..... OK you know what i hate the most about myself??? My size.. Being a " Curvie Cutie " As they call it is actualy a hard life... People who think they NEED to be SUPPER " Avrige Annie " ( wich is very small compered to use Curvie girls ) Think that we're TO big to be pritty >__< I hate that!! and some are just down right MEAN GIRLS!
scream I mean come on we're just PEOPLE like them just with curves, and some times big in size.. Like i'll be walking or riding meh bike and i'll see some either " Avrige Annies " or " Sticks " and sometimes both. and i'll smile at them ( Cause i'm not going to be rude to anyone onless u give me a very good reason too ) and the'll look at me and then huddle together for a sec and then wisper just a lil loud just so i can hear it and say " Fatie, Fat Girl, Big Boobs ( i hate that the most ), and some times stuff i cant say on Gaia.