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time out
Time out
Chapter 1: Packing up
In September, Brian started to put his in his suit case. After all, he was going to live in school, Hodges Academy, and learn there until the end of senior year. He just needed his fall and spring and summer clothes. He even packed a jacket, gloves, a scarf and a hat, just in case it snows before he would go home for winter vacation. He knew that his mother and grandmother would want him out of the house as soon as possible, or maybe sooner. That is why the day before Brian went on the bus to his new school; his mother was fussing about putting all his required clothes and supplies for whatever he needs, in his bags. They didn’t want him to have forgotten something, and then return to the house to get it.
Brian had just gotten out of middle school and was expecting a long four years at high school. He wasn’t too thrilled when he heard that he would have to go to an academy for his school, but once he knew that it was a boarding school, well he literally jumped out of his skin!
“Honey, hand me your pj’s please!”
“MOM, LET ME PACK MY OWN THINGS!! And I’m not giving you the ones with duckies.”
“That’s exactly the ones you’ll give me! I packed your whole suit case mister. The only thing you did was empty the bag”
“And you don’t call that difficult?”
“Hey, it’s the least that you can do!”
“Fine, but you’re only wasting your time and energy with that!”
“Brian Allan Titers, you WILL wear it there. Do you not understand that you are going to one of the best schools in the area?”
“I know that, but people are going to tease me for this! But, never mind, I’ll take it.” So he did, and prepared the clothes that he was going to wear the next day. He got out his baggy jeans, a white shirt, a long sleeved shirt, and a short sleeve. The last thing he needed to do was organize his book bag. He put in fifteen notebooks. They were for biology, chemistry, physics, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, english, history, and a foreign language. The other five were extras. He also put in folders, pens, pencils, erasers, and every other supply that a student needs. After Brian finished packing, his book bag weighed about ten pounds.
The following morning, he walked to the bus stop and waited for the blue 19091 bus. The bus was specifically the school bus. The school was actually that rich to get a real bus, not those yellow school buses that pick up elementary school kids, but the ones that transport people across the city, or town, but this one only transported kids or parents to the school. He was so lucky to go to this school, but it looked like no big deal. Once the bus arrived, he got on and saw how many people were already on. The ride was going to be a long one.

Chapter 2: Getting to know the school.
There were a lot of people, maybe too much for just one bus, that Brian didn’t know. Actually, it was all of them that Brian didn’t know. Brian gave the bus driver his ticket and took a seat. He looked around and saw such brilliant colors. The wallpaper was some kind of rich yellow with tiny white ribbons you could barely see. The curtains were just the right shade of red to match the wallpaper. On the window, there was a kind of expensive-looking glass with a tint of blue lining. Then, something landed on Brian’s head. There was someone saying, “Yo, could you pass that back here?!” Brian took the object off his head and saw that it was a pencil. He looked around, but no one was showing any sign that they needed their pencil back. Then came the voice again, “Hey, up here!” Brian looked up, and there it was.
The bus fit so much more people on top. But there was more than one layer on top of him. There was about 5-6 levels. He was wondering, why hadn’t I noticed this outside? Then he saw the chandelier that looked like the one on the Knight Bus in the Harry Potter movies. You’ve seen those movies right? I’m sure you either don’t remember or didn’t really care about it. For those of you that do, well, you know how beautiful and aspiring that wonderful piece of artwork is. The chandelier on the schools bus was not as big as the one on the Knight Bus, but it was as glorious as that one.
Brian threw the pencil up, and started to get a book out of his bag. He started to read the first page when a girl came and sat right next to him. “Hi! I’m Katherine, but you can call me Kathy. What’s your name?” From the bubbly greeting, he blushed. He had never had a girlfriend before, or rather a girl, as a friend. He looked at her. She had light brown hair that was up in a pony tail. Even though her eyes were brown, they sparkled in the light. She wore a simple shirt that said THE BOYZ LUV ME, which he couldn’t disagree with. Already, you can guess that he was in he was in love.
“Oh, I’m Brian, I think.”
“Well hi Brian! Are you new at this school?”
“So am I! That’s why I have to know everybody as soon as possible. I mean, you wouldn’t want to get lost in the huge castle would you?
“No, I guess not.”
“Yeah, me neither. Ok, well I’ll see you around!”
So she left, finally, and left Brian thinking. What if I do get lost in the castle? I need someone. Maybe someone who is more familiar with the school, perhaps a second or third year student. He learned that the seniors there were really mean towards freshman. Only some senior girls were nice enough to make friends with them. The rest just treat them like dirt. His first option was one of the third years, since second years may not know the whole entire school unless they have been to every one of them. He spent some time thinking about this nonsense then saw a boy that was looking at him.
Once Brian looked up, the boy looked down at a book. Brian ignored this for a while(The boy was doing this constantly) but after about the 14th time, Brian got up and sat right next to the guy, since there wasn’t much people around him. This boy had blondish hair and blue eyes. He looked like he was every girl’s prince charming and he did have some girls looking at him. There actually was nothing wrong about him, but he was shy. That was why he looked down at his book, hoping that no one would like him. He was very used to people liking him but never wanted to get involved in anything.
“Excuse me, but who are you?” The boy didn’t reply but just stared blankly at his book. He looked up at Brian, examined him, and said, “I’m Eric Scepter, and who might you be?”
“I’m Brian Titer, nice to meet you.”
“Yeah, it’s a real pleasure” Eric said sarcastically
“Yeah, you see, I just want to ask, why were you looking at me before?”
“Oh nothing, it’s just that you were sitting next to my brother Kevin.”
“Oh really, how long has he been in this school?”
“Four years. He’s a senior now, and he’ll be graduating in June.”
“Really? I heard that all seniors are vicious towards freshmen. Is your brother like that?”
“Yup, you heard right. Are you a freshman?”
“Yeah, my mom made me come here. What about you?”
“Oh, I’m a freshman too. My mom said to let my brother show me around the school. I bet he’ll show me the way to a mountain lion’s cave.” They both laughed at this remark. Then at the next stop, a dozen more kids came in. One of them was a girl who had some kind of reddish with brownish hair. She was carrying a whole bunch of textbooks and didn't blend in with the rest of the group. She took a seat next to Brian. Of course you would think that she became friends with Eric and Brian. Well, good try, but she didn't even talk to them. Actually she was waiting for a whole bunch of kids on the next stop. There she met with the rest of her "gang". Then they took a seat in the next level. Why am I even talking about her if she doesn’t even talk to Eric of Brian, right?
As the bus went further out of the town, more and more kids filled the bus. Well, that’s obvious, but you will not believe (although you have you have to) that there was about 500 students were on that bus. You are probably doubtful right now, so was I, but my eyes don’t lie, or do they? Well, it lied once, when I thought the door was on my side but it was actually behind me. Then I bumped into the wall and got a headache. Well, my eyes weren’t lying this time. There really were 500 kids on that bus, and I’m not even counting the ticket man and the bus driver. Just so you know this is not the only bus that is taking the kids to Hodges Academy. There are about 4 other buses that have about the same amount of students as the one that Brian is riding.
When the bus made its final stop, most kids were asleep since it was almost 8 o’clock. They actually arrived at 8:21. Firstly, everyone on all five buses got off, unpacked their needed stuff, and then was escorted in groups by teachers into the castle. The castle was huge. It looked like five mansions put together with a little space in between them. So once all the children were in, they reported to where everyone meets, which is the auditorium. It is the second largest room in the castle; the dining room is the largest and grandest. When they entered the auditorium, they saw that there were four sections of seats. The three sections closest to the stage were for the freshmen; second three was for sophomore students, third three was third year and fourth three was the seniors. There were eight teachers standing on the stage; two teachers for each of the grades. Then each teacher would have the boys or the girls. So, basically, there were eight groups. The freshman girl, the freshman boys, the sophomore girls, the sophomore boys, the third year girls, the third year boys, the senior girls and the senior boys.
They were in the order that. They go by the following names: Ms. Knowles, then Mr. Collins, Mrs. Johns, Mr. Ames, Mrs. Gonzales, Mr. Kenny, Ms. Meeker, and Mr. Shasta. The teachers stood on the left side of the stage. The principle, Mr. Hodges, stood in the middle and was holding the microphone. “Good evening students. This is going to be an exciting new year, but most of you are tired right now. Well, that’s fine. For those of you that don’t know, my name is Mr. Hodges. Standing next to me is Mrs. Lemur, the vice principle of our school. We will be handing out schedules, maps, school supplies for those of you who didn’t bring your own, and there will be a shop at the front hall for clothes you need. Also, for the freshmen, I warn you not to go near the great whole in our garden. The heavy rain falls have been making those things on the grounds. If you fall in there, well, I don’t know what to tell you. If you are lucky, someone might be in the garden and get you out. Otherwise, you’re stranded. Right now it is 8:35. If you want to get a snack, please follow Mrs. Lemur. If you wish to go to sleep now, follow these eight lovely ladies to your rooms.”
The ladies were seniors, and yes, they were the nice ones. Brian and Eric decided that they wanted to go get a snack, so they followed the vice principle to the dinning room. They sat at the tables that said freshmen in front. The cooks provided the kids with choices of apples, candy bars, bananas, pretzels, popcorn, and cookies with juice. Both of the boys took cookies and a juice box, and finished their snack in a flash. They waited for other to finish up, and then the teachers led them up the stairs.
As you can tell, Mr. Collins is the teacher that Brian and Eric followed. They went up exit 14 four flights. Then they turned left at the top of the stairs. Then turned left again at a corner and then right to their rooms. In front of the door, there was a screen that had the word password on it. The teacher said “Masher” and the door flung open and the teacher went in. The students followed as they looked around the room in amazement. When it was Brian’s and Eric’s turn to go in, they saw how breath taking it was. It was a light-deep shade of blue. There were ten staircases. Each one of them had a letter on it marked A-J. Mr. Collins turned around and made his speech. “Alright everybody, listen up! I am Mr. Collins and I’ll be one of your math or science teachers for the rest of the year. Ok, I’ll give each of you your schedules and a map. In there, you’ll find room assignments and your bed number.” So he gave out pamphlets to everyone by calling out name. When he reached Brian, he said “Brian Titer? Titer? Ok, who wrote that in?” Brian raised his hand and said “Um, that’s really my last name.” “Oh, my apologies, well here you go.” He and Eric compared each others pamphlets. They were both in room I. Brian was bed #49 and Eric was #48, so they would be right next to each other. Then Mr. Collins said, “Each room will have six boys. There are ten rooms and the bathrooms are next to room A.” The bathroom was the first room on the left side. Then rooms A and B were next to it. Then on the wall straight forward, was rooms C-G. On the right wall were rooms H-J, so that was where the two would go. They went upstairs, which Eric counted to be 19 steps. They reached their room which already had one person sleeping. There were three others boys that came upstairs later. They were Eddie Toners, Jonathan Tunes, and Steven Umbrae. They seemed to all be friendly and sane. Well, they surprisingly were.
Later, they went to the bathroom. Since there were two bathrooms, the boys would take less time to get things done. Why? You might ask, well one of the bathrooms had the sinks and the toilets, and the other one had the showers. There were 15 showers, 20 sinks, and 30 toilets. I know what you are thinking: WHAT? Well, yeah believe it or not, but this was actually one of the smaller bathrooms. So when they finished, it was exactly 9:00. The next morning, the children had the day off so that the freshmen could try to figure out which classes they had and when. For the children that already knew the castle, somehow, could rest or explore the place a little, since there were even some rooms that the principle didn’t know of. So that was what Brian and Eric did. Their classes were pretty much the same.
Later, in the afternoon, they went to lunch. Everybody was expected to know where the auditorium and dining room was by noon. The rest may have taken more time. Everyone reported to dining room in the afternoon so that the teachers could talk to them. Mr. Collins and Ms. Knowles gathered their groups of children and went to the gym, which was the entire basement. But the basement wasn’t like gray, dark, cold, and dirty. It was like a real gym with fitness equipment, and a basketball court, with baseball, football and kickball fields. Ms. Knowles spoke first, “As you children might already know, I’m Ms. Knowles, and this is Mr. Collins. I’ll be one of your history teachers for the rest of the year. Ok, let me first explain the school. This is the basement. It is where you will have gym. Upstairs, on the first floor, is the auditorium, the dining room, cafeteria, kitchen and the main hall. The on the second floor is where all the offices are. Principle, vice, treasurer, secretary, and so on. The third floor is where freshmen have their classes. The fourth floor is the sophomore, fifth is juniors, and fourth is seniors. Then the fifth floor is for all the freshmen and sophomores to sleep, and the sixth floor is for 3rd years and seniors, but you don’t need to know that for now. Ok, so I will give each of you a sheet of paper that shows which class is which. You’ll need this, trust me.”
If I was in the school, I would get lost automatically. So, after this, the students went off again. Brian and Eric went to their rooms (using their map) and found that all the other students sharing a room with them were there too. So they talked for half an hour then went to explore the castle as a group. Before I tell any adventures that they had, here is a little information about the roommates. The one that was sleeping was George Sanders. He has light brown hair and is pretty tall, had dark brown eyes. Eddie was some kind of trouble-maker. But, still he was ok-looking. He had dirty blonde hair, and dark green eyes, and he was at the normal height for a freshman in high school. Steven was very smart. His schedule is filled with chemistry, honors history, advanced placement trigonometry, and all of the other intellectual topics. Also, he has orange hair, brown eyes, and is as tall as Eddie. Then there is Jonathan and even though he was a freshman, he knew the castle very well. How? You might ask, well, his father is one of the workers in the castle. He doesn’t like to admit that his father is the janitor, but, he is paid a good price. So sometimes, Jonathan, otherwise known as Johnny, goes to work with him when he doesn’t have school. He searches and gets to explore the castle. He has done this ever since he started first grade, so he knew the castle pretty well. Almost like a second home. Jonathan has black spiky hair, brown eyes, and is tall.
First, Jonathan showed them to the third floor, how you get there from the dorms, dining room, and auditorium. Then he showed specifically which class was which. It took until 7pm to finish their “tour”. Then since they were sure they knew the classes well enough, they went to the dining room for dinner. That night, they had chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, turkey, fruits, salad, and a choice of soup or soda. Sound good doesn’t it? Well, it was, and if you were there, you would be bloated in the blink of eye. All that food was so good to them, that they just had to have seconds, thirds and even fourths. Then by the end of the day, they went right off to bed and slept like a bear during hibernation.


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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Mar 29, 2008 @ 06:47pm
i shall try to finish writing this thing! and another yaoi story which i won't post on gaia because SOME people don't like boyXboy... emo and some people don't like two cutee people from a singing group together... so i will not post it... it's really ameture anyways...

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