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Je peux mourir demain,
Ca n'change rien
Why does everyone think I'm Emo? I mean, jsut because I draw little red crosses all over my hands, have black nails and accesories, multiple necklaces, double-peircings, listen to emo/punk music, am an atheist and a pessimist, doesn't mean I'm Emo!
Plus, some people seem to have the deluded idea that I may be insecure! They don't even know what insecure means, they told me. I'm talking to Aleks and Kailan, here. Definition: 1. subject to fears, doubts, etc.; not self-confident or assured: an insecure person.
2. not confident or certain; uneasy; anxious: He was insecure about the examination.

When our health teacher said in class today that hearts can't actally explode, all I said was "Yes they can" and Aleks fixes my with a beedy satre, trying to look deep into my soul, and said "You have a morbid, depressed and insecure mind, Jacqui"
Like, What the Hell?
Wake up

Music: Misery- Good Charlotte
Mood: Annoyed and ranting

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