ily homeguys & gals. <333 |
Maeron . . .is soo sooo sooooo sweet. I love him from the bottom of my heart. He's always so dedicated and I love his humor (lol). I really hope he comes back to spend more time on gaia, since he's a fabulous person. He's my teddy bear and I love to huggle him. <333
[~Swift~] . . .is such a sweetie pie, tough on the outside, a teddy bear on the inside. Swifty makes wonderful avatars and he is just an amazing person. <3 We have the funniest conversations, and he always makes me laugh. And that is totally not cliche.
Captain Enthusiasm . . .is so totally wonderful. He's known for rockin' the tealz. And dude, if you see his avatars, you'll know what I'm talkin' about. x] In fact, the reason that I use teal a lot now, it's because he's made me appreciate the underused color. emo Love ya, Thu thu!~
mS.Angelic0us . . .is just that. <3 She's an angel. We talk all the time, and I love her humor and style~ She makes fab avatars as well, and I just love her color combinations and her avatars always end up adorable, even when using weird rarely used colors. x] I wish she would log on gaia more often. Love ya, bish. heart Even if you don't hang out in AT as much as you used to, you're always in mai hearttt.
The Bagel . . .is full of awesomeness and win, you won't even believe it. And yeah, he totally OWNS the monochrome. <3 In fact, he practically invented it. He's also a great friend, and just an overly awesome person. Our conversations are actually conversations too. O: He's like, the only one who can make me go in detail about life. And sports. ;]
Toodle Doo . . .is sweetass, yo. <3 She has a great sense of style, and she will PWN anyone and everyone. &3 But she's also sweet lyke suga' and totally adorable.~ I don't know how many times I've "ily'd! " her, but believe me, countless times. 'Cause it's true. heart And she made the most wonderful sign for me, and I own half her face, she owns half my a**.
.[.Le.Ronnie.]. . . .always matches perfectly, and dude, even down to the shade. &3 I envy her for makin' her colors WORK. She's also amazing and has a. . .interesting personality. But really, you should get to know her, she's awesome to talk to, and always makes me smile~ And with all her gender changes, I'm the one to correct everyone that she ain't a dude.
Mrs.Popo Head . . . always makes my day. <3 Pope is such a rebel, she's so funny and her humor is endless. <3 She's also great at stylish avatars and her color combinations are totally and wonderfully awesome. =] We talk all the time, on and off gaia too. [AKA here and Facebook. xD] Rock on, mai homeguuuurl.
SilverFalco . . .rocks the silver, and he makes wonderful avatars with wonderful layering. I lovelovelove his sweet lil' avatar-making a**, he's also a great person, not to mention hawt and sexay. ;]
Schultz . . .is a total 1o on the hawtness scale. He's got this like super amazing to die for style and is so fun and energetic to talk to. He'll awe you with his supah prowesssss. O :
Daft-BOT . . .is a total ladies man. And a 1o on the scale of sex appeal. ;] Plus, he makes great avatars. Definitely next in line for the AT throne. ily Dafty, you lil' playboy. Psh~ Go around seducing girls, eh? xP And he recently left Gaia. I hope you come back, I miss you tons~
slutfayse . . .will turn you ooonn. ;] And her name says it all. But dude, you gotta get to know this gal. We turned an innocent prom event [We were having fun making fun of happy couples] and we turned it into a major AT orgy. And into the hawtest thread in the AT. ;] Yeah, we're coo' like that. Also great at making avatars. This girl can make the sluttiest avatars you have ever seen. xP ily Slut. heart
Karasunaki . . .is one of my favorite biznitches ever. She's super helpful, super fun to be with, and we enjoy teasing Ronny together. <3 She's awesome at making avatars, and I luff her lots. heart She's always there at the right time, and she's got a sparkly personality and will rock my soul forevaaa.'
Ookami Ashi . . .is way coo'. He's my favorite rival [lol!] and he even made me cute artsies! He's a bright, sunshiney person to be around, and always makes me smileeee. And being the founder of GNTM, he's just plain awesome and fantastic. I love you too, and keep on rockin', biznatch.
Mazidox Is my anti-drug. We talk every single passing day, and I love her attitude, humor, and she's just great to talk to. This is the second person that can make me talk about my day in detail. [Besides Bagel, of course.] But really, this girl digs deep. ;3 She owns my bloods for reasons unknown to me. And her pink font makes me all happy inside. We've got our inside jokes and "lol" and "ily!" moments. Probably one of my best friends ever. She's always there, and full of pure win and amazing.
//Makin' them as I go, I'm adding more people later~ Leave a comment here if you would like to be on here. . .
Wintzi · Tue Mar 04, 2008 @ 12:30am · 22 Comments |