Ilonka, my Angel of Fire. No last name as of yet.
General Info: -19-years-old-ish -Ilonka is mature for her age, and enjoys dressing in sophisticated and high classed clothing.
Background Info: -Because of her maturity and intelligence, she is full of pride and serious most of the time. Rarely jokes around, not into "cute" things. -it's her way or the highway.
Physical Appearance -bright, long, red hair, with bright, intelligent, serious and confident green eyes. -wears very light make up. -clothing is always very mature. She is either in casual jeans and sweater, or in more special occassion, simple but elegant dress, but no frilly, fluffy, ripped, lolita things.
Other Info? -because of her fiery personality, and her bright red hair, she is known as the "Angel of Fire".
Stories of Her -Angel of Fire:
-Angel of Fire: Poetry:
Artworks of Her By me:
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By Others:
J_Kalika · Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 06:46am · 0 Comments |