My next review is an awesome game that I'm sure everyone has heard of. that game is Tekken Dark resurrection for the PSP/PS3
Game: Tekken Dark Resurrection Creator: BandaiNamco Games Publisher BandaiNamco Games Rated: T for Teen
Like i said before I'm sure at least everyone has heard of Tekken. it's one of the best fighting games on the Playstation systems. But Tekken: Dark Resurrection is basically a remake of the PS2 version Tekken 5 but with a few changes. the main and biggest change is the addition of Ghost Data which allows you to save your customized character, rank, and how that character fights. Another difference is there are twice as much items for customization in this game as there were in the PS2 version. The graphics for this game are amazing they are almost exactly like the PS2 version the only differnce is it's a little rougher around the edges and has a slower frame rate during the fight intros. Also all of the stages have been changed they are basically the same as the stages in the PS2 version but they are all at a different time of day or are the opposite kind of place for example the stage Hell's Gate is at night time and takes place near well, the gate to hell but the psp stage is...well i forget the name but it takes place in the day time and is near a shrine. there are 2 new characters for this version as well Lili and Sergei Dragunov both are really good characters with impressive moves and combos. nearly all the stage music is really catchy but i don't feel like going into that.
Overall: 10/10 Graphics: 10/10 Gameplay: 9.5/10 Sound: 10/10
xXFreakOtakuXx · Sun Mar 02, 2008 @ 12:31am · 0 Comments |