Name them: I can't name ALL my friends Which one is funniest? Jackie? Which one is the most trustworthy? Most of them Which one are you most jealous of? None Which one has the nicest hair? ...I dunno... Which one did you last text/talk to/chat online with? Umm...Dunno Which one makes you happiest when ur sad? Sarah Which one is the biggest flirt? : Kerri Who have you known the longest? Jackie Which one do you think you will keep in touch with forever? Most of them probly Which one would you kiss if you had to kiss one? Ummm All your pals Have you kissed any of your friends? Kittybell, not saying anymore than that Which one has the coolest parents? Jackie Which one is the biggest flirt? Wasen't this already asked? But Kerri Which of your friends do you trust least? I don't know. Word Association: Which friend do you think of first?! Poo:... Lesbian: Not answering Funny: Jackie Chopsticks: Jenny School: Sarah Hott: The heck? Boring: Fart: D Puke: ... Booze!: D Microphone: Jackie Footie: wtf Needy: ... sunshine: The sun holiday: Dunno workout: D emo: Jackie A bit more! {best friends only} Which friend is the craziest? All of us XD Who do you rely on most? : Sarah Are you missing any of them right now?: None of them Have you ever dated one?: No.. Who is the most nerdy?: Umm...I dunno.. Who is the most annoyin?: No one
Shizuka467 · Mon Feb 18, 2008 @ 04:44am · 0 Comments |