The daffodils have been blooming for at least two weeks now. They had a setback, a single frostnight, and the weather's been less than springlike the past few days (unless you call it rainy and kinda chilly spring, in which case you'd be kind of right). They keep on blooming, however, even if things aren't quite going their way. Must be rather easy to be a daffodil - just one thing to fight for.
I've been rather energy-drained the last couple of days (just slept 2 hours in the middle of the day, for example), but it's nothing out of the ordinary. It is affecting my Gaia-presence, however. Or rather, my messed-up workload does that and feeling emotionally and physically drained every other day doesn't help. I knew it would be harsh to come back, so I'm not blaming anyone. Just explaining why I'm not spending so much time in your thread ... the coming 2½ months sweatdrop
Johnna Community Member |
Community Member
I have been energy drained too... because of all the early wakings and long trips. XD I mean, I can fake energy like there is no tomorrow... but on the inside, I feel tired. XD
Thanks for your comment in my journal! O: <333