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(&'_')& Banana Pudding!! &('_'& wink

Rai Cloudfox
Community Member
Quiz Nonsence
User Image Autobiography

About You
What is your full name?:Ashley Jankowiak :XP:
Have you had any nicknames?:Ash, Rai, Foxy, Spazz, Tweak, Freya, That one chick
When is your birthday?:December 5th
Are you named after anyone?:A chick from a soap opera stare
How tall are you exactly?:5'0 give an inch or two
What is your job?:Cashier

Any siblings?:nope
Is your family big or small?:very small
Are your parents more strict or easy going?:half and half
What uncle or aunt are you closest with?:Aunt Teresa
What cousin are you closest with?:Trisha
Do you live with your parents?:yes
When will you move out?:end of the year maybe??
How many siblings does your mom have?:3
How many siblings does your dad have?:3
If you have a sibling does he/she live with you?:no siblings
Where is your family from?:Detroit, Mi
Where does most of your family live?:Half in Fl Half in Mi

What color hair do you have?:brownish reddish blackish
Is it real or fake?:fake
What color eyes do you have?:yellow gold
What clothes do you normally wear?:my clothes??
Do you go tanning?:no
What color are your nails?:sometimes
What is your least favorite part about how you look?:no tail

Who is your BEST best friend?:Melissa!! heart
What do you and your best friend normally do?:stuff
What is your favorite memory with them?:too many to have a favorite
Who have you been friends with the longest?:Adriana
How did you meet them?:School
Who were your best friends last year?:Melissa
Would you still consider them your best friends?:yes
Do you and your friends go to parties?:no
Who is your best friend of the opposite sex?:none

Love and Relationships
Single or Taken?:single crying
Do you believe people should be friends before they date?:kind of
Were you friends with your last bf/gf before you went out?:never had one
How many real boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?:none

Your Last Relationship
What was the name of your last boyfriend/girlfriend?:none
What did you two normally do?:nothing
How long did it last?:never
Where did you meet?:nowhere
What was the height difference?:?
What was the weight difference?:?
What was the age difference?:?
Best memory?:?
Did he/she ever buy you a present?:?
Was it an easy or hard relationship?:?
What was their job?:?
Do you have pictures together?:?
Did you ever meet their family?:?

Person you hugged?:My mommy
Person you slept in the same bed with?:Melissa
Person you IMed?:Melissa
Person who texted you?:Meliss
Time you drove a car?:month ago
Thing you ate?:Enchilada
Person to tell you they love you?:my mommy
Item you bought?:energy drink
Time you cried?:can't remeber
Time you were at the mall?:christmas
Person you went on a date with?:never
Restaurant you ate at?:Asian Fushia
Concert you attended?:none
Vacation you took?:St. Augastine

Restaurant:Pho Quen
Movie:Silence of the Lambs
Scent:Cherry Blossom
Quote:Character is what you have left when you've lost everything you can lose.
Store:Hot Topic

More about you?
What is your religious preference?:Wicca
What shoes did you wear today?:none
If you had a baby girl what would her name be?:no girl
What about a boy?:Loki
What is outside the nearest window?:air, the roof of my house, a tree??
Do you know your neighbors?:not really
What are you scared of?:being alone
What pictures are framed in your room?:none are framed, they cover my walls
What is the first song on the CD you listen to the most?:Karuma - Bump of Chicken
Three things you'd take to a deserted island?:electicity, computer, drawing stuff
What are your grades right now?: xd
What do you want to be when you grow up?:A mommy =^_^=
Do you have any regrets?:a few
Do you like staying home or going out?:going out
Are you social or shy?:depends on who I'm with
How do you sleep?:not well
What is on your bed?:pillows, blakets, plushies
Who was the last letter you sent to?:don't write letters
What would you do with a million dollars?:buy stuff
Why were you in the hospital last?:head injury
Have you ever been in a car accident?:not a big one
Was it your fault?:no
What happened?:we tapped a guys bumper
Was anyone hurt?:nope
What were you doing 9 years ago?:hell if I remeber
What is your favorite subject in school?:Drama
Do your teachers like you?:some do some don't
What is your favorite number?:13
Why?:lucky number, it looks cool
Last movie you watched?:Be Kind Rewind
Are you afraid to die?:nope
What was the last gift you gave someone?:don't remeber
How big is your bed?:queen

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I've Done 73 of the 120 stupidest things.

Level 1
(x) Smoked A Cigarette
( ) Smoked A Cigar
(x) Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex

Level 2
(x) Are / Been In Love
( ) Dumped someone
( ) Been Fired
( ) Been In A Fist Fight

Level 3
(x) Had A Crush On An Older Person
( ) Skipped Class
( ) Slept With A Co-worker
(x) Seen Someone / Something Die

Level 4
( ) Been To Paris
( ) Been To Spain
(x) Been On A Plane
( ) Thrown Up From Drinking

Level 5
(x) Eaten Sushi
( ) Been Snowboarding
( ) Met Someone Through Internet
( ) Been in a Mosh Pit

Level 6
( ) Been In An Abusive Relationship
(x) Taken Pain Killers
(x) Liked/loved Someone Who You Cant Have
(x) Laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By
(x) Made A Snow Angel
SO FAR: 11

Level 7
(x) Had A Tea Party
(x) Flown A Kite
(x) Built A Sand Castle
( ) Gone mudding
(x) Played Dress Up
SO FAR: 15

Level 8
(x) Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves
(x) Gone Sledding
(x) Cheated While Playing A Game
(x) Been Lonely
(x) Fallen Asleep At Work / School
SO far: 20

Level 10
(x) Watched The Sun Set
( ) Felt An Earthquake
( ) Killed A Snake
SO FAR: 21

Level 11
(x) Been Tickled
( ) Been Robbed / Vandalized
( ) Been cheated on
(x) Been Misunderstood
SO FAR: 23

Level 12
( ) Won A Contest
( ) Been Suspended From School
(x) Had Detention
( ) Been In A Car / Motorcycle Accident
SO FAR: 24

Level 13
( ) Had / Have Braces
(x) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
(x) Danced in the moonlight
SO FAR : 26

Level 14
(x) Hated The Way You Look
( ) Witnessed A Crime
( ) Pole Danced
(x) Questioned Your Heart
(x) Been obsessed with post-it-notes
SO FAR: 29
Level 15
(x) Squished Barefoot Through The Mud
( ) Been To The Opposite Side Of The World
(x) Swam In The Ocean
(x) Felt Like You Were Dying
SO FAR: 32

Level 16
(x) Cried Yourself To Sleep
(x) Played Cops And Robbers
(x) Recently Colored With Crayons / Colored Pencils / Markers
(x) Sang Karaoke
(x) Paid For A Meal With Only Coins
SO FAR: 37

Level 17
(x) Done Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn't
(x) Made Prank Phone Calls
(x) Laughed Until Some Kind Of Beverage Came Out Of Your Nose
( ) Kissed In The Rain
SO FAR: 40

Level 18
(x) Written A Letter To Santa Claus
( ) Watched The Sun Set/ sun rise With Someone You Care/Cared About
(x) Blown Bubbles
(x) Made A Bonfire On The Beach Or Anywhere
SO FAR: 43

Level 19
( ) Crashed A Party
( ) Have Traveled More Than 5 Days With A Car Full Of People
( ) Had A Wish Come True
( ) Been Humped By A Monkey
SO FAR: 43

Level 20
( ) Worn Pearls
() Jumped Off A Bridge
(x) Screamed "p***s" or "v****a"
( ) Swam With Dolphins
SO FAR: 44

Level 21
(x) Got Your Tongue Stuck To A Pole/Freezer/ice Cubes
(x) Kicked A Fish
(x) Worn The Opposite Sex's Clothes
(x) Sat On A Roof Top and watched the stars
SO FAR: 48

Level 22
(x) Screamed At The Top Of Your Lungs
(x) Done / Attempted A One-Handed Cartwheel
(x) Talked On The Phone For More Than 6 Hours
( ) Recently stayed up for a while talking to someone you care about
SO FAR: 51

Level 23
(x) Picked And Ate An Apple Right Off The Tree
(x) Climbed A Tree
(x) Had/Been In A Tree House
() Been scared To Watch Scary Movies Alone
SO FAR: 54

Level 24
(x) Believed In Ghosts
( ) Have had More Then 30 Pairs Of Shoes
( ) Gone Streaking
( ) Visited Jail
SO FAR: 55

Level 25
(x) Played Chinese Chicken
(x) Been Pushed into a pool with all your clothes on
( ) Been Told You're Hot By A Complete Stranger
( ) Broken A Bone
(x) Been Easily Amused
SO FAR: 58

Level 26
(x) Caught A Fish Then Ate It Later
( ) Made A Porn Video/got asked to make one
(x) Caught A Butterfly
( ) Laughed So Hard You Cried
( ) Cried So Hard You Laughed
SO FAR: 60

Level 27
( ) Mooned/Flashed Someone
( ) Had Someone Moon/Flash You
(x) Cheated On A Test
(x) Forgotten Someone's Name
( ) French Braided Someones Hair
( ) Gone Skinny Dipping
(x) Been Kicked Out Of Your House
SO FAR: 63

Level 28
(x) Rode A Roller Coaster
(x) Went Scuba-Diving/Snorkeling
(x) Had A Cavity
( ) Black-Mailed Someone
( ) Been Black Mailed
SO FAR: 66

Level 29
(x) Been Used
(x) Fell Going Up The Stairs
(x) Licked A Cat
(x) Bitten Someone
(x) Licked Someone
SO FAR: 71

Level 30
( ) Been shot at/or at gunpoint
( ) Had sex in the rain
( ) Flattened someones tires
(x) Rode in a car/truck until the gas light came on
(x) Got five dollars or less worth of gas

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