This is Lindsey. She is an elven heiress to the king and queens mighty kingdom. She is gifted in the arts of archery, swordsmanship, science, the land and her soon-to-be kingdom's histery, and all of the mind's skills and magic anyone could possibly imagine. She has mastered all of the earth's elements and all of the dark secrets of her world she knows. All magic that should remain hidden, all of the DARK magic that should remain hidden lies in her head. She knows every dark secret, every inch of the land, and everything anyone could possibly want or even know. She eventually became queen over her dead parent's kingdom beside a wonderful elven, but a man that hasn't always been elven, king. The wars between all of the other countries are always centered around her. All of the beings in the land crave the knowledge she and nobody else has. The only way someone could possibly get that information is to... well there is no way. When she dies, the information will go with her unless she decides to pass it on to her descendants, there is no other way. All evil in the lands constantly search for her. Eventually, her husband was killed in a fight to protect her. She murmured a spell and she vanished into the night. Now, no one knows where she is, or even if she is still alive. She was searched for for a fortnight, then they gave up. Only her most trusted allies knows where she lies. But when she did die, they buried her in the most sacred place, hidden by magic, spells, and enchantments so that no one could ever find her. She did leave clues though. If you search in the ancient library in Alexandria, Egypt, you will find ancient scrolls that dated back to her time. But, one scroll is missing. What would you say if I told you that I had that last clue to the key where she was buried and her ancient kingdom that dates before Christ?