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View User's Journal

what will she write next
A small test
What if:
1 I committed suicide:
2 I said I liked you:
3 I kissed you:
4 I lived next door to you:
5 I started smoking:
6 I stole something:
7 I was hospitalized:
8 I ran away from home:
9 I got into a fight and you weren't there:

1 Who are you?
2 Are we friends?
3 When and how did we meet?
4 How have I affected you?
5 What do you think of me?
6 What's the fondest memory you have of me?
7 How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?
8 Do you love me?
9 Have I ever hurt you?
10 Would you hug me?
11 Would you kiss me?
12 Would you f**k me?
13 Would you marry me?
14 Emotionally, what stands out?
15 Do you wish I was cooler?
16 On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?
17 Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
18 Am I loveable?
19 How long have you known me?
20 Describe me in one word.
21 What was your first impression?
22 Do you still think that way about me now?
23 What do you think my weakness is?
24 Do you think I'll get married?
25 What about me makes you happy?
26 What about me makes you sad?
27 What reminds you of me?
28 What's something you would change about me?
29 How well do you know me?
30 Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
31 Do you think I would kill someone?
32 Are we close?
33 Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Mar 28, 2008 @ 03:38am
What if:
1 I committed suicide:// Wow...that would suck
2 I said I liked you:// well...i wont answer that yet.
3 I kissed you: // hm...
4 I lived next door to you: //AWESOMENESS
5 I started smoking: ///Id make ya stop
6 I stole something: // ask how much it was worth
7 I was hospitalized: // I'd prbly visit like...alot.
8 I ran away from home: // Offer you a home?
9 I got into a fight and you weren't there: // KEEL the person that fought you

1 Who are you?// Dominic, DomDom, soo many names...
2 Are we friends?// I hope so
3 When and how did we meet? //some time in elementary school...
4 How have I affected you?//You became my friend
5 What do you think of me?// awesomeness?
6 What's the fondest memory you have of me? //meeting you again
7 How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? // i dunno...a while
8 Do you love me? // no
9 Have I ever hurt you? // I dunt think so O.o...
10 Would you hug me? // SHURE
11 Would you kiss me? // Not likely
12 Would you f**k me? // *no answer*
13 Would you marry me? // hmm...not likely
14 Emotionally, what stands out? // I dunno...
15 Do you wish I was cooler? naw, your cool already.
16 On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?// errmmm...10, i guess
17 Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. //Marina, cuz i suck at nicknames
18 Am I loveable? // shure, why not
19 How long have you known me? // O.o... I...dunt...know
20 Describe me in one word. // NINJA
21 What was your first impression? // WOW SHE REMINDS ME OF SOMEONE
22 Do you still think that way about me now?// *shrug*
23 What do you think my weakness is? // your flinchy...ness...
24 Do you think I'll get married?// i dunno...
25 What about me makes you happy? // I dunt know, bein your friend?
26 What about me makes you sad? // nothin
27 What reminds you of me? // a certain person
28 What's something you would change about me? // erm...i dunt know
29 How well do you know me? // kinda not well
30 Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? // um yah
31 Do you think I would kill someone? // xD prbly
32 Are we close? // not yet.
33 Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?// all ready done


commentCommented on: Sun Mar 30, 2008 @ 02:18am
A small test
What if:
1 I committed suicide: well, if you did before you were 30, i'd be sad...
2 I said I liked you: okay...
3 I kissed you: big woop
4 I lived next door to you: OH I WISH!
5 I started smoking: join the club
6 I stole something: i don't see the problem, (as long as it isn' candy from a baby)
7 I was hospitalized: visit everyday
8 I ran away from home: go with you!
9 I got into a fight and you weren't there: you did, and i wish i was there so i coulda got a swing in too.

1 Who are you? Amaya
2 Are we friends? duh
3 When and how did we meet? about a year ago, over da phone
4 How have I affected you? you made me more unstable
5 What do you think of me? your weird
6 What's the fondest memory you have of me? should i REALLLY say?
7 How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? forever, duh
8 Do you love me? in a sisterly way
9 Have I ever hurt you? no, well, smacked, but i smacked you first so i deserved it
10 Would you hug me? yes
11 Would you kiss me? yes
12 Would you f**k me? hmmmm....
13 Would you marry me? no... (well....)
14 Emotionally, what stands out? your crazy
15 Do you wish I was cooler? nope, you're better than those cool people
16 On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 2.4, and it's only for animals
17 Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. mouse, your short and love cheese
18 Am I loveable? of course! (hugs)
19 How long have you known me? 'bout a year
20 Describe me in one word. different
21 What was your first impression? awesome!
22 Do you still think that way about me now? yeah
23 What do you think my weakness is? bees, rejection,
24 Do you think I'll get married? nope
25 What about me makes you happy? um, you're always there, like a fly
26 What about me makes you sad? um, we live in different cities?
27 What reminds you of me? Yuri!
28 What's something you would change about me? nothing, well your hair
29 How well do you know me? pretty well i guess
30 Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? nope, what you don't know i didn't want to tell you
31 Do you think I would kill someone? oh course!
32 Are we close? pretty damn close
33 Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? SURE!

Community Member
ying-yang ninja
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri May 02, 2008 @ 11:52pm
What if:
1 I committed suicide://i'd put flowers on your grave
2 I said I liked you://intresting.....
3 I kissed you://that was a mistake right???????????????
4 I lived next door to you://go over every day (my 2nd home)
5 I started smoking: what the ******** wrong with you i dont want you to die of cancer!
6 I stole something: I WANT
7 I was hospitalized: go visit and bring....YAOI
8 I ran away from home: come on over
9 I got into a fight and you weren't there: bring out the guns"who did it"

1 Who are you? BOB aka D...M
2 Are we friends? yes
3 When and how did we meet? .... no remember
4 How have I affected you? good friends i hug ppl more
5 What do you think of me? nice fun
6 What's the fondest memory you have of me? taking to the consert
7 How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? 4ever
8 Do you love me? of coarse friend :}
9 Have I ever hurt you? yes physically
10 Would you hug me? yes
11 Would you kiss me? no....
12 Would you f**k me? of coarse not
13 Would you marry me? noooooooooooooooooooo
14 Emotionally, what stands out? hyper
15 Do you wish I was cooler? NOOOOOOOOO
16 On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 9
17 Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. yingyang because u like it smile
18 Am I loveable? ya
19 How long have you known me? 2yrs
20 Describe me in one word.//huggable
21 What was your first impression? who's dat
22 Do you still think that way about me now? no cause i know u now
23 What do you think my weakness is? u get hurt every day,laughs a little 2 much
24 Do you think I'll get married? maybe
25 What about me makes you happy? laughs a lot
26 What about me makes you sad? when ur not happy
27 What reminds you of me? light
28 What's something you would change about me? your eyes, no glasses
29 How well do you know me? close very close
30 Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? ya
31 Do you think I would kill someone? yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smile
32 Are we close? yep
33 Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?perhaps if i remember......................................... sweatdrop

commentCommented on: Sun May 25, 2008 @ 04:00am
A small test
What if:
1 I committed suicide: i will die my self
2 I said I liked you: hell yea lets go
3 I kissed you: boing ( pop up)
4 I lived next door to you: see u tonight
5 I started smoking: no
6 I stole something: mine
7 I was hospitalized: i wold never leve your side
8 I ran away from home: take me with u
9 I got into a fight and you weren't there: i wold kill my self for leveing your side
cuse i made a promise
1 Who are you? I am Brian, the Emo pimp
2 Are we friends? Yes hell yes
3 When and how did we meet? about two months ago, amaya introduced us
4 How have I affected you? a lot
5 What do you think of me? you're a a selfish b***h who gets pregnant at 14 and then runs away to get an abortion
6 What's the fondest memory you have of me? your a** (amaya claims she owns ur a**)
7 How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? forever ever
8 Do you love me? until i die (Amaya: how ******** corny XD)
9 Have I ever hurt you? nope
10 Would you hug me? yes
11 Would you kiss me? hell yes
12 Would you f**k me? ******** yes
13 Would you marry me? holy s**t yes
14 Emotionally, what stands out? LEBS (little emo boy syndrom)
15 Do you wish I was cooler? no ur cool enough
16 On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 100000000000000
17 Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. mouse-face, just cause u look it and u like cheese biggrin
18 Am I loveable? hell yeah
19 How long have you known me? all my life XD , nope three months at most
20 Describe me in one word. hott
21 What was your first impression? holy s**t balls
22 Do you still think that way about me now? holy s**t balls the second
23 What do you think my weakness is? BJ's
24 Do you think I'll get married? yes with me
25 What about me makes you happy? u
26 What about me makes you sad? that u live so far away
27 What reminds you of me? my hands
28 What's something you would change about me? nothing
29 How well do you know me? not enough
30 Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? yes
31 Do you think I would kill someone? yes
32 Are we close? yes-ish
33 Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? sure

c7 lover 789789
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Jun 05, 2008 @ 05:32am
What if:
1 I committed suicide: that would be very depressing...very...
2 I said I liked you: "thank you?"
3 I kissed you: ...stare at you, then just like, leave
4 I lived next door to you: AWESOME
5 I started smoking: I'd make ya stop
6 I stole something: Psh
7 I was hospitalized: I'd visit as much as i could
8 I ran away from home: Need a place to stay?
9 I got into a fight and you weren't there: Gimmie the name, I'll kick their a**.

1 Who are you? DOMDOM
2 Are we friends? I'd say so
3 When and how did we meet? xD elementary technically
4 How have I affected you? >> I get a buttload of text msgs
5 What do you think of me? pretty damn awesome
6 What's the fondest memory you have of me? When you failed miserably at the Wii
7 How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? forever maybe
8 Do you love me? sure, as another sister.
9 Have I ever hurt you? Not really
10 Would you hug me? sure
11 Would you kiss me? not likely
12 Would you f**k me? nah...
13 Would you marry me? sorry, no
14 Emotionally, what stands out? purkyness?
15 Do you wish I was cooler? is it possible?
16 On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 8.5
17 Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. hm...ninja.
18 Am I loveable? Shure
19 How long have you known me? Not too long...
20 Describe me in one word. Perv? Awesome? one of those
21 What was your first impression? O.o "dont I know her?"
22 Do you still think that way about me now? uh, no?
23 What do you think my weakness is? Bugs, hand eye coordination, Wii
24 Do you think I'll get married? not likely
25 What about me makes you happy? excited randomness.
26 What about me makes you sad? I dunno.
27 What reminds you of me? Short things.
28 What's something you would change about me? I dunt know,
29 How well do you know me? pretty well?
30 Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? mhmm
31 Do you think I would kill someone? yeaap, I would help
32 Are we close? I'd say so
33 Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?

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