001. Real name → Haley 002. Nickname → Currently, it's cough drop and Gabbie. Don't ask why my nickname is cough drop, for you will have to deal with a long story. 003. Status → Single 004. Zodiac sign → Caporcorn 005. Male or female → Female 006. Elementary → Eh. Nice teachers. 007. Middle School → Loving it 008. High School → Love the marching band :] 009. Smart → In english and health. Every other class I suck in. 010. Hair color → Ligh brown with a hint of red in it STILL. 011. Long or short → Long 012. Loud or Quiet → A little half and half 013. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans 014. Phone or Camera → Both 015. Health freak → Not really 016. Drink or Smoke? → Niether 017. Do you have a crush on someone? → Yess. 018. Eat or Drink → Eh? You have to do that to stay alive, right? 019. Piercings → Going to get my ears pierced soon. 020. Tattoos → No way!
FIRSTS: 023. First piercing →Got my ears pierced when I was a baby 024. First best friend → Dunno I don't have ONE best friend. 025. First award → Night of Excellence 2008 for Cyberscience 026. First crush → Not telling 027. First pet → My birdie called "Birdy" lol 028. First big vacation → Trip to Florida when I was 6 030. First big birthday → Last years party
CURRENTLY: 049. Eating → nothing 050. Drinking → nothing 052. I'm about to → Go draw 053. Listening to → Paramore 054. Plans for today → Nothing 055. Waiting for → Nothing
YOUR FUTURE: 058. Want kids? → No 059. Want to get married? → Eh. Dunno yet 060. Careers in mind → Possibly a writer
WHICH IS BETTER WITH GIRL/BOY? 068. Lips or eyes → Eyes 070. Shorter or taller? – don't mind. 072. Romantic or spontaneous → romantic 073. Nice stomach or nice arms → both 074. Sensitive or loud → sensitive 075. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship 077. Trouble maker or hesitant → Hesitant
HAVE YOU EVER: 080. Lost glasses/contacts → I've lost my glasses before. 081. Ran away from home → No 084. Broken someones heart → I don't think so 085. Been arrested → NO 087. Cried when someone died → Yes
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 089. Yourself → not always 090. Miracles → yes 091. Love at first sight → yes 092. Heaven → yes 093. Santa clause → no 094. Sex on the first date → NO 095. Kiss on the first date → depends on the guy
ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: 097. Is there one person you want to be with right now → Uhhh..Not going to answer that for my own reasons. 098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → yes I guees 099. Do you believe in God → Yes.
Shizuka467 · Sun Nov 02, 2008 @ 11:08pm · 0 Comments |