initiating enchancement...
estimated time of upgrade: 1 minute
enchacements in:
-Information proccess
-Energy generation
-Information of weapons
estimated time of upgrade: 1 minute
enchacements in:
-Information proccess
-Energy generation
-Information of weapons
Project Athalid reaching it's highest point...
soon will be prepared for the war that is approaching, but i don't think this will work.
He is a gaian! he have got feelings, his fears and pains... maybe with this he won't have pain, but he have got his mind, and he still beeing a gaian... and if he discovers that he is going to be used as a tool he will destroy this building and what is inside...
I hope that won't happen... but now i am going to escape from here, i quit this job!!
we are playing to be gods!
this is the beggining of the story that i am thinking to make