Lalalala, lalalala, beggar worldddd~
There's a few things I don't understand about this PM-
1. Why did he ask again for me to donate after I made a sarcastic comment, completely disregarding his question?
2. Did he honestly think I would give him a G Blade that's worth 90k for 20k?
3. What the bloody hell does how much I have had donated to me have to do with the fact that he assumes I'll donate to him?
4. What is with the random posting of the dream avatar at the end?
Oh, the mysteries of noobishness.
*Cringes at T3H G4NG574 1337 SP33K* ._.
And I'm sooo not giving her gold for sooo trying to make me feel bad for her.
Scaring beggars: it's what I do.
Oh yeah, because the fact that I'm wearing something means I don't want it. Why didn't I realize that before? I'm such a silly goose!
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