I have bit gloomier subject today but I need to say it. Otherwise I'll be thinking about it over and over again the whole day.
I was watching a document last night that was about the lies and deception that involved American warfare. I know that the US is not the only country that does this kind of actions, but we have to admit that it makes the most visible damage.
In the document they went through the history and how the president's have made some facts bigger or bluntly lied about certain facts so they could start a war. Bush's "facts" about the mass destruction weapons in Iraq wasn't the only lie that have been told by the president to their nation. There seems to be a certain pattern on how wars get started and ended in the US.
The document also criticized the press and how they took everything they heard as a fact even though some major European magazines doubted the facts. But I think every country has a blind spot about their own country. There are certain things we aren't able to objectively look since it's too close to our own homes.
When the document went forward there were lots of new information and lots of thing that I already knew. What was shocking were the figures of how much the collateral damage has risen since the WW2. They allegded in the document that 90% of the Iraq casualties were civilians. I'm refering it as allegded since we cannot know for certain the exact amount though I think it's pretty close to the truth. Knowing this I listend to Rumsfelt talking how their smart bombs only hit the target that were intended and the document showed an Iraqin block house that was bombarded down and I felt sick. When they dug up small children out of the ruins I felt a heavy blow in my heart.
That moment made me think again that is this really the kind of world where I want to bring my childern to alive? Is this the kind of world I want them to see?
I know that there is still lots of good in this world and some people are trying, but there are times that I think is it really worth it to fight against the wind mills. Are we humans worth saving?
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