hello im bored today. how come none of you stupid asses ever comment me are scared that i'll comment you and send you a request to be my new fiend well guess what i don't rly care what you think or say so thats why im posting this in my journal subcription today. Adam i just have to say i've been a better person since when you're scared a** ran away. Yeah that's right did you hear what i said or is that guitar solo playing to loud in your ******** head. You siad you loved me but that was a lie now i bet you ******** wish i would die. Don't even try. Is that why you said you loved me huh tryed to sound like a better person then you are huh?. Only the smartest s**t i could do was take the god damn bullets outta that gun. i woulda found ya and shot you in the head. ******** that. i just ******** wish you were dead.Oh and alex who are you dating now? i bet its a girl thats hotter than me huh? Did you even care about me? Even when i cried only Jalen stood by my side. i hope i get a message saying that you died. i bet none of this s**t im saying you ain't taking it serously then why don't you just come over here and ******** bury me.i have better friens than both of you, i hope you're crying now cause you know that s**t's true!damn right im mad, why'd you have to come ito my life and screw me up in the head.When you guys left i wonder if you even said goodbye, no wait i don't i just ******** wish you both would die. How come you told me you loved me and than left i bet you were hoping that i would hang myself to death.
Criss Angel Luver 101 Community Member |