Volume 1:
Medical Terms
Achromyan – a type of antibiotic.
Acrophobia – an extreme fear of heights.
Aglutition – a condition whereby someone is unable to swallow.
Agorophobia – an extreme and unusual fear of open places.
Algorophobia – the extreme and abnormal fear of pain.
Alienation – a mental disorder or a form of insanity.
Ambidextrous – equally proficient with each hand.
Amorphous – having no definite shape or form.
Anadipsia – extreme or abnormally intense thirst.
Anakusis – condition of total deafness.
Analygesia – not feeling or incapable of feeling pain.
Anaphia – a complete or partial lack of the sense of touch.
Anemeophobia – abnormally extreme fear of winds.
Androphobia – an extremely abnormal fear of men.
Anility – behaving like or having characteristics of an old woman.
Anisomastia – unevenly formed breasts.
Anoia – lunacy or idiocy.
Ante-Partum – before the delivery of the new born.
Anthrax – a skin or lung disease transmitted from animals to man.
Anticholingeric – medicine used to help cure gonorrhea.
Antilemic – a drug or medication which is used in counteracting plague and other diseases which manifest plague like symptoms.
Aorta – the largest and main artery leaving the heart, carrying the oxygenated blood to the body.
Apanthropy – a total and complete dislike of human society, including it’s inhabitants and it’s culture.
Aphephobia – a nervous condition which results in an unusual fear of being touched.
Apothecary – the common term for a druggist or a pharmacist.
Arachnophobia – an extreme or unusual fear of spiders.
Arachnidism – a sickness resulting from a spider bite.
Archiform – referring to anything that is arch or bow-shaped.
Areola – a ring of color (usually darkened) around a particular point, e.g., the n****e
Arrhenic – anything pertaining to arsenic; generally referring to something poisonous.
Arsenic – a name for an entire range of poisonous chemical elements.
Arthralgia – common term for any pain or discomfort in a joint.
Ascaris – infestation and growth of an internal parasite.
Asthama – condition of lungs characterized by decrease in diameter of some air passages, resulting in impaired breathing.
Autopsy – the complete examination of a body after death to discover the cause of death.
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