Ahh February. A month for love, warmer days, and of couse....... MY BIRTHDAY! I had a wonderful Valantines Day (or singles awareness day, whatever you want to call it), even though I didn't have a "special someone" to share it with, but i did have some pretty awesome valantines, Miss.Lolo-Sama and Stray_Bullet_to_the_Heart! I love my friends. I got two carnations from two very close friends and the greatest valanitnes card ever. Lolo gave me a card with turnips on it that said "don't turnip your nose at me". I love it so much because of the whole turnip thing (which you won't understand, it's an Artstrek inside joke) and it now resides, hanging proudly, in my locker. My birthday is also coming up quite soon. In 3 days to be exact! It's pretty exciting because i will be turning 16, I'm gonna be soooo old >.< but Lolo will also be 16 soon so we can have matching walkers with fuzzy dice and flame stickers! (another inside joke). heart
Tigers Lily · Sun Feb 17, 2008 @ 06:26pm · 1 Comments |