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Tales of Journelia
My Friends. In Real Life.
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Name: Sky Yole
Nickname: Greg
Age: 13
Personality: I would say I'm self centered, but I like my friends a lot. Touch them and you die. I'm timid but I go places where no one else has. (i.e. the girl's bathroom. Twice.)
Powers: Drama nerd. I can act my way out of anything. Trust me.
Quotes: "That was epic."
"Stop failing."

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Name: Geo Sugurre
Age: 12
Personality: Geo...*laughs*...good times. He's one of my best friends, let me tell you that right now. He can say anything with a straight face, but laugh uncontrollably afterwards. And the best part is, we live only a walking distance away from eachother! YAYS!
Powers: Can play the drums like nobody's business. Is psychotically good at Pikmin. Can pwn almost anyone at Guitar Hero.
Quotes: "Donate?"

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Name: Robin Yole
Age: 15
Personality: Where to start, where to start? Robin is one of the best people I know (Besides me, of course). She's EXTREMELY musical--note the two Enchanted Strings items--and can cello your faces off. Don't even challenge her at cello competitions--she's going to Yale on a cello scholarship. She also is violent, AND has a black belt in Karate (which sucks for me), so watch out.
Powers: Can cello your faces off, black belt, temper control (trust me), etc, etc, etc.
Quotes: "Leave me alone!"
*cello playing*

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Name: Laura Norterra
Age: 11
Personality: She's a theatre dork. She knows everything from Avenue Q to Xanadu. However, she tried out for Anything Goes but failed to make it. Ha ha, Laura, Ha ha. Anyway, she's kind of a spaz (and fun to shank, like Sam), and is kind of nice. Kind of. Oh, and one of her only redeeming features is that she's good at DDR. ^^ She's kind of butt-innish and has to know everything. And does.
Powers: Butt-inness, Musical knowledge, spastic powress, not as good as Luke at DDR, but still good.
Quotes: "SHANK!"

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Name: Mary Yole
Age: [undisclosed information]
Personality: Mary (Mom) is, of course, maternal. She has kind of a dry sense of humor (it's too clean XD) but once she gets on one of those LOLSPREEs, she gets hilarious (i.e. "Stop being such a douche." wink . She's an outward turned person who's green and heart s to spread the love.
Powers: LOLSPREEs, the most amazing guilt trips you have ever seen, can take two types of foods, cook them together and the next thing you know they'll be mass-producing them in a cookbook.
Quotes: *laughs*

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Name: Pickle Bernstein
Nickname: Well, Pickle is her nickname.
Basic Plot: There is no plot of life.
Personality: Now THIS one's scary. Pickle is basically the smartest person I know. Besides me, of course. Well, she can solve the Rubik's Cube in under 2 minutes, is strong and reads. A LOT. I mean like 24/7 A LOT.
Powers: Is unbelievably smart. Has an extremely good grasp on the powers of manipulation. Is strong. Trust me, I've gotten on her bad side. gonk
Quotes: "Newspaper." (Sky: *shudders*)

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Name: Tom Wolfe
Age: 15
Personality: Tom Wolfe is not like anyone else that I know. Tom is egotistical and shares the exact same sense of humor as I do. (i.e. Saying "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID" after almost everything, calling Gobstoppers "balls in mouth" and...um...artistic pictures.) On Facebook, he started a religion called THE CULT in which they all worship him. Oh, and his camera is the holy grail.
Powers: Great photographer, has a religion, rox at Melee, likes sexjokes.
Quotes: "That's what she said."

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Name: Shannon Curry
Nickname: Scurry
Age: 13
Personality: Remind me again why I didn't put her here sooner? Well, Scurry, as we like to call her for our strange motives, is a vampire--and you can tell, seeing as how she has manipulation over dogs, is "blind as a bat", drinks blood (seriously... eek ), is really really pale, and for other reasons that I think that Sammy is going to post as a comment. Really soon. (Journal Bump.) She's really loud but you wouldn't know it until you see her "in action". She is full of things that no one really knows about (not even her) so basically she's my rival in enigmatic ways.
Powers: Is a vampire, has the enigmatic properties of about 3/4 Sky, can eat almost anything and not get sick, can eat almost everything and not get fat (trust me)
Quotes: "I'M NOT EMO!"

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Name: Samantha Noley
Nickname: Sam or Sammy
Basic Plot: There is no plot of life.
Personality: What can I say about Sam? She's a complete and total SPAZ, to begin with. I mean, shank her from behind and she'll explode. Really. And...let's say she needs help studying. Well, besides being all normal and stuff, she's also obsessed with Rent, and is "totally crushin'" in the wise words of the Teen Girl Squad. Only I don't know who yet...!
Powers: Has mastered manipulation. Is short. Has lots of energy. Never give Sam caffeine.
Quotes: "Well Sky,* you're just you."
"That's what they call me."
Other: Sam doesn't call me Sky as much as Greg (she thinks that Sky is a girl's name XD)

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Name: Rebecca French
Age: 13
Personality: Kind of the 'Queen of the Lose' in a way. She's the popular-est nerd in the nerd kingdom that can still be classified in as a nerd. She takes jokes WAAAY too much and sometimes where jokes aren't due. She's interested in the small stuff (i.e the strange murder coincidences between Lincoln and Kennedy) and is kind of a perfectionist. But that's why she's our friend~! Oh, and did I mention that she wouldn't have any remorse if, and I quote, "I saw Adam lowered into his grave with the imprint of my hands on his neck." If I remember correctly, she would laugh. But that's just the entire eighth grade class.
Powers: Drama Nerd, French speaker
"Yeah, I'm awesome."
"When grandmama, whose age is eighty, is in nightclubs getting matey with gigolos, anything goes!" (Yeps, she's Sweeney. And I'm not talking Todd.)

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Name: Conner Nawsnaught
Age: 12
Personality: Conner has immunity from being bullied. Let me say that to you right now. It's not because he's popular (which he is), it's because his mother, Mrs. Nawsnaught, is the chorus teacher at our school XP. So basically, he doesn't take advantage of that, but it's still kind of weird being at drama club and hearing someone yell "MOM!" and getting whiplash looking at the clock to see if it's time to go yet. He's still a considerate guy, but the only minus on him is that he has almost no energy whatsoever. But it's not like he's lazy or anything--he just has no enthusiasm energy. But still--he's one of my better friends.
Powers: his mother, act his way out of most things (Moon in Anything Goes)
Quotes: "There's something wrong here!?! Bonnie~! BONNIE~~~!!!"

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Name: David Rinkettely
Age: 13
Personality: David is emo. Like Milly. Oh, and he's friends with her, too. He's friends with people in other schools, unlike most of us. He's an eight grade pimp. Oh, don't tell me you haven't known anyone like David. You allllll know pimps. You're just denying it.
Powers: He's emo (ahem cut ahem), he has pimpish powers, he is a pyromaniac, and he burns weepuls (our "school spirit" item)
Quotes: "HOLY s**t!"

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Name: Jon Westly
Nickname: Johnny
Age: 13
Personality: Jon in a nutshell: basically, he's the kind of person that all middle schools need--the preppy thespian who's in chorus and ALWAYS gets the main in the play. But then again, that's why we like him. He's really popular and has WAAAAAAAAY too much energy sometimes. These are usually at the worst times ever (i.e. "My grandmother just died!" Jon: *starts to dance*).
Powers: Just like me--can act his way out of anything, really popular, has persuasive powers of Mai Valentine's boobs, ENERGETIC!!!!!!!!!!!! SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!
Quotes: "Yeah!! Let's get this party started!"

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Name: Mithos Yole
Age: 13
Personality: Mithos is my conscience. This basically explains why I didn't put him sooner; I didn't meet him until recently rolleyes . Mithos gets on my nerves a lot, which is why I push him to the back of my head. This is also why I can insult people without thinking twice about it and not feel bad. But still, Mithos is also why I hug Sammy a lot. Just like Sendo and...well, Sendo, I talk to Mithos quite a bit nowadays. He has the best ideas out of all of my friends! mrgreen
Powers: Mithos can persuade me to do absolutely ANYTHING, can change my moods, is a genius, and likes to watch inferior/smaller people suffer. ninja This explains why I do the 'hi-five' torture to Cabbage and Squash. IT'S MITHOS'S FAULT!!
Quotes: "Yes."

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Name: Halley Martinnenas
Age: 13
Personality: THIS GIRL IS A SPAZ. A COMPLETE AND UTTER SPAZ. Nuff said. She's a theatre dork, like Laura, and is obsessed with the Sound of Music and Spring Awakening, but especially Les Misérables. She's waaaaay too happy for her own good and she's a techy. Like Laura. She's basically a second Laura. Only older. And happier.
Powers: She knows (and invented) the Stage Crew High Five with me (even though I wasn't in stage crew), she has way too much energy, and...that's it.
Quotes: "YEAH!!"

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Name: Dylan Listerman
Nickname: Jeo calls him Dyono, I have no clue as to why.
Personality: Another one of my drama friends that is obsessed with the BEATLES. He's even seen Across the Universe...and no one else I've asked had XD. Well, he's one of those people that is incredibly popular but that you can see getting beaten up pretty badly at high school by those football jocks with balls of steel (so you can't kick em there).
Powers: Acting, Beatlesness, ...stumped...
Quotes: I have no idea. He doesn't speak all too much.

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Name: Candy Robinson
Age: 13
Personality: Well, Candy is sweet, but sour, y'know what I mean? She's usually easygoing, but when you tick her off (usually when I mention "_raig _lough" wink she can fly off the handle. She's very musical, and her voice can shatter millions of windows at the same time. Haha, just kidding Candy. (Don't sic Pickle on me. Please.)
Powers: Her voice can shatter millions of windows, has manipulation over Sammi, Nida, Dyke, Pickle and Milly, she has great powers of prettiness. No, really. She can almost brainwash men (Can you say "_raig _lough"?)
Quotes: "There once was a guy named _raig _lough."

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Name: Brigette Hughes
Age: 13
Personality: Honestly, I have no clue as to why I put her here. Of course, she's funny in her own way, and she splits between two Brigettes, if you know what I mean. One time she could be chasing me down half the hall trying to blow my head off with a .44 (she would do that if given the chance sweatdrop ) and the next she'd be giving me a hug that would suffocate me. Oh, and she's going to a Catholic High School (on scholarship). Yeah. She's a paradox. So much so that she's not just an enigma, but a paradox
Powers: Smarticle, can kill anyone (in either Brigette), being paradoxical, catholicness.
Quotes: "Don't make me kick your a**, Sky."

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Name: Luke Baker
Age: 15
Personality: SY: What do you think of yourself, Luke?
SY: So I guess it's up to me to explain Luke to you. So Luke's kind of a vegetable. He doesn't really do anything of interest. Except EarthBound, which for some odd reason he's completely and utterly obsessed with. Well, he's almost up to my skill level in DDR, except lightyears away. Yeah. That's what I think of as 'almost up to my skill level'. He's closed minded and is kind of strange. Remind me again why I'm friends with you, Luke?
LB: ...
Powers: Super DDR Feetzorz (but not quite), ignoring powers are up to god knows how high.
Quotes: "Eggplants."

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Name: Milly Broal and Jimmy Ratundo
Nickname (M): Emokid
Nickname (J): Short one
Age: 14 and 13
Milly: Milly is emo. Let's just get that straight. She's a cheerleader and is trying out for the Drama club, Anything Goes (as I am.) Well, she is kind of evil to the people she wants to be evil to and isn't to those who she doesn't want to.
Jimmy: Jimmy is SHORT. Let's just get that straight. He makes sex jokes a lot at lunch and is kind of...well, let's just say he's not an honors student 3nodding
Milly: Milly is almost an American Gladiator strong. She broke my shin and said "she went easy on me". She's also the co-owner of Silverfish Art Shoppe.
Jimmy: Can gross anyone out.
Trust me.
Other: Yes, the Celebrity Date item looks EXACTLY like Jimmy. Only taller.
Quotes: Milly: "Go die or something."
Jimmy: *clears Through The Fire And Flames Expert* "So there."

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Name: Nellie Campbelle
Age: 12
Personality: Okay, I'm not really friends with Nellie. All right, I don't even know her all that well. Deal with it. So what I infer from her is that she's popular ( stare ) and that she's loud. She probably knows a lot too, but I'm not going to take my chances and say that--as I said, I don't know her well. (But she probably is smart)
Powers: EXCRUCIATINGLY SHARP voice, drama nerd (Bonnie in Anything Goes), popularness
Quotes: I have no clue whatsoever. Zoe, do you know Nellie at all?

User Comments: [7] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Mar 28, 2008 @ 01:13am
change mine

commentCommented on: Wed Apr 02, 2008 @ 12:07am
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Lol your post about me fails. Epically. >:/User Image

Luke Schmuke
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Jun 16, 2008 @ 06:32pm
halle is 13 not 12 and she also loves les misérables

commentCommented on: Thu Jun 19, 2008 @ 03:32am
u have to change it on july 12th i will be 12 and also i know every play from ALL SHOOK UP to ZANNA DONT duh!

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Jul 15, 2008 @ 03:19am
IM 12!

commentCommented on: Sat Jul 19, 2008 @ 09:42pm
haha, i'm there

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Aug 31, 2008 @ 02:45am

User Comments: [7] [add]
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