Ahhh I am such a drama queen I know, all my life Ive imagined fantasic things.
Like during christmas when we used to spend the night at grandmas I would walk to the giant tree and imagine all the toys coming to life. Grandmas house always was amazing for the holidays. She goes all out to make it speacial for the children. She still hasn't changed a bit. I guess its just cause I'm getting older that the magic dosn't seem real anymore. At christmas everything sparkles, people say her house reminds them of the toy store in home alone 2. Theres holly, and lights, and bells, and toys, and garland everywhere.The hand made ginger bread houses are made up. The stockings are hung over the fireplace, the train goes around under the tree. The presents have all different wrapping paper with big bows and ribbons. I used to really love it, but now it seems like I don't really pay much attention anymore.
Halloween was always fun to cause the grown ups would dress up with us, grandma would make the whole house look haunted with old stuff like on hocus pocus. barrels and hay and candles, and tons and tons of jackel lanterns. Antique looking witch brooms, and a foggy brew, cobwebs.
Thanksgiving was great too, decorations for the fall.The entire family comes together like 82 of us all come to grandmothers house and before we eat we all join hands making a chain and say the blessing and each say what were thankful for. Then we dig in and the guys watch and scream over football.
Easter everything is pink and pastel, and bunnies are all over the house with little easter egg trees.
4th of july we kids would always swim in the pool while we watched the fire works, everything is in red white and blue! The men are watching the barbeque and the women play horsehoes. Before we eat we sing the national anthom while dad and grandpa raise the flag. My cousins, sisters and me would join our rafts and lay on them watching the fireworks, Lucky for us my grandparents live really really close to where they shoot them so we could lay perfectly flat and watch them right above us.
Grandma always took us to church. We would get severly punished if we acted up during the service. Afterwards we'd go to the diner where miss joe would make me a waffle with whip topping and a strawberry on top, and a grilled cheese sandwhinch for my cousin. We would always get the same thing. When we got home we'd go for a trail ride and grandmother would tell us stories about our Irish Native American roots. She would say "I say you this today for tomorrow you shall tell your children." She says that its important to listen to your elders because they are the last of their kind, learn from their wisdom, and pass the stories on to the young, then when you become an elder the youth shall learn from you, and when they share your knowledge you never really die, you live on forever from the stories that you tell. When you have a child, that child is a piece of you that lives on in your place." I hate to think that someday grandmother is going to die, I get really really extremely shook up when I think about it. I dont want to go on without her. She just laughs and says someday I will get married and have a family and Ill forget about it because my love for my family will comfort me. I dont know that I could ever get over it, jeeez I need to stop talking about it because I'm starting to cry about it now, I already feel lonely for her, I'll never be the same without her, never.
and no this isn't my grandma's house, its the one from home alone, its the perfect christmas house, so I'm using it to work your imaginations!

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