Ookami ran to the lights. He finally had arrived to a small little town. It was kinda wierd that a civilized, developed town was in the middle of nowhere. Ookami had not time to think now. He needed water. People noticed the hurt, hungry boy passing, by. Who couldnt? They whispered about the blue smoke, ththey thought he made it. One lady finally came to offer. She was a butcher, and a commited one to. Her house had even been turned into her butcher shop.
"Thank you, so very much. This is the best camel I have tasted for a while!"
"Your welcome. Now lets indroduce our selves. I am Hikari"

"Ookami's the name"
That night the wind blew hard. A loud, yet short shout did not compare to the wind on windows. So when Ookami dissappeared, everybody just thought he just...left!The next day, many people came to the butchers shop. She had some new meat.
Wolf Meat