Remember that time many months ago journal...when I told you about why I had to quit the Community Youth Network? I was the coallition member. Lots of responsibility...little cooperation with our district member and youth. It was disappointing. Especially the way no one believed I would actually quit. I passed over the reins to a year younger then me. He has taken things for the most part...well. He does complain that there is great amount of work involved...but that is too be expected.
Well, today he was collecting signatures. We had a conversation that went like...
Me: Zomg...I've got a strawberry banana yougurt!
Him: Zomg...I've got signatures!
Me: What are you collecting them for?
Him: CYN...
Me: What's on the go?
Him: People are quitting.
Me: What?! How many?
Him: Well, counting you and Renee...ten.
Me: Oh my gosh, why are so many people getting out?
Him: I don't know...
But later in Design Tech. people were talking about why they were quitting. One was that their school work had to come first. The district member has apparently made a rule that says even if they have a whole ton of school work to do, they have to go to meetings. That is not the case with any other youth organizations in this district. It is asking too much. Others had quit because they had simply lost interest. It is hard to keep a program going in such an isolated area. The most they did was have a few dances and a spirit day. They also provided the first aid course for the members. The program has many benefits. It shouldn't be too stressful...unless it is being run in an incorrect way. Which according to happening. It is a shame. When I was coallition member...we had fifteen members. Now that has been reduced to three. Kinda pathetic, dont ya think?
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"I may seem like an unlikely survivor what with all my phobias and irritable bowel syndrome. But I have the advantage of having no friends or close family. And I play by the rules. My rules. "
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