mogs-......they r gone.. -redwing-....lets build there graves......hey yosh...why didn't u go with them? -yosh-*yawn*....too tired... -rayj-lazy a**.....get up now and work!! -yosh-...huh? -kelp-......
-ray-ok they need to hurry up!!! -gaara-.......*sigh*.... -janu-....HEY DOWN HERE....WE R STRANDED...HELP US!!!
-kimmi-....ok we r coming....let's go
-dark-......there it is...
 -shady-...LET DO THIS...AHHH*charges in* -cross-...WAIT!!! -shady-..what??? -dark-..look at that dragon....we can't just charge in -cross-....or can we? -dark-....ur right...let's go. *they all charge to the dragon and then the dragon tail whips them* -dark-AHH! -shady-UGH! -cross-OOF!! *they fly and fall in the ocean* -******** r we gonna do? -shady-......*huff,hufff*...idk.... -cross-...OH SH*T...MOVE!!!! *the dragon shoots a beam at us*.. -cross-....was that the real SHOOP DA WHOOP??
we will find out later......but now..
-dark-...u son of a b***h.. -shady-..what -dark-u stole my piece of chicken!!! -shady-well ur too skinny. -dark-..and ur too fat!!! -shady-...what?? -dark- man ur so fat.....when ur mom is picking u up from school....she need to put a sign on the car saying.."heavy load" -shady-......w....w-what!? -rayj-....man darkone.....that was terrible... -dark-shut up rayj
this is not the main story....this is just a test comic for the computer
srry for the low quality and bad writing...

to be continued
-dark-OMG...NO WAY DUDE....
end...till next time
thedarkone15 · Wed Mar 05, 2008 @ 03:36am · 4 Comments |