ways to annoy,torture,and genraly scare inuyasha characters
Chapter 1 - Jaken Time
Slowly inch in behind him, and shadow his ever movement for as long as possible without him noticing.
When he finally notices, scream out ‘p***s!’ on the top of your lungs.
Steal, snap, then bury the staff of two heads.
Tell him Rin did it.
Feed him to Ah-Un.
Flirt with him. (Works best if you’re male - Works even better when you mean it.)
Pants him.
Force him to go up to Sesshomaru, and sing “Shut Up And Sleep With Me” while stripping.
Laugh hysterically when he actually does.
Chapter 2 - Fluffy-sama
Shave his tail. Poodle style.
Remind him about every time he failed to beat his half-brother.
Steal his makeup and teddy bear. This always makes him cry.
Every 10 seconds repeat how wicked Inuyasha is.
Every 10 seconds repeat how wicked he is.
Tell him Jaken has a crush on him
Ride a bike or a scooter in front of him screaming “WOO! LOOK AT ME! TWO HANDS!”
Shave his head.
String prayer beads around HIS neck and tell HIM to sit.
Ask him why he keeps Rin around if he thinks all humans are worthless.
Tease him about acting like a father to Rin.
Die his clothes pink, if he catches you; stare at him without blinking for as long as you possibly can then start laughing hysterically.
Every time he says “I, Sesshomaru” slap him. Hard. Make sure he squeals like a girl.
Stare at him for about an hour, blinking only when nesscary, then at a verry inopportune time (i.e. fighting with Inuyasha) if he is a boy or a girl ar just a cross dresser.
Chapter 3 - Naraku's Turn
Get him drunk.
Glomp him at random times.
Steal his baboon cloak and walk around the castle with it on, ordering around his incarnations.
Tell him Kanna has a crush on him.
Write him a theme song. At the beginning of his every battle begin to sing it.
Paint his room neon pink
Ask him where he buys him make up
In the middle of a fight with the inu-group creep up behind him, then jump in front of him, throwing glitter in his face and scream at the top of your lungs “GLITTER!!!!”
Get `Im Too Sexy' stuck in his head
Play knock-and-run on his bedroom door
Glue gun him to a tree (don't ask)
Run him over with a school bus
Kick him in the nuts
1. Steal his ramen and chips.
2. Kiss him.
3. Then slam him and insist he came on to you.
4. Tell Kagome and Kikyo that he kissed you.
5. Laugh hysterically as he gets beat up by two girls.
6. Teach Shippo the song that never ends.
7. Make him baby-sit Shippo and Rin.
8. Tell him that Naraku has a crush on him and that's why he keeps coming back.
9. Steal Tetsusaga.
10. Get “Its Raining Men” stuck in his head.
11. Force him to watch blu-blaa (very scary kids show and I still haven't figured out what the creepy little things are *twitch*)
12. Stare at him with a dreamy expression all day and then tell him that he is a wicked kisser.
13. Laugh as he turns interesting shades of red and purple.
14. When he is asleep or almost asleep tweak his ears in front of the whole group. Laugh at his reaction and insist that he was purring.
Maiming Miroku
1. Introduce him to Playboy. Then tell Sango.
2. Tell Inuyasha he was looking at his a**.
3. Get him drunk, then convince him to dance the funky chicken.
4. Teach him the Macarena Dance and insist that it would make him a chick magnet.
5. Convince him to tell Kagome that he wis a porn star - Laugh hysterically when he does.
6. Get cought trying on his robes.
7. Tell Shippo that turning into Kaede and hitting on Miroku would make a great prank.
8. Get him to play spin the bottle with Inuyasha and Sesshomaru
9. Get the song “I’m Not Wearing Underwear Today” stuck in his head.
10. Tell him that Naraku want’s his baby.
Chapter 6 - Sorry Sango...
Sneak up behind her, then jump up screaming: “Stop! Hammer Time!”
Dress up in Naraku’s Baboon cloak, and pretend to be Rafiki.
Smack her on the head with a stick. Repeatedly.
Remark loudly how Miroku would make the perfect Male Model for PlayGirl
Follow her around for a few days, and when she strikes a pose while throwing her boomerang, thrust your pelvis out screaming “WORK IT!”
Tell her that Miroku really likes men, and that that was the reason he kept hitting on every women in site - to hide his true sexual preference.
When she flips out, call her Homophobicus. (My friends and I did this to our friend! Priceless!)
Teach her “The Ding Dong Song” By Gunther, and Tell her to sing it to Miroku
If she refuses, Get it stuck in her head
Teach her the Hammer Dance
Stare at her, then at random moments, giggle like a little girl. Repeat every five minutes.
Chapter 7 - Killing Kikyo
Get Inuyasha to ask her if her ‘woman bits’ are made of clay too.
Teach her the Cha-Cha-Slide
Walk around behind her, spraying eveything she comes in contact with with disinfectant spray.
Give her a wedgie.
Invite her to go streaking with you.
Call her 'Champ' or 'Tiger.' Refer to yourself as 'Coach.'
Do so in front of Inuyasha.
Get her outrageously drunk
Make sure she wakes up naked in Jaken’s arms.
Choreograph an artistic dance interpretation of her life, death, and clay-rebirth. Make her watch it.
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Yes this does have some of my older work in it, but it is mostly facts and history.