well... it official now...
I am leaving my prestige college for reason I dare not to share and I don't know if I am coming back. I had lot of difficulties in past weeks and my parents and advisers are very helpful in determining my next course of action. I am going straight back home and discuss more on this matter with my parents. Phew...
and I went to Target again after hearing that my store have the $25 Puppies Cards! Well... guess what? The misprint ******** me up! I found NONE of those cards and I tried to get something out of the employees there and to no anvil, they couldn't help. Frustrated, I grabbed the $25 Kaya Card and few bottles of Fuze (god-dammit delicious!) and left with temporary hatred toward the Target for their unforgivable misprint. Gwwrrr! At least I bought some few items and sold them so I can earn some profits that I need to get LOT of items for my avvy project!
oh yeah... speaking of my avvy project, it is progressing very nicely and I been getting some wonderful items and golds! Also, I been on Tektek's Dream Avvy creator and it is extremely beneficial to my goal because not only I got the color arranged, I know exactly what items I can get and each of 8 colored avvy have unique style of their own! EXCELLENT! Also, I took the snapshot of those avvy and I will be making the signature with the 8 spectrum of avvy color!
steampunk brown
ninja red
autumn orange
angel yellow
royalty green
cascade blue
ethereal violet
demonic black
expect them to roooock!!! scream (scream!!!)
peace, Aveky
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this is secret insight of Avek's lifestyle and experiences.
don't be too shocked by what you find in here...
he is a very odd and wild lizard, of course x3
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Avek Fenr Onsi Vaer
Community Member |

graphic designer and owner of afabas DESIGN